1922 NOV 14 CC MIN215
El Segundo, Cal. Nov. 14, 1922.
A regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of 1,1
Segundo, California, was celled to order at 7:30 o'cloc'L: ?. on the
above date in the Council Chamber o_" the City Hall of said city by
the ^i t; "ler'_., tl�e 7resident os the - '.oc�d bein- absent,
1 01;,L C!=.
Trustees ._-esent: Binder, Davis and :uesei.
'Trustees Absent: 3ryson and Smiley,
Trustee Rueger was unanimously chosen 'resident pro -
tem and immediately assumed the duties of that of 'icer.
R il -G 0=+ ..IiTTJ -�S 07-1 = 'IIO?JS
The minutes of the adjourned regular meetinc- held on the 6th
day of Uovember, 1922 were re,-Ld without error or omission being notea.
It was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the
minutes be approved as read. Carried.
i%I ^1 TEi CO -_ ZiJ1TIC ;V2IO,TS .
the following communic��.tions were read and disposed of as
EL SEGUNDO LODGE -170. 333, S3IGHTS Or - =YTHIAS, extending an in-
vitation to the members of the Board of Trustees and their -families
to nartal:e of a dinner given by the local lodge on the evening. of
November 29th, 1922. Trustee Binder informed the Board t_zat C.
Grimes, ''eeper of Records and Seal of sa _d lodge, had informed him
that the invitation was intended to include the City Attorney and the
City Cler_. and their families. °oved by Trustee Binder, seconded "o,
Trustee Davis, that receipt of the invitation be acl:nowledf�ed and tlie
lodge advised that as many o-f the officials as find it possible to
attend will do so. Carried.
0 s L CO! _.7PTI CA ^_ I01TS .
:Tr. 0. A. Stone, renresentative of Olmstead Gillelen, filed
with the Board a written report of their ap raisal of t' =_e e.:istin -
crater works within the wit * of -1 Seg.undo, stating. t -gat '�e -::ould T .it
until after the Board adjourned to =! e e::-planation of certain items
in the report.
OF S'i:� TD I ?TG CO1.2'IT` EMS .
`Trustee Davis of the public Safety Committee stated that the
Eire Chief desired to supply each of the members of the Volunteer -sire
Department with a copy of the resolution authorizing the organization
and the r)rocedure of the Volunteer -Fire De:�artrnent, FollovrinCj
discussion it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustec 3inder,
that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed
to have printed one hundred copies of Resolution Ito. 3 in parn_phlet
form about pocket size. Carried by the follol�ing vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and Aueger.
Hoes : No __e .
Absent: Trustees Bryson and Smiley.
Conforming with instructions given at the last regular Zeetin:
of the 3oard, the Cler: advised receipt of communication from the
Automobile Club of Southern California, in which they stated that
they mould erect flashers or traffic dan -er signals desired by the
Board of Trustees, the only expense to the City beinr- the cost of
m_a.':ing necessary connections and paying; for the potirer consumed.
?ending a visit orf the Automobi let Club's re-;resezta.tive, no farther
action was tar,-en.
216 �;
The Cler'. advised the Board that an error 'zad been made in
the quotation submitted for J. .,1. Gilbert by a salesman re,)resenting
a hardware company on a stove, that the -)rice should have been
,54.65 instead of ::43.75. !loved by Trustee Davis, seconded bar
Trustee Binder, that the -rice heretofore mentioned in the authoriza-
tion for the purchase of a r-as stove be incre:.sed to the sum of not
to e,-:teed ::56.00. Carried by the follo.iin. vote:
Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Davis and ueger.
Noes: one .
Absent: Trusteec 73ryson and Smiley.
Trustee Davis stated tl.at in recom;:iending t..e -^urc ,,lase c- a
was rlaS'r: from _ �, i ,
0. -, -sch, inc. , �1e had made a mi3t3 e,
havinC confused certain references -ivcn l.im. By general co .sc nt
the Cler': was instructed to c..ncel the order heretofore -iven - S.
