1922 JUL 26 CC MIN)161 El Segundo, Cal.' July 26, 1922. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of �131 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. L, on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall by 'illiam C. Bryson, President of the Board. DOLL CAi,L . Trustees Present: Binde_ -, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Trustees Absent: Davis. 'TADING OF I111T.UTES OF 3?!=IOUS !METING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 19th day of July, 1922, were read without error or omission being noted and were approved upon motion of Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder, which car4ied. G'RITTEN C0122"LUNI CA T IONS . The following communications were read and disposed of as in- dicated: petition of P. B. Partridge and others, requesting the improvement of %est Palm Avenue from the westerly line of Hillcrest Avenue to 181 eet est thereof and contributing yS70.50 towards such improvement. :loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the following resolution be adopted: '":,TM=1 71.S, it appears that certain residents and property owners of the City oi' El Segundo are willing to pay certain moneys in the sum of 70.50 into the Trey. Bury of the City of El Segundo, California, and into the General Fund thereof, for the purpose of csausirig certain street improvements within said city to be - m.,ade, and, WFEERELLS, said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk of said City with instructions to pay the same into said General Fund upon the adoption of the following: NOW THERIITORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Street Superintendent be end he is hereby authorized and in- structed to cause the portion of that certain public street ti *rithin the City of El Segundo, known as 11test Palm Avenue, lying and being betvreen Hillcrest Avenue and a point 181 feet westerly thereof to be improved by the construction therein of the following improvement, to -wit: A rock and oil im- movement similar in character to that constructed in ''lest Palm Avenue East of Hillcrest Avenue ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Davis. Gyi'LR_,'',IELL FIRE ATI ATI: TET'' GPS,PH COILANY, acknowledging receipt of the Clerk's letter of July 20th and advising that their Mir. A. J. Coffee had been instructed to visit E1 Segundo to adjust the alleged difficulty in connection with the di --.-hone comcressed air horn and had reported back to his manager that the matter had been taken care of. Ordered filed. J. C. A3SHIER, ]Tire Engine Driver, requesting permission to 162 D take his vacation beginning the first day of August, 1922. -Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the customary annual two weeks vacation allowed municipal employees be granted J. C. Abshier, Fire Engine Driver, beginning August lst, 1922. Carried. ., 11T' S CIVIC IKP? -Z-12 TT CLUB OF = S"GTJ1JTDO, requesting use of the City Hell Auditorium on the evening of Tuesday, August lst, 1922. It appearing that the Maccabees had offered voluntarily to sur: °ender their use of the Auditoritur_ on that date, it was roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee .'uec-e that the request of the :?omen's Civic Improvement Club be granted. Carried. GEO =?G ' CCC and othe�•s, being a neti tion requesting; some action of the 3oard toy,,-rd havin[; the ';rillite pavement on -- :ic_ -.mond Street between Grand Avenue and El Segundo Avenue repaired and. placed in first class condition. Following discussion it was moved by Trustee ue-e_,, seconded by Trustee Smiley th-;t this matter be left in the hands o" the City Attorney for action. Carried. 01'AL CO"I!'UITICATIOITS. None. REPO cTS Or STAITDI :G C01•:2:TITTEES . It appearing that weeds in the parkings throughout the city are again becoming troublesome, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded. by Trustee Rueger, that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to employ one man to remove such needs adjacent to sidevialks. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. IToes : Bone. Absent: Trustee Davis. Trustee F.ueger advised having had called to his attention the fact that the red globes used on the electroliers at the sides of the Board ;fall: over the sand dills from the Coast Boulevard con- fused sea captains desirous of lr.nding at the Ell Segundo wharf of the Standard Oil Company and that a request had been made that these globes be removed. Loved by Trustee F,ueger, seconded by Tr:'.stee Binder, that t-:_e Street Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to place ordinary globes on the electroliers next to the Standard Oil Company's fence on the Coast Highwa;;,- and remove the red globes now being used. Carried. FE-PORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL Go' —,=' -'TEES . City Clerk 1:cCarthy piled with the Board the report of the auditor, :. K. 1Titch_ell, vil- . report is prepared in such manner as to se::ve also for his quarterly report for the quarter ending July 30th, 1922. Bone. 'J1•TIiTISii�D bUSII;�'SS. PAYING BILKS. No demands presented. 117,7 BUSIITESS . None. Io further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it.vrf_s moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee binder, that the r.ee ,ring adjourn. Carried. Approved: 2LLj���_ ( _ �� / -,resident, 3oard of Trustees. es})ectfully submitted, s M - 1� /his PT PM MEM!ty Cler'k.