1922 OCT 10 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. October 10, 1922. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock ? . on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of saic,City by .illiam C. Bryson, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. TP.UST=S = RESEiTT: Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. TRUS72l S ABSENT : None. I'EADING 0111 THE MINUTES OF PREVIGUS P:: + TING . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 3rd day of October, 1922 were read without error or omission being noted and were approved as read upon motion of Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, which was carried unanimously. '.,RITTEI, CO1: E NI CATI ONS . The following communications viere read and disposed of as indicated: PAULINE SCHOLZ, requesting that attention be given to a tree protruding over the sideralk in front of her property on Concord Street, which she stated might endanger pedestrians during stormy weather. Hoved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the matter be referred to the Street Superintendent with _power to act. Carried. JOHN I!cSV=HTY, requesting that the Street Department be per- mitted to construct a rock and oil improver:ient in the yard in rear of his - ;)remises at No. 125 -129 Richmond Street, E1 Segundo, Cal. droved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the Street Supe=- intendent be and he is hereby authorized to construct a rock and oil improvement on the property of John L:cSweeny in the rear of the premises situated No. 125 -129 Richmond Street, Ei1 Segundo, upon a basis of cost plus 10'%. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. City Attorneys' Association of Southern California, calling attention to Propositions Nos. 10, 11 and 30, to be voted upon at the General Election to be held November 7th, 1922, the purport of these propositions being detrimental to municipalities and munici- pally ovined public utilities, and urging the adoption of a resolution o:OposinS t'_ze passage of these measures. Loved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following resolution be adopted: "=1REAS, there will be presented to the voters of the State of California on November 7th, 1922, three pro- posed Constitutional Amendments, to -writ: Propositions Nos. 10, 11 and 30 on the ballot, as follows: Propos'_tion Ito. 10, designed to place a tar upon all property owned by municipalities and used in connection with public utilities operated by such municipalities. Proposition No. 11, which proposes to tare .way from cities the power to determine rates and regulate their oven municipally owned -public utilities, and to place them under the complete control - both as to rates and regulation - of the State i-- 1 road Commission. 200 D Proposition No. 30, which proposes to tale away from the cities the power to con- trol their own streets, and to give to the State Railroad Commission exclusive power to grant franchises, unlimited as to time, for interurban or local street railways or bus lines over any and all of the streets of the cities, depriving cities of all voice in the determination of such matters; and, 1ZT.EHEAS, the adoption of any of these proposed amend- ments would be disastrous to the municipalities and to the best interests of the people therein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo is unalterably opposed to each and every one of the said proposed Constitutional Amend- ments, to -wit, Propositions Nos. 10, 11 and 30, and urges the citizens of this municipality to vote NO on each of said propositions, and to do all in their power to defeat them and thus Drotect the public interests ". Carried by the followin- vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. ORAL COT�.T -. ITICATIONS. hrs. J. A. Gerow, representing a committee from the Woman's Civic Improvement Club, stated that the Club's attention had been called to incomplete collection and careless handling of cans and non - combustible rubbish, with the request that the Club take the matter up with the Board of Trustees. Trustee Davis stated that he had other matters on the same subject to bring to the attention of the Board later in the meeting and action on this particular matter was deferred at this time. Hugh Pomeroy, Secretary of the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce addressed the Board relative to the matter of sewage dis- posal by the City of Los Angeles, advising that an organization to be known as the Bay Cities' Sanitation Board had been organized, for the purpose of combattinc- the present plans of the City of Los Angeles to dump additional sewage into the ocean at Hyperion and he urged the adoption of a resolution pledging the support, financial and otherwise, of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo in such action as might be necessary. Moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Hueger, that the following resolution be adopted: "AREAS, the City of El Segundo maintains that the bench frontage of the entire Santa Monica Bay District must be kept perpetually clean for the pleasure of Southern California and the prosperous existence of the Bay cities; and �1HEFEAS, the shores of Santa Monica Bay are now being and will be in ever increasing degree polluted by the dumping of sewage into its waters by the cities alone its shores and in particular by t4e City of Los Angeles, and, aHE2 AS, the present plans of the City of Los Angeles will increase rather than alleviate the menace; now therefore, be it RSOLVED; That the City of El Segundo hereby approves the plans of the Bay Cities' Sanitation Board for action to prevent continued or increased pollution of the waters of Santa 'Monica Bay by the sewage of Los Angeles; and agrees to expend not to exceed One Thousand 3201 Dollars, if needed, for expenses of any action necessary to this end, according to the re- commendations of the said Bay Cities' Sanitation Board, said expenditure to be contin -ent upon similar action by other cities