1922 DEC 19 CC MINx235-
711 7e�undo, ^al, Decertl')er 19th 1 ^22,
re _ ular r.!eeti nr- o ' the 3o-;rd or Trustees of she i tv of
the tv of El Se( -undo, _.li 'o:_ ni We, called to order a � 7v. -;0
o' cloc1- _ , on tile. above date in the Council_ Ch ^T1be:. of the
Of, s' _d i ty b,r ill iam "-.rSOn, -- -es dent 0- v.he
0a_ _ 'he t.%l � C11, : L)ein.^ absent, It was 1loVed ey r -'US
- fL1F` -c , SC CO1dec:L O -' ` --ustee 3 ilc�', the ;, Trustee Davis be ' �')ointed
�1,er : 'O- te7i1. Carried,
Trustees _'resent: Davis, "tie er, Smiley and - Jryson.
Trustees absent: Dindei
The minutes of the re;~ular meetinr- held on the 12th day of
Dece_;1;)c -, 192`; were read. Di scL?ssion ens> ed relative to the rordinIg
of t__e -Motion �:,_erein it v;c_s stated that the matter of the proposed
ch�.n --c in the office of lecorder be referred to the - -,ublic Safety
CoTn�ittee :--ith no,:rer to act, it being the intention or Trustee Davis
to -have the matter _ eferred for investir"ation. It was thereu,aon moved
?y �'rustee .3inder, seconded -;D.v Trustee Davis, that the Cler': be and
-_ __ _hereby instructed to strike out the words "with power to ,- .,.ct"
.nd si.?bst -itute therefor the words for investigation''. - Carried,
+!it!I this correction, the minutes were O.- pproved Upon Motion
of r- 'rustee ST:.iley, seconded by Trustee binder, widch carried.
Trustee binder anpcarecl the readin•^ of the minutes and
too- his seat, the hour beinv' 7 :33 0' clock
T T I� r r'1=
_--__ -• Vi';_ tit 0 7S.
The folloviinr7 coTmnunications were reed and dis- -)osed of as
indicated: -
_CL'iUC:7�LI_', tende;'in _'_ls resignation as emerr'ency
for the ':ity o t 1 3e�undo, effective Dec. 16ju %- TToved by
i'rustec _ue -er, seconded b;r 'rustee Smiley, that the resignation be
acce_)ted. Carried.
-: `' S. -,U"_,= :'.- L, beiiir a --protest a`^ i nst the allowing of the
t r r
con• ac�ion of a g;�.lv�.nized'i on building, on the :ort: e ^,s corner•o�
Sc ;undo Avenue and Conco „!1 Street, this city. It from
discuss on that there ,was nothinr, in the 3uildin7 Ordinance r;ro-
._yb:itin thi c clan^ Of conz trL?ction, it w_-_.s moved by Trustee �:Uer;e.�,
seco� lded bir "rustee Smile,,-, tll",r, t le coT1rzunication be filed. Carried.
neti tion, sir— ed -+)fir _ rs :oar Slenl.er, E:. Croi: ;el]_ and
O +._Ze e ' t0 order t']8 SOUti182':1 ^lifo.rni
^o_ -: or: ) ^,)h�• to ins t ^L_ street a+ tre ^orne ^ of ":. i nog
-` -venue rr_ _Tillc_c t : :venue ^_.so ` -venue and the ester),•
_4- t OVe'. Vr rustee _`ue•rre ,_', seconded by Trustee 3inde-
t the t'r Clcrl'. be .• ^,7' e 1`? ,F,re:,1' instructed t0 have the a iOVC'
li-:nt inr-t-lled and added to the li htinc- contr-_ct bet :een the "itv
0 . ;1 _l er-undo and t =., e o u.t'•-1 e- _- 'Ca 1 i rorni a, --r-ii-son Co. Carried bv the
1 017.0 i:1 r- v o to
A_,es: ?'-I E!, I f- C S 7] j 11 7, e - , _D! s e,--
mi, 1 e fl n C. s 0 1-1
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7�1-'aen' c, coF)• ',-0' to e--:ceed TO , 00 a r r i e C. ';,'11E
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.V 1 C -- Son.
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t_,ic 'ene-al __,�'und fo-r the s=ic.
e c7 the follm-iin=- vote:
7' -
f T.) -
.V 1 C -- Son.
Trustee Iue --er advised the 3oard that '7r. Dale or the 71 Segundo
.wand �_ ivproverient Company ha.d to.1''ee_ to ''im relative to having he
City improve ^Y?^ �^;-�± -� s the lot on the SoutII .st cornea of Grend
_..v^nii.e �.':r ?,:a.in Street „�, -n t� s and s:_ -.
' et �•. �__ .,�. ^rubber��, �,; ,-e1:er ^.1 con -
sent the matter was referred_ to the :-erect `'arerir_tendent ;'(jr
inve:-ti J.� tion,
Considera'cle discussion. vras t_.en had_ by the 3oard Z^.it_ »efe--ence,
t0 L-•:!e -pro-,) o s ed muniCi "02,1 via te -' .,o_'�;.s and it CICs I-_Yovcd. by .'rustee
:Davis, second.ed by irustec; inde_ -, that the City c)E a nC. Ile
i instructed to analyze th.e report of the s-.l of the
E1 Se •un do :late_' Cor�.an,, and the Saus..l- ,.ter CmDan,. as made
Cll ms tend L Gill el en and rend. e_ analysis at the next rer�ular
meeting of the Board. Carried by the foll=4 -nL; Tote:
Ayes: Trustees Dinde_•, Davis, I-Eue[;er, Smiley end Dryson.
IToes : hone.
Absent : hone.
T'OVed by Trustee Rue -e':', seconded_ by Trustee Smi led th t t1"_e
t C1e_�l. .:,e
and he is her instructed to i)u_�cha.se t iely e �.;ranite
cu.s -u.o_ s for use in the City _c 11 �, a, cost not ';o e. teed '10.00,
..he follo.•rin, -.
Aye_- T r u s tees Finder, Do.v i s , ILue ?er, Sm_11P,�r c^1 "ld '"y SOn .
Ices . Pone.
r- r ,.,onc.
AvGC_ %fir = rL ?0';ce Smiley, ^ec0'n' _ed by T-1- stee �i��e -er, that the
Ci le_'' )E ^nd },e is ere:;�r instruc';ed to nurcti:ase ;"o f•p,soline
couron t?ocl;s for use of t'r_e Street -,u-,;erinte.nd_ent-. Carried. by e'r'e
ryes . Trustees 3inde_', Davis, = :ucFe-r, Smiley and -_r- son.
I;oes: hone.
sel:t _ None .
:70 further business an-;pea.rinr to be transac led at this meetinC;
it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Do.vis, tIl_ --t the
r^ec';_ 1 0 djou --- n C
_:esncctfully submittec_,
r, Oved.:
City Cleo'..: • ;,U4 - .
„� ^,dent, , oard of _rt?stees,