1922 DEC 06 CC MIN228 D,_ lift �l Segundo, Cal. 'Dec. 6, 4 7 meetir-, of the `3oard of '_=`ee,,� c)-- 'he _n ad ournec'.. re,I,,_zlni Of -1 C)cLrru r -_­d0, 'alilon-_u w.- ., -s cp.11ed to ordei• at 7:30 o I clocl: 7 t-- 77_11 on the iil;ove date fn the Co,,incil �7_­iczn_�e-c of he - __L. _� e t1le of cS,­JLC _'it:- "Jruf7toc 74-nder, I-"_ -,e "reoldent of th -,o!7.2. e r e i n ., a". tient ru:-1ee 2 i n cd e r -.- v,,, i i n en. T i I ri o c1-i o F; e n res iCI ent pro -tern aiiid_ he -*L-..,weC, -.ssuried tll.c ci.,i tf es of tae 4 r.1-0-dent. 7-1-c C'­nli- t'.�_en Dcv*Lc '1c,_-'-, nro-tem. f" T 7 Einde-l-, 'avis e.nd Smiley. on 7:�G - ­­ ­D 0 _=VICUS (' _. 1-3 C,-.- --777-TJ--C_- 77 - 7 Y S -he minutes of' the rer-ular meeting held on the 2P_t*_,,_ day of 'T :,e_--e read ",- U hout error oi- omission being not ec and v!ere iz--,-)on r-otion of '-'rustec Smilev, seconded bl., I`rm.stee Dav i!� v.-hi ch car r i ed.. - 7- at 15 o' clock - , . I.- . --e- V of the .-_eiou_-ned re��-ulp..r Tn-eetin- '.ie2jr', on Decem,, is ,-:C--e 7To o--- orig!7f ons beir. noteCi , tine -v viere 4 'Ll .0 n M') C, - 01 e secondec, lb-,..- Trustee Smilev EI i, 0. v '(7 the ad-iourned re,--ul�-.r ripe tin_ held 'at 7 :00 T-, 111.4 , f"p— �2he n4nLitec- of oicloc _... on :Decem-�)e:� 192',,�.reie :�e-id ­Jo e-rrors o,-- o r.ri iq e v,,ere o ,ion P�r�is_tec _,)av2.s, seconde, 0 f e,-, or. 1-1 11 -eld cn the 5th d-7' -Lln) c �z or tne --e�7­,,1-2- mee'jnr-- w e -_­ El e ^d ,-:-j tI-;oi)t el- rc. o, or' ­sFlfc.n be, n•'- no C. ec 71- wnc- -,�iove� "i-astlec sccondeC,. -irustee D,7.vis, I a t tie. .1, ;)C- C-..')T,roved read, r r f. e c. conmin, - k.:Lons. ie,--d e.nd �ftis-.)osed of as e -fo 11 o v., i n.r C�� 4 n,-' i ca. t e r_ : �11-'T E IIT7 G7- C A 1. D_ %] A__Y, a6v _s nt-, Uhat for nomin I coc_t t,-,Ic--.r were in T)os--tion to furnish detectives for the ruimose o el r ir� to enforce the Act Ordered filed. -'J�'ITI7`C 1_- .i1; TTOITi Z-CT--, Cc to sct- one foot and turd `-irty-five foot poles U__ -nd one anchor on the -7',-.st side of Loma Vista Strect betv.,ee.-I Grand land. -r.-nhlin 2--enues , 4-11•.is c-i t3r. 11 ved b,r "'-u-s' ee Davis-, seconded 'IDir Trustee that the rqa'Gte,_• be ref erred. to the ---ublic. Service C'mr,,iittee or 21_rvesti.-�l tion. _arried.. -T- ­­ re - be construc'ed into questinc tiaa-L. a d-1-ivewal/ LI c "1 11 ('I�rect, "-Js city. I-oved. by a+ 1-o. 647 "est 'iJalmit �Ju_ i, k-1:­ -'r, r i - I -i E, t e e Dovis, seconded by r s t e C, Sniley, tl?.t the Street c 'o cons�r-L_ic�e a [,nd -Lereby ill L, , �, 1� he i s I F, -ic'e6 LI _� * , F7 I.-o. 6*7 inut Into the o 741e ' - C- i fj 77 on a cost -clus 10 basis -arri ec, -tee of the i c c., point C o mm i he 2--me. n of a, S -111,- , as', i n -,)C: ­,F- ... �;,40n to i-.- e on ` e of Deccrq.)e-_- 1).' ­1 -r.Ci lFth, I r.ectin­cz ,-ovc - b" 0 S 0 0 0 4- e C- -11 t C wr 4 p CI 0 it 1 --)-T �' e(-,, Mi I P,-,- J-'- i.