1922 AUG 23 CC MIN1'74 D
El Segunda, Calif.
August 23, 1922.
re�-,,i .r rmeeti n� of t_-_e Board of Trustees of the City
.� 7
of 'El Segunda, California, was called to order at 7 :30
o' clo CI- _ IS. on t:ie above date, in the Council Chamber of tp City H,
Of said City b ,.r '7illi= C. Bryson, ?resident of the Board.
R011L C^-LL
Trustees - resent: Davis, Tlueger, Smiley and Bryson.
^rustces :absent: Binder.
The rzinutes of t__e regular meeting held on the 16th
day of .Lugust, 1922, were read and no errors or orunissions
having been noted said minutes mere approved upon motion
of Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, Which carried
The f ollowinc corimuni cations were read and disposed of
as indicated.
Ow= C�JB, a_p?olying for oernmission to use the
City Hall, on Wednesday afternoons from two to four for the
-nuroose of holding its regular reetinA- I"oved by Trustee Blueger
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that this permission be granted,
and thP.t no charge be =de for such use. Carried.
Corr,_ tee V. 'Miller application for a written permit to move
ron building to be used
C or gar__�;e ;purposes, :rithin the
iity of L'1 Segund^ . !'loved by Trustee Rueger, se?,Qn�ed by
Tructee Smiled *, that E. V. Yiller �±e and he�a is,wgranted
permission to move within the City of El Segunde, one cor-
rugated -iron building to be used for garage -our-poses. Said
removal to be over and alonr- the route, and on the date in-
dicated in the applicationX therefor! Such hermit is granted
subject to payment to the City Clerk of the fee required by
law, -and_ to the buildin s' erection at. i.ts new location
in conformity with the building finance of the City of E1
Segunda, and further subject to such removal over the public
streets being to the satisf,ction of the street superintendent
of the City of E1 Segundo, Carried.
George A, I:idwell, City i'arshall, asking that he be grant-
ed his annual vacation, beginning September 11, 1922. I:Ioved
by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley that this per-
mission be granted. Carried.
A' - . =GICIT pACIEIC ?OST ITO. 38, requested permission
to use the City hall Auditorium , August 29, 1922, and extend -
inr; �Eo Leo 71 ogr of Trustees an invitation to join them in
their,,ghlyd year of tiie founding of s_id cost. I3ovec? by Trustee
Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley that the American Legir;n be
granted - permission to use t'_ -le City Nall Auditorium on that
date, and for the nurrose set forth in their a_,plica.tion and
the -,,r be advised of the Board's acceptance of their invit-
cation to be y�resent on t'le occasion. Carried.
r" , 17' Co-- 1T�� -� 07 - �_. 7- SIOIT D_, CEL�T'B _TiOIT, ashin� that
tae City I :all be decor--t
: c1m; scion 7^.7r. ITot*ed by
Smile,", t__at this matter
Corali +.tee, with �otirer to
ad with flags and bunting, etc., on
Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee
be referred to the Public Service
act, carried by the followinE; vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, �iueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Toes : Trustees i ?one.
4bsent: Trustee Binder.
C.L:L ;i . 7,7JLL , ?resident of the Board of Trustees of I -la,n-
hA.ttan Beach, inquiring as to the action contem_slated by this
city concerni n� the _,ro-oosed enlargement of the Los M—eles
Out -fall se-:rer at ?Ty?erion. iioved by Trustee 11�:ueger, seconded
byt Trustee Smile- t'�wt this communication be filed. Carried.
