1922 FEB 23 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. Peb. 23, 1922. A regular meeting of the board of trustees of the city of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock ?. !.. on the above date in the Council chamber of the city Hall by the amity clerk, the President of the Board being absent. Trustee Rue, .zer was chosen President pro tem and he immediately assumed the duties of the President. aOL.L CALL. Trustees Present: Binder, Davis, Kueger and Smiley. Trustees Absent: Bryson. R&ADI. � OF l..I TUTES 02 _'REViJUS iv!ZE'TIlT'a. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 15th day of 2ebruary, 1922 were read. No errors or omissions being noted, they were approved on motion of Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee jmiley, which carried. `RIT2EN COi'L;_1UN1CAT1oils. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: A;:ERICA.; LEGIJiv PACIFIC PJS'1' 'iO. 38, requesting permission to use the iremen's Lmuseinent room on such evenings as the hall is not used by the -`ire Lepartment and wand for the purpose of conducting rehearsals for a priposed minstrel show. Moved by Trustee -3inder, seconded by trustee Davis, that tnis oeraission be granted, providing satisfactory ar_angements are made with the L1 Segundo volunteer dire Lent. Carried. CITY CL=, CITY Or LOS A 13 7LES, advising that the matter of establishing grade on Collingwood Street was referred to the Los Angeles City engineer for attention. Ordered filed. HJ:` I Al--. D Ji';ES, .� :TriuLK J'eiENS, J. E.- LEAv.,...., JAi,Es D. TAiT, P=Eff A. CULBERT ON, applications for appointment to the position of bight Watchman. Trustee Lavis explained that following his learning at noon on Saturday, vebruary 18th, 1922, of the resignation of E. 0. Davidson as fight iatchman, he got in touch with Trustees Rueger, Smiley and Binder, all of whom consented to have him make such temporary arrange- ments as he deemed necessary and accordingly he authori=zed the temporary employment of howard A. Jones as Night datchman, beginning -lebruary 20th, 1922. moved by trustee oavis, seconded by 'Trustee Smiley, that it be the sense of this hoard of l'rustees that howard A. Bones be employed as i4ight .tatchman for the city of Ll Segundo, said appointment to date from the 20th day of r'ebruary, 19'2, and to continue until the further order of this board. Said official shall receive as compensation in full for all services rendered as such might .:atchman from the date of his employment until the further order of this Hoard the sure of 9140.00 per month, payaule as other city salaries are paid. Carried by the following vote: -iyes: Trustees :cinder, yavis, ueger and Smiley. noes: None. Absent: Trustee 3ryson. AU7XiLl _�2,Y 0S2 permission to use as a meeting room the council :;all or, the 2nd i`riday of each month. Eioved seconded by Trustee Smiley that this permission further order of this Board, providing such use with any other public use thereof. Carried. ::J. 38,- requesting chamber of the city by ' rustee Lavis, be granted until the does not conflict :,WS Hone. OR�IL CO1,Z0NIC3TIONS. :E20 TS OF STAVDINS CJK"IT2EJS. ';',`ith reference to the erection of electroliers at or near the Coast Highway adjacent to the Pacific Electric Station on the beach, Trustee Rueger informed the Board that the Standard Jil Company owns one foot outside of the fence on the ocean side and twelve feet outside of the fence on the north side, and that if the posts are set upon the Standard Oil Co:_pany property, the Standard Oil Company will furnish electrical energy to illuminate the same. No action was taken pending further investigation. Vith reference to providing signs to warn pe Coast Highway over the sand hills, Trustee Davis there is no standard sign for this purpose. He struction of wood signs with appropriate wording the matter was left to Trustee Davis for further at its next meeting. 2I 'ISM BUSK 3estrians using the advised the Board that suggested the con - and by general consent report to the 3oard The matter of the improvement of Grand Avenue between Main Street and Eucalyptus Drive was discussed, the Street Superintendent advising that to construct therein an improvement of the same character as the work recently done on lain Street between Grand avenue and 2ranklin Avenue would cost approximately 101 per square foot. No action taken to permit further consideration. The matter of removing more of the earth bank on the South side of E1 Segundo Avenue at Arizona Drive was discussed, action being deferred to permit the Street Superintendent to furnish an estimate of the cost at the next meeting. koved by Trustee 6wiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the following resolution be adopted: "RESJL`tirLD, That the number, oeing lumber 84, given to-that certain Ordinance introduced by Trustee Smiley on the 11th day of January, 1922, entitled: 'AN ORDINANCE OF OHL CITY OF LL B13UNDO, CALIFOaNIA, ALENDING ORDINANCE NO. 31 OF SAID CITY, ATITLED: "Ail ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 02 EL S33UNDO , CALIFORNIA, RiWATING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRING, DEMOLISHING AND EAINTAINI3 OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES ',ifITHIN SAID CITY, PROVIDING FOR THE CON - D :.a1ATI011 OF BUILDIJ GS lal) OTHER STRUCTURES DAGE'ROUS TO 2RO2ZRTY, LIFE OR LIMB, AID FIXING AND D:TERUINING THE FISE LIhITS IN AND FOR SAID CITY ", PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 20th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1918, BY AILNDING SECTION I THEREOF AND RE2EALIN3 ALL Oi?DINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH', be withdrawn, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the number, being Number 85, given to that certain ordinance introduced by Trustee Smiley on the 1st day of February, 1922, entitled: 'AN ORDINA_:CE 03 THE CITY OF !L SEGUEDO, CALIFOaNIA, 13GULjTIN G THE COwSTnUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIRING, DE- KOLISHI1,1G, _ AINTAINI0G AND OCCUPYINI OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRICTURES WITHIN THE SAID CITY; PROVIDING FOR THE COUD ii iATION OF BUILDINGS AED 02HZR STRUCTURES DANGEnOUS TO PROPEaTY, LIFE OR LIMB; FI=a AND DET..RMINING FIRE DISTRICTS IN AND FOR SAID CITY; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES !ED PANTS OF ORDIN ACES IN CONFLICT THEREWITY, also be withdrawn, and that the said numbers be given in regular sequence to the next succeeding ordinances introduced before this Board ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley. ''Toes: None. Absent: Trustee Bryson. AW Trustee Davis introduced Ordinance No. 84, entitled: .0 ORDIIJANCE 0�' THE CITY 0-' EL S "T.41DO, CALI 0-HriIA, ^- ^'TIDING SECTION 1 012 ORDINAIICE J. t5l OF SAID CITY LrdTI T L : ' A I OHDIIIA1XE OF TH& CITY 0-F EL S aU 1DO, CALIFORNIA, RF,G- ULATITI G THE CONSTRUCTIO11, ALTERATION , REPAIR- ING, DEi;iOLISHIDG, bAII1`l'AIi1ING AND OCCUPYING OF BUILDIiIGS A11D OTHER STRUCTURES .7ITHIN SAID CITY, PRO;TIDING FOR THE CONDEIJNI .TION OF BUILDINGS 01) OTHER STRUCTURES DANGEROUS TO PROP1ZTY, LIFE OR LIMB, A 1D FI�IiICT AIID DETEP1,1I1,II11� FIRE LIMITS IN AND FOR SAID CITY', ?ASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 20th DAY OF FEBRUA:Y, 1918", which was read. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a Remington Typewriter with 12" carriage, as specified in the letter of the Remington Typewriter Company dated January 3rd, 1922, at a cost not to exceed 075.00 after credit of '437.50 is allowed by the Remington 'Typewriter Company for the old Underwood typewriter now in use in the Clerk's office. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley. does: None. Absent: Trustee Bryson. The matter of condemning property in the acreage for street purposes was discussed briefly, but inasmuch as no petitions have been received requesting such action, the matter was dropped. _a G BILLS. AYI.L The demand of the Herald Publishing Company in amount of 938.00 being the only demand presented, it was moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley that this demand be allowed and warrant drawn on the General fund for the same. Carried bt the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley. Noes: None, Absent: Trustee Bryson. NE.7 BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the 1,1accabees be permitted to use confetti at a dance they propose giving in the 'City Hall Auditorium some date in the near future, providing they clean the premises after its use, or pay for the extra janitor service which will be necessary to make such clean up. Carried. The City Clerk advised the Board that canvas cases should be provided for the guns recently purchased for the Police Department and the Marshal suggested that gun cleaners should be purchased also, followin_ -- which it was moved by Trustee i)avis, seconded by Trustee = 3inder, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to expend not to exceed 410.00 for the purchase of gun cases and cleaners. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley. hoes: None. Absent: Trustee Bryson. The City Clerk advised the Board that the wilding Inspector needed a supply of Applications for numbing Permits. Lioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Clerk be allowed to purchase the requisite number of Applications for Plumbing Permits at a cost not to exceed the amount paid for those previously • supplied. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 13inder, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Bryson. The Clerk asked for an expression as to the Board's desire with reference to the purchase of forms necessary for the application of the recently adopted electrical ordinance, and it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare such forms as will be necessary in carrying out the provisions of the electrical ordinance and obtain prices on printing the same. Carried. The Clerk advised that Lr. Jake Berkline at loo. 512 Loma Vista Street desired permission to patch the sidewalk in front of his premises. Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that this permission be granted, subject to the work being prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent of the City of El Segundo. Carried. The matter of repairing the east side of Main Street in front of the E1 Segundo Garage was discussed briefly, no action being taken thereon. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Aooroved : r � �i cLVK— `ter President, Board of Trustees. ON - Z.MAI � 0`4