- e rn. P, i on o e , C_ ri. �j one, v. :r =0'_T,,mS 0`' S7A17,D11`1 G 001:71- 77775. Trustee Finder a dvi scd having investi •" ted the rec_uest of the "C'� +OmanI S eneflt Association of the 1:acca bees that t"f eV be allov ed to res 1 °.e their o" l i�•ina.l e.rre.l� e��:ent /��r]o�� the use of tale City Hal_ Auditorium on the first ou- 'uesday even_nEs of each coon ti_, and he ..,f= recon_,<Lended that 'he _ ,oard ta.! -e no action in the matter, i'nasr.:uch as - the 1.'accabees had volunta.r_1,7 , ~iven u: the third_ ^ :esde.r of -e'.ch 'riont' t; thout havinL, first consulted. ti.-.e -oard. It was thereupon -rioved by `2ru5 tee Smiley seconded by �'rustee Davis, that the „Oman's ^,er_e "ii_, Association of the :accabe­o be advised that the -'oard COL' -l('t to-.,­e nO f.CtiO11 in this ' tte" ln, ^.s.'a?ch as t'--e 1..ti.CC?7)eC^ hr:,. 1,_C!'ie t-1-.e orlr'inal Carr ^_n--e'_'�c:.ts to t urn one of their ever _n7s ove- to ano "ier o "_•der. Carried. f Trusee Davi.- advised that revised fire beer. r_,rinted and ar - distributed by the 1�lso t ,at co ies of�tne n rbaE e ordinance are ic:i11 be distributed by the Street Su-:)erintcnd district cards have Street `'uper_ntendent. being ;printed. and eat t = =rou, hout the City 'ru ^tee ''inder advised that he had had the Fuild.inC_ Inspector - - figure the lumber required to build necessary cupboa rds in the fire - n-ine ':.ive_,'s quarte_•s and that tl?e FuildinE InsT)ector would rob '.blur _ - -oceed wit1,. the construc 'ion of the cupboards. 1.AVed by asteC D2.ViS, seconded by =Cite- Cle_` be nd he is iiere16 authorized = ol.e = ur_ °e "1 Gas 1:Tas= 170. CO -10 =or use of .co :t not to e teed_ 1!55.00, from amen D. ^'�011ov.in vote: Trustee Smiley, that the and instructed to order the =Fire Denartr..er.t at a. Hazzard. Carrier'.. bir the :3 Ayes: Trustees Di nde_•, Davis and Smiley. Noes : hone . Abcent: Trustees Bryson and ue"er. n.YT_'G BILLS. To tai ;1258.23 1:ioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by 'trustee Smiley, that the bi1-ls be a.11or. Fund ed and varra.r�ts drz�wn on the General Fund for the same. C-Carried by the followinL vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, and Smiley. Noes: Yone. Absel,t : Trustees Br,- son, 7 %n6 R uerre= . 1T?, Fu :I'l SS . i_oved by `_2rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the 1'accr.. ecs 'nd 1"ni!`,�ts of ,th.ia.s be Crarted. permission to use the -City _'ali A.uditoriulr: on -he evening- of December 23rd, 192. Carried. 1._CVed bj* `''rustee Smi leer, Seconded. ,.' Trustee Davis, t . ^,t the -as cnic LOd-e, be n-ra rated use 0- t'_Ie Cit-1 Hall Auditorium on tl'e �'.,evenin' of recer,:)er 3Cth, 191"?.. Carried. The "ity Cleric nro -tem reported. that t'rhe returns of the 'S,ecir.l 1.-•,ni ciY)�.i .'lection _geld on - ::'ednesdny, the 29th day of C1i0VeriJeT, 19:?