IMS. J. A. GEP0'•a, representing the Womens' Civic/ Club,
stated_ t =,at this organization is interested in the Rest Parti.
for .1 SeSunda, Trustee Britson re--,lied tha'.: he believed it to
be tie intention of the 73o,,,--d of Trustees to -,rovide such a
_)lace in a small way by the imp; overlent of the City -prope-ty in
rear of the City Hall. Trustee Rite-er stated his belief that
t -e only way t1_e Board of Trustees could h?.ndle such a nronosi-
tion would be throu'r,', a petition filed by the voters , calling,
Z, a. bond election f o- that specific pur-oose, as there would
not be sufficient funds in t-e General 1�und of tae City Treas-
u r-- to handle such a large undertal-ing. Is. J. V. Van i' -ton
advised the Board t_,�at the minutes of the last regular meetin^
;sere omitted from the la -oublica.tion of his news-paner rnring
to diffi c�_llties he ENCOU 6 in Sri rating the official ballots
for the bond election.Re)orts of sta,ndin�c: committees Trustee
';?ieger re;)orted that the curb in =pine Avenue , between Virginia
and ':siting street, is ten inches higher than the grade given
by the City engineer, -persuent to the Boards instructions to
establish the official grede on pine Avenue and t.i.at in his
o-i nion such official Cra de should be made to conform to the
existing contour of the ground as nearly as possibie. The City
�n-incer stated that one of his assista..nts had failed to show
in his notes th,t a curb existed in said street for which reason
the r_:de did not fit existing conditions# it was moved by
True.tae 3ueger and seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the street
su,)e-rintendent be andgis hereby instructed to set sidewalk..
Q J_t'.es in -Oine Avenue, between Virginia and . hiting streets, so
as to conform to the grade of existing curb on said street.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson.
I.oes: Trustees ?,one
Absent: Trustee Binder.
Trustee Davis of the rublic Safety Committee dreg
attention to the need of tires and a drive chain for the Police
motor cycle; it v�r�s then moved by Trustee Rueger and seconded by
"'rustee Sr4ile, ti-;t the City ,Clerk+ be and he is hereby authorized
and instructed to nurchwse a set of two tires and the driving
c'^_,:�.in for the ''olice Deoartment motor cycle ot- the cost not t
eceed :.?25. Carried bit t':.e foli_ owing vote:
Ayes: "rustees Davis, nueg•er, Smiley and Bryson.
.:Toes: Trustees none.
._bsent:Trustee Binder.
Oi�1 '!'"1'lT JCS ,�"' ^t/'/ ' -'r f'l:'1'^1� r�
l, 07 ICLI .lITD .s__�_�, i11-�J CO_.�.� _. .�.i1. )� .
tJiii'LTI "'�'7 BUSK?'~ SS.
D 175:.
The City Clerk announced that t e returns of the snw ial
mt_ni ci _nzl election held on I.ior_da.y -,'he 21st day of August, 1922$,
had been delivered to .aim and that the same are in his nossew ion
v:i th the seals unbroken, and in the same condition as when revived;
It tira.s t.zen moved by irustee Sni ley, and seconded bit Trustee Rueger
Th .t rr..en t%.is meeti n` - ,d#ourns it kzA adjourn= to ''onday th e
2u dcav of August, 122,2, wt t'_e :your of 11 o'clock A. 1% at which
sd time t e returns o-f ie s-Decial munici -,)ai election held in
t. i c ci t;;' oil t -.e 21st day of august, 1922, shall be ca.nvacsed b,t
t'_is 1?oard Carried b r t.�e follo� °ring vote. v
Ayes: Trustees D.--.vi--, - , _ieger, Smiley and = ''='irson�
7TOeS: Tri sties none.
ribent :Tructees Binder.
CITY .;; ?GI ''-"_ C0_-,'Y re--)orte^ that ne estimated he
cost of i ndicn,ti n - fire districts and -nave ro,dw ^.ors in colors
u:)on t_ie official ma_- would cost a-^ ,roe :ir.�ately ; =',40 and teat
sho:-rin- sidewa11.s and curbs in addition would cost w •pro_.ima- tely
:85.50. ".oved b;r rus.tee Davis, seco -_ded b;, Trustee `ueger t:iat
t-he Cit, Enr-incer be and he is hereby instructed to _,roceed
with b inging the official of the city u) to dote, as re-
card.c s :owing t__ereon fire districts, Zrrnroved road -via7 s , side -
ual.s ^.nd curbs at a cost not to e_--teed S90. Carried by tae
fcllowin- vote:
lies : Trustees Davis, Ruer-er, Smiley and B=Son.
?does: Trustees none
Absent:Trustees Birder.
