1922 AUG 30 CC MIN1"79
11 Seg>>ndo, Calif. Aur-ust 30, 1922
A re -ulai, meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of
1_.'i Segundo, California was called to order at 7:30 o' clocl: p
t =,.e above date in the Council Chamber of the Cit- Hall of said .city
by Willi&m C. Bryson, ''resident of the .hoard.
Trustees 1resent: Binder, Davis, ueger and Bryson,
Trustees Absent: Smiley.
::_ ADIITC OI' ^rte _.�ITJ11S 0
The minutes of t.e regular meeting held on the 23rd day of
ii —ust, 1922 gene read without error or omission bein* noted, and it
moved b, .rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Ruener that the same
be approved as read. Car_�ied unU.miously,
The minutes of the adjourned regular neetinr- held on the
Irl d --- of August, 19`'.2 Were read. I o errors or omissions a-near-
yng, i.tVwac moved by "rustee Binder, seconded by Trustce Davis th t
the SO-Me be a�Dproved. ac read. Carried unamiously,
The f
i.ndi ca.ted ollowing, co=iunications were read and disposed of as
LE: ".GL C CI. LII' Ci�;LA:LJrl'.ICI= -�-A_T�I'�'IBS, a.r_riouncing the tr-renty-
fourt', annual convention of said league and urrinf- representation of
this city at said convention as matters of extra o •dinary irroro'Lam ce
to municinali ties will be considered. Ordered filed.
T= = t.`_OSA BB-GC C U -2-71 OF COIN :_12CB, asking that this board join the
Hermosa, Teach Chamber of Commerce in a request to the ?acific Electric
Railvra-.r Com,.)any for irToroved nassen,;eY se_,vice on the beach line
between Redondo and Los Angeles. !loved by Trustee Eueger, seconded by
Trustee Davis that the City Clerh be instructed to vrrite the :.Pacific
Electric Cori.-anv tir_th reference to the matter referred. to in Is. Ebner's
letter, also to advise 15r. Loner of the action of this Loard. Carried,
A. requesting permission to commence his annual
vacation September 5, 1922, ' "oved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by
Trustee Davis that this -)erraission be granted. Carried,
A. R. GU?j application fo:- permission to take his annual
vacation beginning Se=,tember 5, 1922. _. -oved by ^rustee ueger, seconded
'by ^rustee Davis that this per-mission be granted. Carried.
TIOI: =IOC?: COT_ Ai, letter dated August 29, 192? advising
chwr_;r e in prices of their products effective September 1, 19`: ', Ordered
filed. -
L. S =TII? addressed the Board relative to a change in the
grade of the southerly curb of Pa-Inn Avenue between Richmond' and Virginia
Streets, this ci O,-, necessitated through contemplated improvements by
the GraLmner School Trustees. Brief discussions ensued, during which it
180 7
appeared that Trustees Rueger and Bryson and City Engineer Cory had
made an investigation of this matter and believe the proposed change
beneficial. It was t-__en * moved by Trustee Rueger and seconded by
Trustee Davis that the City Engineer and the City Attorney ynrepare
such .rocee:lings as are necessar;;T
, f or a cha.:ge of the previously
established of icial grade on the south side of -'alm Avenue between
Ric _,nonc7 and Virginia streets. T e motion carried by the following-
vote :
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Bryson.
toes: Trustees Bone.
Absent: Tr-Listees Smiley.
3.=`O ?TC 01' MUMING CCi__.+! "'T =7 .
Trustee Rueger of the 7'u'
;havin2,* requested Carr and Brady to
buntin- and decorations to be used
but that these 'lad not as yet been
to Trustee Binder upon recei-_�t.
blic Service Co=-nittee re ported
,procure some - prices on the cost of
on the City Hall September 9, 1922
obtained and w ould be turned over
it annearin- that complaint has been made that the present
system of lig- -its on the band stand does not give adequate light in
t:the center of said band stand it was roved by Trustee 3ueger and
seconded b7 Trustee Binder tihat the band stand be re -aired so as to
-provide eigiht additional lifrhts in the center. Carried by the
follo:Tinr- vote:
es: Trustees Binder, Davis, Y.uc-or and ';ryson.
