1922 AUG 16 CC MINn 171,, --1 Segundo, Cal. _u-7 l � , A rc -ular meeting of the _3oard of Trustees of 'lie lity of -'l Sep ulido, California, was called to order at 7 :30 o I clod: _ on the :wove date in t'l-e Co-_?ncil C'harauer of the Cit-- = -a1). ,)y the City Clergy:, the _-resident of the Joard bein- absent, u Trustee `_>milev was c:rose__ as resident -)_o tern and i::r:::ecziwtcly assur�ec - -, e antic, of tale resident. ROIL CALL. rustees _ resent : Davis, ::uegcr and Smile—.T. ,'.':uctee5 absent: Binder L:nd Br:'son. mere r_rinutes of the re- -ul ,-�r r:zeetin- held on the 9t%l day of .emu; t?st, 19 ?!? c-Lc read tfi tnout error or omission bein -" noted. I± vro.s moved b�r 'rustee '21'uc er, seconded by '2rustee J ^vis that t_re­ be an-n- oved ac re�,.d_. '-!arried. ,, one . •n r�r r Y- ^oT'T!!Tr•-f -Y njo -TC 11 J. :. "r. .Laj.tzenhiser, re resent ti ve of Olmsted am ft Gillilen, inquired ":rhec'?er or not the Joarc: _-lad to su --'est ;rhich would be nececc� =y or usef,_il in securi_z:- -.n ^i 'ir:ia ive vote on the bond isrue _u"ust 21St, 1922, ^.s 're was here to r:a_:e C aatever final arra.ngerle27ts ni ;ht be necessary. Discussion disclosed t'ia,t it is evident the Leo le un :ers ta.nd_ the matter pretty thoroughly s.nd no action was t �_.:en at this time. OF 0E--' i JJ_'_iJ ti!'•ij-) _7_ =,C.`c�L COi:....._ TT r ' S . Trustee Davis of the -ublic Sc,fety Co,=,ittee -reported investiga,tinv and checYing up t'rie general condition of the - -folice De artraent wit--­l the City I. rshal during the past vree�� and reported that in his opinion the Denartment is being handled in a very of 'icient manner. Street Su--)erintendent Gunn advised that t'rre amount allovied by the Board of "rustees at the last regular meeting for the purcil. -se of paint was sufficient only for the purchase of stain and it was moved by Trustee Lucger, seconded by Trustee Da,,ris, that the City Clem: be and he is hereby authorized to purc:iase ten gallons of white paint for the Street De,?^rtment at a cost not to exceed :;,;35.00. Carried' by' the folloviing vote: Ayes : Trustees Davis, ueger and Smiley. :Toes LTone. Absent : Trustees Binder and. Bryson. Ci t-r Attorney _.:"oodl.vor t_i r eno:: eC reS " Ct t0 t",-)_e re 'a,i r_r1!�' of _.i cIamond- .tree'; tale rf,�orninc f ollO:, Jnr' E^ t : - .i _ , . .., �e lest rep? ?tar glee ��_zr, o_ �__e -'oard. inas.rl,?c�: as �..r. D).ne, -_,P_ rusenta. ive of tie Peon! e, was prec_ent in the Council ��1wI: ?bet "i OY to t'Lre CO 1z7Ei .._n ^' Of is >i rieel in-' wnc_ adV4sed t'; _ lf; e i y .,o,, 1) v. �. y J. 1., ei I1' o ;c"._r ' -_ I ^L�' t ace the d.e- f e ,iVe _'L'.Vcr, ell t, no :iu rt's2ei ac tic wF,,`: tE.: -_en. y _e Ci t;T rttorrle•.r advised h�.vin pre .red tre forr:� of notice �ow' _,"_ve_ .is n!7- for :,ids on & truc :, but that he did not have J—he ao . tley yy�au in d ve 2 :- c r ' 1.. been le-ft out of _..is a u_.0 O ii� E., :Jut e= _ 1L'.].r]P.G uriefl7r t'- 1.e ��'O'Tis101;s, and it dress rroved blr `_'rL?c tee 1LueZe2', seconded b� lrl?stee ":�"is 'ha' the �,it,r Clerk be 172 D and he is hereby authorized and instructed. to ! -ave m:ublished Yotice c,llinr- for bi (3s on Trt:c1- Chassis , Ca.rried.� `2hE ".4t­ ttornev rer ,.orted that the minter had submitted to him pro ofs of the bond'_ b --.l1ot, v7_?i c: }''.` in turn had subi''itt.ed to t1le cons,_ 1tin - bond a ttorne- -s , 'ordwell IL ther,s. T77 'T 7 `T C 7TTC 77? 