1922 DEC 12 CC MINEl Segundo, "al. Dec. 12, 1992.
A regular meeting of the Board of '-'rustees of the City of -71
egundo, California, was called to order at 7: 30 0' clocr: >` on the
above date in the Council Chamber of' the ';it "all bf said City by
the City Clerl :, the - resident of the Board being absent. `Trustee
Binder was unanimously chosen President pro-tcr. of the >>oard and he
imrr.ediwtely assumed the duties of the --resident.
110LL C 1 ZL .
Trustees Present: Binder, Davis and Smiley.
Trustees Absent: Bryson and i:ueger.
T1r.e minutes of the regular meeting held on the 6th day of December,
1922 were read. TTo errors or omissions appear -ing, it was moved by
Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'rustee Davis, that the minutes be
._proved as read. Carried..
•-7�iTr, :TIT ATTOES .
11e following communications were read and disposed of as
i nCiic,-�.ted
T�= _ .iy `_' TO_ �j, U--i nr" the .`o?rr, ':,0 ,-ran'l t'-,:e _ 8.c=f is T elerhOrie
'ele�ra`h Com)any's request for a _permit to install poles on Loma
Vista. Street. Ordered riled.
Tt Tf'1 ^'ln 47 Tf�l
L SEEGUiTDO VOLUITTEEI? _ I D �- l � _: I� � , advising the names of the
pe_-sons elected to fill the De-oartment Officerships for the ensueing
year. gloved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
-,persons elected to fill the various offices of the El Segundo Volunteer
-Fire De art raent fog' the ensueing year, as indicated in the communicr.tion
frorf, the Chief of said Deyjartment, dated Decer_:)er 12th, 1922, be
ayjproved and confirmed and the letter placed on file. Carried..
Street Superintendent Gunn requested the Bonrd's attitude with
respect to requiring permits of persons, firms or corporations
desiring to dig or excavate in public streets, alleys, or public
.places. r.ioved by mrustee Davis, seconded by ^rustee Smiley, that
the City Clerk. be and he is hereby instructed to communicate with all
persons, firms or corporations w-ose business rerui _-e,� tlera to
e : :ca.v: to in public streets, alleys or places within the City of El
Segundo, a.dvisinrr such firms that in future they will be required to
^ocu -ce -aerl:�its for all e_:cavations as re�,_uired by Ordinance -To. 10
of the City of Tl Se-undo. Carried.
B'OP.2S 0- -,�I�1�I_TG CO_:T.'TTT'— S .
rrjs'ec; 3inder re-!'tea avill" investijated the mr:.ttcr of the
inSta lati-)n of holes on the -,a,st ride of Loma Vista Street .)et ".,een
1raY1C1 _:Venlle and �'ra17_ :l .n ven_�e, for '.';'_1i Cil permit had been requested
by i,he -Jaci f is Telephone -v TelcEraph Company, h,-vin,,- learned that the
'eleohone Comn^,ny could not use the existing pottier .)oles on account
o -° the hich voltaf e wires no-,7 .rein" carried on said poles. It w, ^.s
moved Trustee Davis, seconded y Trustee Smiley, that the Pacific
I ele -phone TeleSraph Com-.�any be and they are hereby granted permission
to set one 30 f t. and two 35 foot poles and one anchor on the East
side of Lome. 'Ii sta Street, between Grand and 1'rankli n Avenue, this
city, as -)er s.':etch submitted with their ap- .;li.ca.ti,x dated Noveriber
?9th, 1922, all. of said work to be -:prosecuted and completed to the
Satisfaction of the Street "ul]erintendent of the C'ity of ill Secundo.
�rri e,_ , w
T : T r,•.,-r�n ^-., ^l , ", -T - -' - ' r
e Ij ,,, Borne r - e oor haTi h" received advice from t_ne
Carnegie Library Corn]orl Lion to tie effect t:iat s,.-id co_nora .ion is
no loci- -er building ubli.c Tji ra ^i es.
-�' +ter ^ t A,r r -A n r� -,]r rt a, r� ' t^ L ? ^e
__ze _ , _t„orne7 -re,,,o to ?h. -n _ e]are, nd .el.verca
rylt" "ler'_: t'le 0-- d-,n",nce ''E',3per -t__: t_ ^e coli.Pct-!o C'. n,5 dl- • °i]0 r 1 0
_ ^wrba.-e nd +_ r�b':]is?1 v.ithin Ul- e �t-r of l Se _indo a, ,e,� to'ore
di_ ected '.)y the 'card.
?r i S I -7 .
Trustee Davis innuii 1r iat disposal the 3oard desired to m��.i.e
of the old electric ran -e removed from the fireman's livi.lrn 7uarters.
after disc..tsoion it T,as i,ioved by 'irustee 7avi s, seconded b;.r = rustes
Shiley, that the City Clem. :!e autiorized and instructed to sell said
range for z, sum not less t=zar_ :,10.00. Carried.
Tile following- deiminds, ha.v i n�; h.wd the a_ -oroval of the Committee
oi: 1inTnce n'_ _:e cords,
were read:
Standa�-1 Oil Cc.
- acific Electric =:ailwa.y Co.
7i rst .:id Eauir)rne-, t "o.
B. B. 3ullard'
L?ni oil _ -.CC': 10.
J . Gilbert
A-,,-e1(-7, _.Ub :per
�ta.rl-, ,o.
Bass - Reuter -saint o.
