1922 DEC 01 CC MIN224 El Segmdo, 'l. Dec. 1, 1922. the :tour a_pointed for an adjourned rer;ul�ar meetin, , t wit: the 'our of 4:15 o'clock P. �1. on the a:)ove date, the -T Clerk was � only person present. ',' e Cler_: :-sited at '_e Council Cha 'D for a period of fifteen minutes and no moer of the Loard of lr tees -.ppearing, the Cler'_: thereupon nnounccd that the meeti - s od adjourned until 7:00 o'clo _. o' the above dale. s f es e illy submitted, 1 A-_ _- ;roved : :resident, Boad of Trustees. Cl e r. . rl Segundo, Cal. -Dec. 1, 19,01. At t_ze ;lour a -�-oiizted for �Rn a.djourned rerul.ar riectin of 11 the '3oard of '=rustees of t,1e ;"ity of __1 :)e ^undo, to- -.lit: tae rimer of 4 :15 o' clock `' ? °. on the a Notre date, the :i t�,- ; "ler -: ' :;as t.­_e oniv -erson -)resent in tae ''ouncil hammer o__ the _t-r -:all r of a ^ldv C"_t�r i 1.- Council. Chamber for a period of f if teeiz rAn,,_Ites -'nd no of the hoard o= _'rustee s a )pea - -in' t`le ;l g'y'_L the meetin. .Mood adjourned until 7 : 00 o' clot"-. of tae aa.:e date. -:es: :ectfull;T ou_ Tbmltte'_i, iI Aop=oved: :L+-- 1 e y resident, oard of 'ruste, es. 22* RW El Segundo, Cal. Dec. 1, 19:'.2. �r_ adjourned regular meeting of the 3oard of trustees of the Ci t „- of El Segundo, California, i72.s called to order at 7:00 o' clocl: :. on the move date in the Counci _ Chamber of the City =«11 of s .id City by the City 'ler_ -, the _resident of the Boar6. being absent. Trustee Smiley was unanimously chosen -resident pro -ter: and he ir,unediately assumed the dutes of the _ resident. LOLL C.LL . Trustees ?resent: Binder, Davis and Smiley. Trustees Abse : =t: 3ryson and .:ueger. Yoved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the reguler order of business. be dispensed with. Carried. A letter from 'dith Ii. Bryson, representing a Committee from the :roman's Benefit Association of tine laccabees, requested the use of a, nu mbel- of the City's portable tables and collapsible chairs on December 5th, 1922. I:oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that this permission_be granted. Carried. ^. letter from Yrs. ?:Tae Grimec, C:nairr_ian of a Committee from the= oman's 3enefit Association of the '17accabees, advising that their action in permitting another order to use the City hall Auditorium on the third Tuesday evening of e,r ch raont'ri in their stead has been found to be unsatisfactory and that they now desire to resume the a.rra.n-eYlent, that of using the City :all d_urin ; the evening of the first -our Tuesdaya of each month. 1ived by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the lel.ter be filed and the matter he referred to the =ublic Service Committee for investigation and report. Carried. I:Ioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the request of tars. Helen r.. Brock for permission to use sip: collapsible chairs on the evening of December 2nd, 1922 be granted. Carried. The Cleri: advised the Board that 111r. J. A. Gerow, who had previously requested a permit to collect garbage from three institutions in the business district of the City, which permit had been granted by the Health Officer, has now decided to discontinue the practice. - rustee Smiley advised the Board that Street Superintendent Gunn had su�;ested the construction of cement curb and gutter on a portion of the South side of E1 Segundo Avenue, which, if constructed, will reduce the e_:?)ense of maintaining the roadway at said point. It was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the Street Superintendent be and ?he is hereby authorized and instructed to con- struct a -cement curb and gutter on t'ne South side o_C El Segundo Avenue -- --,i 4-i ho T_.ste _�ly terminus of the curb and gutter in front of the Stand,rd Oil Company's Time Office to the %7esterly* side of the drive - 7 —Y into the Standard Oil ':om?any's automobile -.gar', loci =.te t eas --t of 6gid �'ime Of :Cite. carried by the folloviing vote: Truste :s Binder, Davis and Smiley. ? -o es : 1, one . Aocent: Trustees Br son and _'•ueger. —e folloviia. demands, aiavi n•^ ;previously been approved by the Committee on 7inance and ?ecord, were read: 226 _1 '?eter 2. '3in ^_er 15.00 i ch . _ ? Ti s 15.00 lilliwm C. 3ryson 15.00 Carl '. 'uee =' 15.00 ilfred 'T Smiley 15.00 Victor 'c:;�. :ct..l�r 175.00 Tlicto� _. Zy n6100.00 _ i n + ? t Llrtz',r� ler 25 00 _ P :ood. ^� -rd. ro , ,?6 100,; 0 -_- - 'Torm -i =; , 3tc -phens 8.00 . .�. _un e _ , 00 0 `r 7� .rber -.00 _',- eder_c:_�'_.r. Dulev 0 wary 7. aos -ers u 3.00 Jr"_e _ - ._w-ee V -.00 C17.LZd A. 7anson 3.00 John 0. ,its ;_"eral' 00 rilli.�.rn Griies 8 00 Ivan U "rson Co ^ . V - 'rustees _ �'�urc:. �'= 10.00 _ _ LP_OZna S i�P. 1'i iL1C_: ;' .00 , -Irs Violet '_�urston • no _i, rrecn 50. 00 A. C,-.rl -.^ale _ Co. 12.04 3o, con :o. 33,43 Ii. A. Ii-o-:rell 6.60 Georze .-id,:rell 16 +` H . Jonea 140.00 '_eor•-e _= cLc.uc".li:. .1110 1 _x.00 _iONsI ler � 125.00 `,' ' Clyde '.r`oo�'y ?rd ^, 3. '1 ?. D. Gardner 100.00 � .✓�:. Jensen 15.00 A, -:. Gunn 195.00 Le _._oyne Ellis 4,50 Leslie 3lyth 4.00 :iathan H. Cherry 7.00 C. T. Ains,aortlz 102.70 C goody, 56. "? %. ':tiller 3.00 _-Ie,- 'ry 64,40 Dera;;isch 59.52 :'. D. Sic ler 59.52 So. Calif. Edison Co. 2.60 So. Calif. :,,,di son Co. 33. 736 So. Calif. 'Edison Co, 13.90 So. Calif. Edison Co. 98.05 So. Calif. Edison Col 26.56 So. C lif. Edison `o. 1.67 r eli_, Van Dame 17.30 Total .12166.47 '_oved by' Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Davis, t:.at t'-IC demands be -.glowed c--nd warrants drain on tr.e senera,l 1)nd_ 'or t::e s ?.me. Carried by tide f ollovri nS vo to : Ayes : Trustees Binder, Davis -?md "'mileyr. `oes : "one. Absent: ' rustees '3,r,-son wnd - :uerre-r. 3 T furt:.er busi -mess a.ppearir.,r to be transacted at t'lis ?leetl ?7?', Lt ':r,?s 'r- ved b -, Irustee, _ av4s, seconded ��- "ru-,teP, -`nder, that -the -. -�iec =n ; -.dj o?.zrn. Ca-ri e!, 1 es-,,ect--Cully su:jmi tt. ted, A,o :grove =_: C ty Cler' resident, -oro tem, 3oard of Trustees.