=.oes : Tinustees 17, one
Absent ^rustees S?~iiley
I:one .
L 4'I TS ^D 7_3USII,7:,SS .
The Cleri.: drew attention to the request of Harry 1L.
Francis and 0. L. Fleming for an estimate of the cost of repairing
Collin�;tivood Street froi3onita Vista Avenue to Hillcrest Avenue, which
letter, was filed with the Board one year ago, action thereon having
been delayed so lonrr in anticipation of the city of Los Angeles
establishing an official grade on said street as requested by this
board. Having failed to do so up to this date, and Collingvrood Street
61-Q - in Practically an im?)assable condition, it was believed desirable
to give relief and by general consent the Street Superintendent was
instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of iml) roving the city's
portion of the thoroughfare.
Trustee Davis inquired whether or not the Board desired to
em-I)loY an experienced traffic officer while the '_:arshal is on his
vacation. The consensus of the Board bein- unfavorable, it was moved bl-
rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder that tlh matter atter of transferirg
t ie niS'ht vratc.nmen so as to _)ro,-)erly -police tine City during the absence
of the '.ars aal �,7'hile on vacation, be left to the - ?ublic Safty Committee.
nv- ' BILLS
the follo:'rinS demands, having had the a._�proval of tine
CoLrnittee on Finance and Records, were read:
C =,:;ud A. '_anson
_s ... . gee .r-- .
Thoniaz-: Levi `_'uc ==
'recieric�: __. Dulef
?."rs . Clara ?ones
. "rs . l0 Mra Stephens
=ss. 2velyn S. Tuck
It waL teen moved
Ruegc-r that t=hese demands be
General Fund for the same.
r 8.00
I::rs .
Julia _... Stanton
0. Fiitzgeraid
i'a,ry 3. i oF;crs
U. Larson
_... V.
__. � .
by Trustee
and seconded
allo, ;,,ed
and irrarrants
drawn on
by the
following vote:
by Trustee
=;Tes: Tri stees Binder, Davis, :ue`er and Bryson.
7 - "oes : Trustees none.
Abcent Trustees Smi1e?
'.roved b- Tj ustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis t_iat
the Cit;t Cler': be, and 'he is hereby aut'horized and instructed to
- -. rchase one carton of twenty -five. vJatt ? {azda lank -)s frorh the
2lectric Shoe, said lamps to be used in the various traffic direc-
tfon si, ^ns tArouchout the City. Clarried by the f olloviin- vote:
Aires: `:'Tt1StEeS
T 3_inder, Davis, _'ue"er, and Bryson.
i "oes : - rustees : one
Absent '2rustees Sniley
T Ie :: .rshal announcer' the an-oointment of }:. C. Smith as a
De-,)uty and requested the Boardts a-onroval of the appoint -cent. I-owed
by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee 3i nder that the a,)pointnent of
%_. C. S.�ith as a Deputy .^rshal during the month of September 1922
be and the s?rhe is hereby approved. Carried.
Trustee 3ryson advised that several persons had complained
to hi about the blowJn- of the dia-.)hone at nine _'. :. -. daily, Dis -
c _ iss_ons ,,hich followed brou;ht out the fact tit the blor•in� of the
horn at nine 3. : -, is intended to serve as a curfew, as vJell as, a
test to insure proper worr;ing of the device and it was su- Cested by
- :uer cr that the mcetinn adjourn until Friday the first day
of Se teribE_-, 19`?' at the ''hour of twelve o'clock noon. Carried.
A- .�nroved :
'resident, Board of T ustees.
Respectfully submitted,
Ci y t
if the citizens desired its use discontinued, a petition stating
the fact should be presented to the Board.
?o further business a -_ ,)eLrinf-, ;o be trans,-.c ter'_ at tii s
session, it :'J2S ?'loved by Trustee Davis s"--conded J.' Trustee i ler,"er
?ha V