1922 AUG 09 CC MIND16r4
E1 Segundo, Cal. kugust 9th, 1922.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of �_]1
Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. i-. on
the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Ball by the City
Cler'K, the President being absent. Trustee 1tueGer was chosen as
-resident pro -tem and immediately assumed the duties of the office of
Trustees Present: 3inder, Davis, :ueger and Smiley.
Trustees Absent: Bryson.
RE_ D13 G 0 :.`'-111,1]^- -S 07 PREVIOUS '_- =TIITG ,
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 2nd day of August,
1922 were read without error or omission being noted and were approved
upon motion of Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3inder, which carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
EL S7-u?ni70 SCI.00L BOA_ BY 'Ii�� L3S _•I. I!ILLS, Sec'y. , requesting
grade sta':�es be set on Palm Avenue 'oet7een 'ic'nmond Street and Virginia
Street for guidance in the construction of a school building on I'alm
Avenue. I:Ioved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
City Engineer be and he is 11-ereby instructed to set grade sta't:es on
Palm Avenue as requested by the El Segundo School Board. Carried.
7,UGE1 E, h7RITER, President, Standard Oil :athletic Association and
G. W. Post Commander, American Legion Pacific Post No. 38,
a joint letter requesting that September 9th, 1922 be designated Il
Segundo Hay for the purpose of holding a celebration similar to the one
held last year and that the sum of y�2000.00 be appropriated therefdr,
stating further that these two organizations would assume all necessary
detail work and responsibility in staging the celebration. Loved by
Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that properly authenticated
deikl.nds, not-to exceed the sum of X2000.00, for expenditures in con-
nection with the proposed celebration for promotion purposes, to be
held in E1 Segundo, September 9th, 1922, be honored by this Board when
,)resented. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes,: Trustees Binder, Davis, = :ueger and Smiley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee .Bryson.
0?.L�1T' S CIVIC I7 'OVE7.71172 CLUB O�+ EL D"GUITDO ,
to several recent attacks upon several of their sex
employment of an additional night watchman. Loved
seconded by Trustee Davis, that an additional night
City of 'l Scg : undo be employed at a salary of 140.
Carried by the following vote:
drawing attention
and requesting the
by 'trustee Binder,
watchman for the
DO per month.
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley.
Noes: Bone.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
I:ioved by `trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that George
.:cLauchlin be employed as I1+ight -� atchman for the City of El Segundo,
beginninr, _�uoust 10th, 1922 at a compensation at the rate of X140.00
'per month until the further order of this Board, said compensation to
be payable monthly as other city salaries are paid. Carried by the
folloi7inrr vote:
Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley.
Noes: Hone.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
168 D
NEVt': L. =•S__, ar- - ^lyinC for customary two vree:s vacnItion and
an additional three ;-gee_ :s leave of absence. Yroved by Trustee Davis,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the reouest of iTeva I:. Elsey for two
wee = :s vacation be- innin_r August 21st, 1922 and an additional three
creel :s leave of absence be - ranted. Ca °vied.
0 .a_L COI 7-Ti I CAT IOI• S .
A representative of t: ,ie ',ieldon y'ire Gun Comi)any addressed the
3oard with reference to his product, stati nS that the same '_zad received
the u��rrov`_:.1 of the -'ire Chief, t-rho desired two of the one-gallon
size on the fire engine, as vrell as some in the City Hall buildinS.
'roved by `Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Srv.ley that the City Cler',
be and the is here -Dy authorized and instructed to y urc_l se four small
I..'eldon _5 i re Guns, two for use in the Ci ty 'g=all building and two for
use on the fire engine, together with two brac.ets for the : eldon
fire guns at a cost not to exceed b34.00. Carried by the following
Ares : Trustees Binder, Davis, -Rueger an,'. Smiley.