_`oved by Trust�_e RueZer,seconded by Trustee Smiley
that ordinance -' 39; entitlec':
G_ D__:Ai .,_. 07 ___. CIlY OF EL S�GTJ�;�A, C_ ^.hII+'O- :iTLA,
1 I_ 1� 't r-; 7- - �-1n�r n" _'_'T'T;? AS A
BY 'TAT_ �l' J:_ OI T-:, ',-'AZ-ABLE _.0 ? , .
?rri -rT rii n '"„-r ',T 1,1', _+ S T-';!1. 'ri+""'_+-T C� AiM
_1 - �G! IV ,� I! T � '0) ;
CJ JJi.l YE'3, 1922- 1923.",
introduced and read at tae regular meet -
i nr- o-_'' t_ie Board of Trustees held on tae 16t h d ^.y of '_'
f Aur- ust,19`?Z
toybe ado-nted. Carried b-- the follo- %;inr- vote:
"_��ec Trustees D" -vis, Smiley e.nd Bryson.
?does: Trustees none
Absent :Trustees Binder.
T :7iOLLO'.:I +C: Demands, caving been approved. b7 the
cc c.c fir_ence -.rd -- ecords were read:
Americ,- .r.- La~,r. ?ice .fire Engine Co s? 6.55
E1 Serrunda State Ta k 3.00
N. S. CrocY.er 15.27
Rich Budelier 1.50
Standard Oil- Co. 312.91
State Co=ensation Insurance I'd. 551.58
Herald ''ublis111ng Co. 88.10
lIarper L. Reynolds 35.37
I?oved_ by ' "rurtee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Sni ley
t: t -taese deg, ands be alto-wed and warrants be dra-�.n upon the
General fund for the s-.-.e. Carr -ied by the following Vote:-
Ayes Trustees Davis, hueger, am =ley and Bryson.
foes: Trustees none
"bsent: Trustees Birder.
Liovec?_ i y Trustee ueger, seconded by Trustce
teat the City
Clerk he �,ndAjiereby authorized
ant? instructed_ tc �,�der from the Standard Oil Com_.)an�r nine (9 )
feces of six (6) inch Junh pipe e^.ch piece to be two (2)
feet Si:-_ (l inches long MUTEM. These to be used =T to
set xg _,osts for street Ii- h:0ing of Richmond street. Curried
by t___e following vote:
Ayes: Trustees T,.vis, ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Does: Trustees none.
Absent: Trustees Binder,
? "oved b;' Tr•jstee jtueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley
that Admission Day celebration co=iittee be gre "nted per::iss-
ion to use t_:e cities, )_J ano in connection with their street
dw :ce, or e:= te::ibe- 9 , 1922. Ca rried.
T=om '1':T'.S � TT announced t = ,e 9911 1, 1 I_ 4 a _ l ointL ent
of Bra-.z:: 7e,..Ilm^r_, -and GeorGe ?.'cL2.uciLlin as De.,,uty I :.,Si_o.i ls, and
requested tie Board's a-- -roval of the sane. Yoved by Trustee RueL�a-
seconded by Trustee Sm -'.le r t_ie.t tiese a_ no ; ntr.:ents be . roved
C ^cried.
"_�,.-- D ' I U„ -- II7C 7 �ZTTY , in-
Lj_ . - _ O'
Cui�P.c`. -r'ti to the Board's dis- osition vditti_ respect to " ern- ln;-in_-
e :: -)er ienced relief for t - -e City TT�.rS "!^11 dur_nc his va ca'i.l Ong
r_c defin -ate conclusion bein- a =rived at zcticn was deferred.
�1 _:o fort _er uus�ner_s c:._ = eari." to be trans cted at t its session,
it was 1.7cved by ' rustee Sm -ley, seconded by Trustee Davis
t' «,t t-.":_is Meetin- adjot ?rn "until _-ondo, the 28th d-., of : oust,
1 °n4 ^t t_,e hour of 11 o' clocl: t.. I.. Curried. v
:es-)ectfully submitted,
City Clerk.
._ r c. ic'ent of t__e Board? r TrL ?stees.