,-'238.02 _
?: -oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that t?he
demn.nds be allo-.red and vra.r-,mits drawn on the `General Fund for the same.
lb-,., the fo7_lo': in` vote:
n Tr s'�' ,; i " n^ e r
ye ua ee 3 nd_e •, D Cis _ z.�_ ail s .
Absent: Trustees Bryson and - :ue -er
, -, -)-� T,- T.,-G;,
jT..�.. _1J.�__. .
:roved by Trustee Smile..,, seconded
"ler�. be and he is hereb: authorised
mLin: c e''1ouse w e(I so '.h ^t ile
Carried by the f ollonin- vote :
„r '- irustee - )cavl..`i, that the City
nu instructed to ''gave the
sr,ine :lr be electrically -liCrnted
Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Davis and Smiley.
_oes : iTone.
Ibsen :;: TrUSteeS ) ^jrS0i1 and
.. L ' ,., a
__ove,d b -' _rustec Smiley, seconded '']jT _ rustee �awiS, �tic one ut�'6E31.
Ul]erl;h' e'1deYlt be ^nd Ile. is '•h e, ".Jy authorized and instructed to con -
s'i.l'uc'u for the : to ndard 011 ,om -uany an oil macadam dii vewa;y* on a basis
of cost ']1 _LS 10 1) into their 0, 1'_:1 ?l -,lace on the S'outh side of L'l
eSundo Avenue east of i cImond Street. Carried.
- -owed by 'rustee Smiley, seconded b;,r Trustee Davi^, ti :at the El
Ce un,lo "rarlmaf Sc.iool be anted nemiis ^ion to use one hundred of the
'i ty's cal ^_irs on the l5th day of Decembe 1922, tine e1mense of
Carta -'e on c_lai -s- 'Uo t'le school and returri 'Go be bo "n by the
Ichool ?'_strict, r111 of s ^id cz ".irs to be returned _n rood condition.
Trustee Davis it,troduced ^rc'.ins,nc.e ';o. 90, enti ±led:
"A i 0_'DI1,? .y 0r �_- CITY OI? 1 L S_7GTJ'i'IDO ,
CALI?0 :1TI , __' GULATi'-T "- T-IT, COLLECTI01T
A'.' TD DISPOS:? . 0? GA1R 3 G_7 AIM
TTIE ACCiJYUI"`,.':'IO': OF I,1A!T'J -1E '.7IT-1I1; SAID
CITY; WSC I - II:u ?Ei:ALTI_ S 0:. T=
VIOLS ".` IOi Ti'E'= COI' AI`D RTp ,A-,j AI,L
0?,DI =iA ?CAS :�1� A ITS
07 O' -:!DNAY, CE ITT
C017LI CT ^1 _ =_. =T T tf
t-, llich was read.
'.roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded.by "rustee Davis, that Harold
". De.7e;• be and he is hereby granted permission to breai: the cltr:)
a nd side-aal_: on the 'ast side of Concord Street between -1 Se`undo
%ven�?e and the alley Tort:
tl?rri -ou ccat7 _ o_ the -1 Ce`,un ?_o oluriteer -ire De �artment,
^rus',ee - "_''v'- �:.itiateC. d'sC'- ission as to t e L OS^�;, �l1` " O- SU�-
?ittin to t -7e 70ters a. an ee l;r date �_1e Q,zestion of het,er or not
+ e -; rl; +e' rro, -a uti, _.tie" = = -" t'�e
des'---e -.o �u_ c__u.^e �e - -- _ - _
'.t" 0.l Se, undo, _ 1C1: C�= sCL ?`� :07 t,e "�ln?.t8ry _i1 t'_i8 JE'lrl,^
de�'c-L ed =•o =' oine :Iee : for cons_de- tiOTl.
_'r -?stee - -index advised t'?e 3ocaid t.-.at 0_ -:rin` '?:G _ ri0.' ,ee,: =1e
had ut!-.o - -i ,- ed the `)treet u_1e, i i:tenr_ent, to �-rocu- - -e a^ o-,-•de, from
the i t�r Cler -: fo ^ ^e -t�.in neede rep�.i rs to the tanden road roll er
^_rustee minder alvised t_�at t_.e lea_.v roof over the ��ire �n inF
Driver t S oua---ters had been dra-un to `this attention and by general
conF-ent the matter of re -oai 'in; the same was left to sai(",_ Trustee.
'Discussion w --is then had by the .board with reference to the salary
be .n,M paid _rs. aev ; - -. Else- for her services to the city and it
-,n earir_r�- that s id sa1a -y is not corinensurate with the salary paid
for simi)_ar services rendered elserrhe- ^e, it was moved bar Trustee Davis,
seconded by Trustee Smilev, that effective DecemJe 15th, 1922) and
un''ti l the ar't_:er Or'de'_' of this JOard, the Salary Of i;'rS. Neva i.:.1Sey
be �.nd t-,--,e same i s here',, increase-] to the sum of :; 125.00 per month for
i'ul]. tilre services, said sure to be payable mont:zl.r as other city
motion .•s carried by the iollo in` vote.
?.yes . Truste,=;._ �;ino_er, Davis and Smiley.
'oes : I-: one .
�ruSte'.,S -?- „arson an,! - ,ue -er.
'O Tort_ "le; bUSi:1e ^a 2. e? -.'? n,T to be transacted '_t this meetirir
it - �rse s _o � ile;-, seconded bi Trustee Davis, that the
meeL.1'?' P- djourn. arrle.d,
:es-:Dect-fully suami Ited,
,O oved :
President, 3oard of Trustees.
City Cler],.