Noes: Toone.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
A. H. Hardcastle addressed the Board relative to the improvement
of Arena Street betJeen ''grand and i'ranklin Avent ?es, statin[; that lie
had been endeavoring for two years to collect sufficient money to
cause the Board to aut ionize the work performed and that being-
unsuccessful, he would contribute a portion OIL' this shortage himself
if he could ascertain the amount the Board of Trustees would require.
It anpearin.g after discussion that the 3oa:,d mould order the imp -ove-
T of the above street upon -payment to the City Clerk of ~;125.00,
:.'60.00 o- t7hic i is at present in the hands of the City Clerk, I :zr.
Hardcastle agree0_ to ma1.e an effort to '_nave the necessary money paid
to the City Clerk before tLe next regular meeting.
J?O7 TS 0-' STA1TMING COI.7. :ITT =S .
�i'0 _ S OF 0'F+ i?I CL S A11) S-IPECIAL COI_2'ITTE -'S .
Trustee Davis of the -ublic Safety Committee reported in the
matter of the signal light at the top of the City _call, w.lich was
referred to him at the last meetinr-, that he had talked with Mr.
1% Smith, ?.Tanager of the Pacific Telephone w Telegraph Company
over the telephone and his understandinr- is that the Telephone Company
do not favor the responsibility of operating such a signal. Trustee
Davis stated furt:ler that he had vvalhed around the city for the
puri)ose of determining from what points the top of the City Ball
would be visible and had found that hills obscure the building from
a.n - points. He suggested that when the local telephone exchange is
in operation a tele- -, one be ,t. epch of the points where
wv.tchs�_.n's clod: bo�:es -:.re not-: situated and that a lig, be placed
over or near e^_ch one of these telephones, such light being; operated
in lieu of bell. Ty generrr,,l consent he wr>.s instructed to continue
his investiJations Cnd if possible ascertain the cost o- irsta.11ing-
under the rl?x: 1 -e p_o,;osed.
-1 c` f pt of Title Insur, „nce = olicy,
s'.ow'nr• t;tle to the �a.ste llr 70 feet of Lots 7 and S in 31oci: 211
vested. Vin the :"ity of -1 Segundo, which he referred to the City
t to -rye;- for aT prov^,1. ai th respect to said- certificate, the City
, Attorney drevr attention to the fact that the Cit!% of 71 Scgundo vras
not in'.i cater. in said certificate as a L= unicipalV Corporation, but that
he ::could - -.as2 the certificate, not believing this omission vital,
but su- r- ested_ the matte., be caller. to the attention of the Title
Connj a.n;;r, believing° that they would change the certificate to co -r
to his desires.
The City Attorney reported in the mattes of the suit on the
so- celled_ Dulev =Road 'h,-,.t he had prepa_ed an answer in the partition
suit no�:: :)endin i::h4 CI-1 he eras present in" to the resident r "o -tem
for veri�;c Lion at this meeting.
T :ae City �_ttorne; reported_ crocking on the p- oceedin -c to be taken
under Act. Illo. 431.
M=T =i= BU�I_:_�CS
:roved_ ,�y '2--ustee Davis, seconded by-.Trustee Binder, that Ordinance
88, entitled:
tt� O'lDT!i 7C:,: G '' �� CI`i'�' 0T Y'L SEGUI:DO, CALI_'0__'?TIA,
Fl-- TITC1 mom, "'17-, : ?I PLACE O_. Jl' ;GULAG: 1 =r? I!' Gti OF
CITY hlijw I I7 S
:1L �
_,, n JS .EL 0 SA
OJIi + :Y.CES AI-.,D = 'A;- :TS 0T+' G1�DI11. -1TCES II. COl_LiCl T=`- '_Tr,iTTt1 ,
which ti,r, -•s introduced and rend at a regular meeting of the Board held
on the 2nd day of t:ugust, 1921, be adopted. Carried by the following
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley.
ITces : None.
Absent: Trustee 3ryson.