R 1. !irsch for one as MaS3 ,
The Cler advised n.avin- received a ntL.ber of copies of building-
ordinances from surrounding; towns. Consideration of these r:s laid
over for one i7ee.:.
The City Attorney filed with the Board his report in connection
with an action brought in the Superior Court of Los .'Lnt;eles County,
Case No. 107727, for the ,cur -)ose of auth.orizin- the distri.)ution of
certain moneys representinS fines collected for violations of the
Hotor Vehicle Act by numerous cities and 'held by the County
Treasurer. Said repot was accompanied by Warrant of the Auditor
of the Count; of Los Angeles in the sum of 7716.00, for which amount
judgment was rendered in favor of the City of El Segundo.
The City Attorney reported also settlement in the_ case, o_� Du'_:e
et al vs. Barnum, et al, beinL, c,-.se iTo. 104419, this being 'r$ematter
referring to a portion of the so- called Duley road; judgment in the
action vesting title to a certain strip thirty -eet :ride in the City
of E1 Segundo for public street nurnoses.
Trustee Davis suggested an amendment to Ordinance .Jo . 4? rritrl
resvect to the collection of garbage, and after discussion it `7a,s
gloved by '7.ustee _)avis, seconded by "trustee :)index, that Ordinance
To. 42 be ,emended so as to include zdM miscellaneo, ?s iubbis' and t.ie
ma tter be referred to the ",i ty Attorney for the ire- _,�aration of the
amendatory ordinance. Carried,
P_' YI JG 3ILI, S .
The followin de.,iands, havin,- lead the a;;,.�roval of the Committee
on - inance and - records were re,-.d:
H. S. Croc :er Co. Inc. 2.18 Victor D. ,;cCarthy 21.93
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 58.76 George A. i- idirell 6.90
Pacific electric Ry. Co.61.68 A. F. Gilmore 18.00
,airb: -nl :s, horse & Co. 7.50
Total 8179,95
!loved by Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General -und covering
the same. Carried by the following Tote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and ueger.
floes : .one.
Absent: Trustees Bryson and Omiley.
,T79 3USIi ESS.
Moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that L. J.
Smith be employed to repair lavatories in the City Hall, so as to
provide the same with standards or other equail� suitable bracing
to prevent their being pulled from the ;call_. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and Rueger.
Floes : None.
Absent: Trustees Bryson and Smiley.
I-ioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Birder, that the
Standard Oil Company be granted permission to construct a platform'
for the pur-oose of storing a barrel of lubricating oil on a portion
of the Coast Douleva.rd within the City of ~l Segundo adjacent -to
the property of said company. Carried.
I'oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the
City Clerl: be authorized to purchase one gasoline coupon boot for
the fire department. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Dinder, Davis and Rueger.
I+oes : None.
Absent: Trustees pryson and Smiley.
?loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the
Ilasonic Lodge be granted permission to use the City Hall. Auditorium
on the evening of November 29th, 192. Carried.
Uoved by `'rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee =3inder that one
thousand cards designating fire alarm district whistle calls and
giving the telephone numbers of the various city officials be
printed for distribution throughout the city. Carried the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and Rueger.
hoes: None.
Absent: Trustees Bryson and Smiley.
I .Iove_d by Trustee Binder, seconded by 'Trustee Davis, that the
report of Olmstead L Gillelen, givinL; the valuation of existing
water worl:s within the City of El Segundo, as filed with the Board
this date, be published in the El Segundo Herald. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis and IWeger.
IToes : None.
Absent: Trustees Bryson and Smiley.
Roved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that
Trustee Davis be allowed to borrow thirteen chairs on the evening
of l�ove:nber 17th, 1922, said chairs to be returned in good order.
No further business appealing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that
the meeting adjourn. Carried.
A- mDroved :
'President = ro -tem of the
Board of Trustees.
r'esnectfull.y submitted,
__�:•re X11 ��