1( C� J. -over. ,.T -'_ Vt•e ..��er;e_ -, seconded iJ yT r"rus',ee ��.�T -�, t "_a.t the ol). o•,; i n`: resolution be ad o_�,ted_ : i t a_?pears that certain resiuen�s and - �rcrerty owners of the City of El SeY-undo are willing­ to certc.ir_ mcneys in the sun of ,: 125.00 into the T_ e- __IT of the -lity of `1 Segundo , California., and, into the General Fund thereof, for the nur-.')ose of cans -m� certain street improver..ents within said City to be r.de, and, '. S, said sum has been deposited with the City Clem- of said Gi tl with instruction to pay the same into said. General Fund uron the ado -t -on of the folio .inr•: B_' I^ == _, SOLjT. ,D . That the Street Sti-e_ i r_ terid ent be and he is hereby authorized and in- structed to cause the portion of that certain public st1'Cet v1itl =in 11e City 0-i 11 Segundo, California, imm" 7 as Aren Sty c.et, lyin- and being betvreen Grand_ Avenue anc;. ?'razz' li r Avenue, to be imr� oved. by the construction therein of the following improvement, to -wt An ir_r) :_•ovenent similar in character to that used in the iri rovcrient of ` Cim Avent7e, t11i s citv". Carried_ by the following- vote: ryes: Trustees Davis, Rueger and Smiley ITce.s : I, one 'boent:7rustee minder and Bryson. G �liJ7J5. '_'he follov,inc� demands, ha.vin5 had tl1e a pprov- l o the Committee on Finance and i?ecord, were read: Ecuner Corporation 13.01 So. Calif. -dison Co. 22.60 T-acific 1el. & Tel. Co. 24.53 American- LaIvrance fire Bng. Co. 2.34 C . Wooc yard 66.88 ":i`eldor_ 1.1 -nufz cturir-g Co. X3.90 Trif fin - s.asso�l Labor�.tories 1.50 Union ocr Co. 147.47 _ c..ci_ .c Electric ;y. Co. 29.52 C. T. Ainsworth 93.70 D. S. booth 59.52 7l. G. Henry 62.31 1. 1: Sumner 54.56 . D . Si ckl er 64.48 67.60 So. Calif. Edison Co. 18.83 S0. C,.1if. " di son Co. 6.95 So. Calif. Bison Co. 27.03 So. Ctn.lif. Edison Co. 91.35 So. Calif. = ,`dison Co. 1.84 G. Schirrie:.• I'usic Stores 25.75 915.97 ':cved ' .1y Trustee 1:ue.r7er, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the de.. ^.nds be a.11o.-;ed anr? w rra)- is drawn on t1--e General -tznd for the s -.me. e _°oll o;-,inV vote . byes : Trustees Davie,,ueger and Smiley i -oec : Tone. Absent. Trustees 7ind_e1 I-:,nd Bryson. Trt?stee =- .ueger ir_trocuced Ordinance I.o. 89 entitles_: 0_DI ,A : 0_ SAC 0 , _ Zi- Cl f - t� r��C 3 .' C _ _ _.•--.PTO. LSO;: Cl -.- _ _..,yam_ � J. TO rl -..:V �' VI�.ICUC Dom:. ';'„_ A17D Ai ��:. 01�D :- Il. Dl; 0" SAID 11 x wl'. cI_ V, I- s read. 7.7oveCt bJ Trustee, Ruer.er, Re�~'_:,c ?.o Lodge l o . 507 f +'. € _'�. ?-- ":,l] A>>di to '7 uri on ':r,e eveni n ° seconded by Trustee Davis, that El be rro,nted Tiermission to use the wit cuC'•or�,�Sr rerri.al 0' ,:5.75 -be :b ^.c.e :"or sic_-,. use. rried, ."evec_ by 'l'rustec ',avis, seconded bar Trustee ic!•er, that the rily, "ler_: be and ���e is hereby aut��orized. and. instructed- to 1 rc_i.ase f o u ^coline col?-_on uoo-:S for use of the 171'treet De,:,artment at, a cost not to e :cceed ;;"80.00. Carried_ by the folloc:inEr vote Ayes : Trustees Dav"i s, _ ue ;er and i"oeIS, : 1Tone . A�?Sfnt Trustees index and Dryson :!'c furtl�.er busfness am)cai inC to be it v!,-,s ':!oveJ by '- rustee Davis, Seconded by ':eetin"° adjoLlrn. C'-,rried. Ar"_ = o vecl L . trans, .cted at this meetin• , l'rustee Yueser, that the Resilectfully submitted., president, -,oard of Trustees. 173 ►r e