1922 DEC 05 CC MIN.227 El Secundo, Cal. Dec 5, 1922. At the hour of 7:30 o' clod: ?. 1'. on the above date, in the Council Charlber of the City Mall in the City of l Scgundo, said time and place beinC the regular time and _ -p1ace for holdin- recul r :eetinvs of the Doard o_" Trustees of said City, the C4 t;r Cler'_ called the roll. Trustees minder and Davis res;-)onded as -;present, Trustees 3ryson, 1 ueger wild Smiley beinr- absent. - it arnearinc- thwt a quorum was not ,,resent, Trustees 'index and Davis, toget_zer with the City Clerk, waited until the hour of 7:45 o' cloc' K. = . ii. of said date, at which time, no other Trustees appearing, it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconder'. by Trustee finder, that the meetin-r- adjourn until :'ednesday, the 6th day of December, 1322, at she hour of 7:30 o' clod: 1. T:. and that the notice of the time of such al ournment be given immediately to the absent members of said Doard. The City Cler__ -,gut the notion, which carried. Respectfully submitted, An-oroved : City Cl rk . president, Oro tem, board of Trustees.