Trustee Davis reported that the experiment of narking automobiles
on ce,•tairi streets at an ann•le appears to be worhins Satisfactorily
^nd suggested that tale same be continued and extended to include the
South side of Grand '!venue from _'ichmond Street to 1.,`nin Street. !loved
�oy Trustee Davis, seconded by 'Trustee Smiley, that the Street Super -
4Ln 1: -cr_d ent be and he is 11.ereby instructed to paint diagonal lines on
the South side of Grand Avenue between ::ichmond Street a.nd Main Street
as a guidance for the pa.rfing of automobiles. Carried by Lhe followilp,
Ayes : Trustees Binde --,, Davis, Rueger, and Smiley.
ces: None.
Absent: Trustee Brison.
The folloy ing demands, having had the a»proval of the Committee on
finance and records, viere recd:
First Aid Ecuipment & Supply Co. 12.00 Pacific ilectric ry, Co. 48.80
H. S. Crocker Co. Inc. 9.00 So. Cal. Disinfecting Co, 1.81
E1 Segundo State Ban!_ 5.00 Herald Publishing Co. 128.70
1.'alter K. ?iitchcll 18.00 H. A. Jones 9.64
A. T. Gilmore Company 45.00 C. 71'. Powell 27.25
Pacific PPlectric lye Co. 64.62 , C. Woodyard 4.96
%7. D. Sicl,ler 4.96
Moved. by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustge Total u379.74
Egnile"y,, that Voe deT.ntards be a llov�esrr :nd rr�le by the f011O� ring vote:
drarm on ,,ne general fund for _..
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, l:ueger and Smiley. Noes: I one. Absent:
Trustee Bryson.
�'he Street Superintendent reported the flat body truce: in need
tdf repairs which mould cost a. -out ;;150.00. Discussion ensued relative
to the advisability of having these re -airs rLa,de or of selling the
I-rticl' or tradinC it in on a. new truck, following which it was moved
Trustee Linder, seconded by `lrustee Smiley, that the City Attorney
oe and he is Hereby instructed to ore--are forms necessar;.* for ad-
vcrtisin� fog u. true:: chnsoiS land the dis-posal of the old. true_:. Carr iecl
?.:ovec by Trustee Davis, seconded. by Trustee Smiley, that the Cit ;r
Cler'.= be and he is hereby authorized to purchase six r-,c- :soline bool.s
for use of the Street Department at a cost not to exceed .:120.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley,
floes: !lone.
Absent: 'Trustee Eryson.
170 D
T.Roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis that the I,`-asonic
Lodge be granted permission to use the City Hall Auditorium on the
eveninE of August 30th, 1922 Land that the customary rental charge of
:3.75 be made therefor. Carried.
The City Cler17 advised the Do-rd the Fire Department was in need
of r)ost cards for notifying its members of the dates of meetings
and drills. Lroved by Trustee Davis, seconded by 'i" rustee Di nder, that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to procure for t'-,,,e
fire De--nartnent three 'hundred- printed most cards at a cost not to
e :geed. ;:6.00. Carr.•ied by the folloi,rinf- vote:
A-es : Trustees Binder, Dav; ?ue`er and Smiley.
IToes : None.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
The Street Su -nevi ntendent advised the Bo,-,rd his reed for ten
gallons of white saint, one p,adlocl_ for the can di?rr_o and two fire
extinr- ,uishers. I'oved by T'rustee Smile -, seconded by Trustee Binder
t L-),t the City Clem.. be and he is hereby authorized. and instructed
to purchase for use of the Street Department ten t &lions of vihite
saint and one padlocl_ at a cost not to exceed pl5.00. Carried by
the follovinc vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Smiley.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
1.7cved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley that when the
;leldon .fire guns previously ordered for the use of the Fire Department
are receiv:d and installed upon the fire engine that the two La- France
fire extinguishers now a part of the equipment of said fire engine
be transferred to the Street Department. Carried.
ITc further business appearing to be trans ^.cted at this meeting,
it was moved by Trustee Smile;T, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved : •,
City C51err..
l-Ireo i nt, Board. of l rus tee