and interests of the Santa Monica.Bay Section; and be it further RESOLV"D; That the City of El Segundo, realizing the interdependence of the cities of the Los Angeles metropolitan area in the matter of sani- tation, hereby expresses its opinion that the solution of this problem can be achieved only by the establishment of a Ietropolitan Sanitation District, with metropolitan jurisdiction ". Carried by the followin� vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Bryson. Noes: Trustee Smiley. Absent: None. Mr. Bedell, President of the Board of Trustees of Hermosa Reach, addressed the Board relative to the Hyperion nuisance. REPORTS OF STAITDT_',1G C01MITTEES . Trustee Rueger stated that he believed certain traffic direction signs were not sufficiently well lighted and by general consent the matter was referred to the - ?ublic Safety Committee with the under- standing that this Committee would arrange for street signs to be inspected nightly by the Ilight Watchman, so that this officer might Kee, the Street Superintendent advised as to signs needing additional lamps or renewal of lamps. REPORTS OF OFFI CFRS AND SPECIAL CO1. "ITTs ^ES . Trustee Davis reported having had some discussion with the Street Superintendent with respect to garbage and rubbish collection and disposal. Following discussion it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by-Trustee Binder, that Trustee Davis be and he is hereby authorized to rewrite the instruction card 'Dearing upon the pre- paration and location of garbage and rubbish for collection purposes and to have an ample supply of such cards printed for distribution. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustee yinder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. U1,=NISHED BUSINESS. The Cler read to the Board his certificate in re "Insufficiency of Initiative Petition" presented to him September 26th, 1922. Street Superintendent Gunn reported that it would cost yp'16.00 to remove the sand from in front of the premises of Mr. Y. C. Campbell on Sheldon Street between Palm and Maple Avenues, and that any other work would be useless unless it was desired to oave the entire block, which timuld cost appro::imately $900.00. !loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to remove sand from Sheldon Street between Palm and -Maple Avenues. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. �ioes: None. Absent: None. Trustee Davis reported that lTr. Stone of Olmsted & Gillelen, having returned from a vacation, is now preparing an estimate of the valuation of existing water works within the City, which he expects to be able to file with the Board at an early date. 202 77 J PAYING BILLS. Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. ITYU BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that Trustee Bryson be appointed a committee of one to investigate and report to the Board the necessity or desirability of removing the City Hall septic tank and drain lines from their present locations to the property recently acquired by the City east of the American Legion Club House. Carried. The Clerk filed with the Board this date his report for the quarter ending September 30th, 1922. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that this report be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald. - Carried by the following, vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: None. Absent: None. The Chairman of t desired to rent the road the Street Superintendent company. Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. he Board stated that the Standard Oil Company roller in the near future. By general consent was instructed to arrange to accomodate said No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. :approved Respectfully submitted, T . P resident, Board of rustees. The folloi7in,- demands, Navin- had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: L. Niemeyer 6.00 17. V. Fallis 6.00 H. D. Tracy 2.00 J. H. Kitchen 4.00 H. L. Riggs 6.00 T. W. Selser 6.00 U. S. Griffin 4.00 George I. Price 4.00 R. L. Clark 6.00 Everett K. Falck 4.00 J. C. Bider 3.00 G. A. Todd 3.00 F. J. Hope 2.00 R. C. Campbell 2.00 N. A. Macdonald 1.00 C. K. McConnell 3.00 A. Soeuto 3.00 C. A. Brittian 3.00 I. H. Lennon 3.00 T. B. Dinwiddie 2.00 +'. R. Fierce 3.00 E. Bryson 1.00 L. 7I. Dessert 3.00 G. R. Kull 1.00 J. Cairns 2.00 0. H. Barber 2.00 S. Ladd 3.00 T. Cromer 3.00 C. G. Smith 3.00 D. B. Hancher 3.00 J. P. Schmith 3.00 Edith Ballantyne 1.75 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 23.50 Jefferis & Meek 439.40 Carr & Brady 16.66 T. Evans 2,48 Walter A. Zeroll 6.00 H. G. Vesper 4.00 0. B. Manson 6.00 G. R. Hitchcock 6.00 F. B. Wood 4.00 F. C. Kroboth 6.00 R. W. Yeager 36.00 J. L. Ward 4.00 E. F. O'Brien 6.00 Victor H. Brock 4.00 '.►. G. Williams 4.00 F. G. Scalla 6.00 A. B. Hiss 6.00 N. D. Hofrieter 2.00 J. C. Bixler 6.00 H. W. Emmerton 2.00 Total $691.79 Moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. ITYU BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that Trustee Bryson be appointed a committee of one to investigate and report to the Board the necessity or desirability of removing the City Hall septic tank and drain lines from their present locations to the property recently acquired by the City east of the American Legion Club House. Carried. The Clerk filed with the Board this date his report for the quarter ending September 30th, 1922. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that this report be published once in the E1 Segundo Herald. - Carried by the following, vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: None. Absent: None. The Chairman of t desired to rent the road the Street Superintendent company. Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. he Board stated that the Standard Oil Company roller in the near future. By general consent was instructed to arrange to accomodate said No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. :approved Respectfully submitted, T . P resident, Board of rustees.