`?, in the City of -%1 Ser:undo, v7e'_'e in his - possession - 'in 't, e envelopes containing them in the s<,:,me condi ;lore as when "Freceived by the City Cler"7 and the Cler7: pro -tern ~resented. said 'creturns to the 3oard of Trustees a.t t s meeting, "he. follov.-inr; derx%nds, ha.v_n %'; had tsle a,pp_"•ow.l of the 1 %rrnittee. ='or. --'i na.nce and "e co_ ds , w ere _ea.d : - �Tlectr_.c. Shop 4.00 Daci =i c Tel, 8^ TeI. Co, 43.45 1El Serrundo Ga,rar-e 10.20 '.utomobile Club of So. Cal. 20.00 _ I . J. K-ucheman 14.85 Herald `ublis pine Co. 60.91 = -•1 -:. `S, Croc -er Co. Inc, 16.90 C. Ganahl Luffber Co, 2.62 - ='Harold h. Dale 35.00 El Se "Sund.o ',dater Co, 34.30 Yeager 16.00 To tai ;1258.23 1:ioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by 'trustee Smiley, that the bi1-ls be a.11or. Fund ed and varra.r�ts drz�wn on the General Fund for the same. C-Carried by the followinL vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, and Smiley. Noes: Yone. Absel,t : Trustees Br,- son, 7 %n6 R uerre= . 1T?, Fu :I'l SS . i_oved by `_2rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the 1'accr.. ecs 'nd 1"ni!`,�ts of ,th.ia.s be Crarted. permission to use the -City _'ali A.uditoriulr: on -he evening- of December 23rd, 192. Carried. 1._CVed bj* `''rustee Smi leer, Seconded. ,.' Trustee Davis, t . ^,t the -as cnic LOd-e, be n-ra rated use 0- t'_Ie Cit-1 Hall Auditorium on tl'e �'.,evenin' of recer,:)er 3Cth, 191"?.. Carried. The "ity Cleric nro -tem reported. that t'rhe returns of the 'S,ecir.l 1.-•,ni ciY)�.i .'lection _geld on - ::'ednesdny, the 29th day of C1i0VeriJeT, 19:?`?, in the City of -%1 Ser:undo, v7e'_'e in his - possession - 'in 't, e envelopes containing them in the s<,:,me condi ;lore as when "Freceived by the City Cler"7 and the Cler7: pro -tern ~resented. said 'creturns to the 3oard of Trustees a.t t s meeting, 230 Tt was - nerennoli movcO by ''rustee '.milev, seconded ::y rustee vii t'r.at the f T Est rote d t D�, hoard of �rt..� secs � e oNth:••�_ ..ii to cn..:vs.s:, returns . - a -•ried by the folio;: i r:^ vote: ayes : Trustees Finder, Davis and Snilc -7 Yoes: hone. rus tees Fryson and -:ueCer. `;-id moti or: bei n -- ca:2ried-, the Board. of `�rustec,� then r: oceeded. Forthwith to publicly e.>u_.mine and canv�is; said _,eturns l -.nd u:-)on '..,.,e c con...-,ietion of said ca:_vz�ss b; said Board, it was roved rus',ee yavis,_ seconded by "'rus ee Sley, that esoluion -.C. i entitled: T 71 n n? Y r , . JTILL'.. O^ ED a -_C7J_._Dc_ � �_�T 0. -'.'_ IA, V:'.SS._;G - TT 0 - -= TI- I 7 C'!TY 0;T m J 29TH DA's' 0 2._ , AiyD DT;:IyA:__. _- _. be ed.o_ ted.. by ::he Rollo ,ins: vote: Ayes: Trustees - linder, Davis and Smiley. foes . -one. t_ "occ ;� Tr s —_ys n v . 1 U ee � _ _ ..� 0.. �,nd c further Dust ne:;G ^,npearin^ to be transactcd a' this np..etinr, by TrUstee Dav; -, Seconded by Trustee L s rec. n ; adl* cu_n. Car: , :es - I. ec•t ',illy submi -c,.ed, r0Ved.: 71?t�IAAJ CI U Clert. r a �er.�l. nt , t n f _. tees . _ re de ro e Board o� s