1922 NOV 28 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. November 28, 1922. regular meeti nor of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of Ll California, �^as c ^lled to order at 7:�0 o'cloc�. '. "_, on the above date in the Council Chan' -)cr of the City _fall of said city. trustee .`)ryson, - resident of the :: oard, bein absent, the meeting was called to order by 'she "it-..r Clerl :. Trustee Wr_.s unani ously chosen - resident n -o -tem of the oa_•d and --ie ii~�rrnediatel-y assumed the duties of the -- resident. :ROLL C: �LL , . Binder, Davis and Smiley. -ITCIM71 S � 7 : Br, son and _cuerer. ?. zDIIIG OF IT-I ?U'1'_SS OIL --I ;'- J JOUS 'r- L'i'I171 the minutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day of i.ove` DP.'_', 1922 were re-^d without error or orris ^ion being noted. U­�on motion of 'rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee binder, which ca.r ^ied, the r.Zinutes were anproved as read. ',T:ITTBi- CO?:".`UIII �'�TIOITS . .'he follor:in cor..,u:nunic- .tions wiere reed and dis-oosed of as in,'.i c e : - D rl L 71 D9 reouestinr -permission to use the reizen's .ccreati on -ia11 each 'uesda,y ni7ht for bend nra.ctice. IIoved by rus',ee >>avis, Seconded +�' ' _US tee finder, th ^.t this - oermiss -L be granted. 'tarried. ? a G - =�_7GIOTT�L TA CO I'�_ -CI , a re-.)ort of the conclusions of said conference held at Glendale, California, Se .)tember 15th, 19 ", Or- ierc�,. filed. O ==.T,r - C 17 I0 T: " r. ii.�. Cro1�e11, representing the Loard o -' Directors of the Saus -:1 -` ?edondo - .pater Company, inquired as to the Boa_ rd's attitude Frith respect to the purchase of the Sausal- _:edondo , ester Company. The matter was discussed at some length and ae was finallyin- formed by the Chair that nothing definite could be stated until addJ.- tional are made for this 3oard of Trustees and additional action ta-.en by them. 0 ST:_il I= G '1011:ITT=S . "rustee Davis of the = =ublic Safetyr Committee re-ported that during- the prior creel: the 'County Superintendent of TTurses had discussed ".hild - ;lelfare before a. meeting:- of .,omen's Clubs and that othe educational t,-,l---Is would be givenein the ��uture. ru;3 ec Davis advised t:ie board that he had pre-pared e=er��ts fram the 7a -b -rre ordinance, which ize .,,ill soon have T)rinted in c' n1- 3ni ent - o „m to be dlstri :Outed for the ^U.ida.nce o= residents hrou�iiout the '`ity, C ' 'T L �0.�. I�­0_ - .._D .D_ ? - -1 _1,0 . treet -u )erintendent A. Gunn advised the 3oard t fiat the construction of a dar.1 near the intersection of , hitinr street end ,n dr ^. of storm ;rater, 7lhich at present annw.•e the or;ner of pro- . :erty on the Sout -rarest corne- of s.c.i d streets, is not ;pin to prove sati sfactoryr to said oropert;r owner and that t ^:e nro-Oerty ormer has requested the construction of a hi,--I-I c_?ra at the side of his pro.�erty on --ran�.lin Avenue, agreeing to ,ay one -half of the cost, 222 `Tariorls yo_lases of the n_atte_ ;ern liability on account of diversion of s the Oi t;r Attorney, folloai:.,� -ihic:n the was instructed to cl rry out the or:_ers iven. ;;onr into anti t: -ie torn er`71ainedV by street o_ .�iLe ­on-_-d fir. ' _­!�3 t Trustee Davis :r'io at tie 1a s t C u 1 a m e e L i , '-ed a s -oeci al co rnittee to investi - ate tra`f i c conditions on :_:l �ecuncio Avenue re )orted Navin - -one into file matte ".Dersona11 - ,.nd arshal - .,ell , and he eco=- nenc'ied �_�at t:-ie entire Ii-_-b on t Of 'U'--Le :.1 Segundo Hotel on the ��orth side o-' 7:1 ' ecr undo Avenue from chmond ±reef t0 file 7 =e- ;est thereo, Je ;�'l'.1tEr';_ red and that the to -,- and sate of s--id curb be su-_ta,)l- :;o e i to °tLi^ a-ry ?7f 0_1'1,`vc'1_(;1e" t'-'a t no _ c'1,;'.. :in�� .'i 11 be e � � ttedV a' 0 -e also rec:o=l -ended t lat, if neccsr•a -,.r, e. :try, trn,_�fid oi.'icei �e em:;loyeCl c'_a,_ltr Aii:'1 t 1e ruS_1 nu; on .Tai a S tr eet ^and t:lat t"-.e treet =Durerintendent ?'Za' :e ,� ":;o ^.r'_. -nr," si ins to be exec ed on tine youth side of - =1 Se -undo ',venue bet':Teen ic_linond 'tied �.nd '. ai n "'treet, 'he raa.ttcr then d_scuc ^(-_d and -,t the concl_i�__'-)n of t-I.e dis(-,l32i on it wr .s moved by ?rustee -Davis, seconders .y rilstee Binder, that the .: ecommerlda Lions o 'ru: tee Davi :, i".z ', fie ;a Otte of handling �ral_'ic o:z .'1 :-e- un':_o : -venue be al-�T)ro, red and t_-i e municiy)al of_'icers in cha=e of the den.".rtments affected , Vr the recommendation be authorized and instructed to comp"­ '..ith the same. Carried by the follo -,-inc vote : Ayes: Trustees -3inder, Davis and Smiley. Lioes : Tone. Absent: Trustees Bryson and =',ueger. TrtlStee "mile,!, ;T'_�O aad been,'J'?Oi.ted S'•)eC -;-.1 COiLalttee to co_ -ifer Frith �'_ il. 'D 'oster o_' the Lngineerin- Deoartr.ent of the Standard Oil C'ompany, for the 'purpose of ascertaining; re-:,utable enoineerinc- f_r is who ,ni, -ht ma :e can ap _raisal of the "_'o' ty of e : :istin�z eater agog' :s within the City of _l Segundo, re- ,)orted th. ^.t he had seen _.:_ - Potter and that ",.is recoiaiendatinn3 -rould : bc`inn, n�, Decem >ei llti�, 1722, Carriec;� . J rustec Davis rey)orted that the instwllation of the ne r gas stove in the li.vin- quarters of the --'{'ire _ n£;ine Driver had rendered certain cu :bo` rd space useless and he recommended certain chant-es and additions, which a_: ,ear to be necessary for the convenience and satin action of the family recuired to use the a-Dartment. It was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3inde�, that the me-J -ter of ma in ; the l:itc lens in the re In -ine D --•iver's quarters more coLmodious be referred to the = �ublic Service Commttee yrith power to act. Carried by the followinZ vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and Smiley. IToes : !Tone. :absent: - rustees 3ryson and _Lue; -er. i4o further business ap]- )earin� to be transacted at this session, it eras moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the meetin- -adjourn until Friday, the first day of December, 192", at tr,e . <our. o: x:15 0' clot' _ . I Carried. -'es- ectiully submitted, 'C) r o v CitT 'v Ke resident, 'Y'o -teIIl, o a r d of ZruSte e s-