1922 AUG 02 CC MINZ40* E41 Segundo, Cal. August 2, 1922. A regular meeting of the Board of Tru�tees of the City of E1 Sep -undo, California,, i-ras called to order at 7 :30 o' clock = . on Che above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall by -111illiam C. Bryson, '-resident of the Board. ROLL C.' LL. Trustees Present: Binder, Davis, Izue;;er and Br -son. Trustees Absent: Smiley. P" DING OF I :�iNTBS OF a?,I�,`VIOUS I: TIiTG. \ 'J♦ The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th day of July, 1922 were read without error or omission being noted and were a_)proved upon motion of Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, which carried. 1ITTZiT CO%iaRTICATIONS. The following corimuni c, tions .,ere read a.nc of as indicated: G. ='._:TT YOUITG, requesting permission to construct a sidewalk in front... of his rrer_!ises at No. 419 Test Pine Avenue. The Chair suu`;ectec that another property* owner in the same street likewise de- sired to construct a siderrwlr_ in the near future and that existing curbs on said street a.re une•ren. It a�,,')earinr" to be e��t s ? o i_e.ve t -e o-": i ci-.1 grade on = ir_e Avenue y established by ordinance, it �,a.s r_ioved. b, Trustee ?ueger, seconded by Trustee Davis that the Cit-, -Engineer be and he is 1-1.ereby authorized and instructed to esta',lisi the off i cial grade on est Pine Avenue from Irain Street to the - .,'esterly City Limits and to set stakes for the construction of a sidewalk in front of the premises of G. E. Young at 419 ';lest Pine Avenue, and that G. B. Young is hereby granted permission to construct a side-alr as applied for in accordance with grades to be given by the City 73'ngineer and subject to such sidewalk being constructed to the satisf•^ction of the Superintendent of Streets. Carried. AllZRICAN LEGION PACIFIC POST ITO. 38, requesting per - fission to use the City Hall Auditorium for the purpose of, holding a dance the evening of Saturday, August 5th, 1922. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that this permission be granted. Carried. A. H. G=EIT, Recorder, asking for an increase in salary. ?.'oved by Trustee vueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the following resolution be adopted: "F.BSOLT D, that the salary of A. H. Green, as recorder of the City of El Segundo, be and the same is l).ereby increased from ')35.00 her month to x;50.00 per month beginning August 1st, 1922 and until the further order of this Board of Trustees, said salary to be ra.ya,ble monthly as other city salaries are paid ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Noes: ITone . Absent: Trustee None. Binder, Davis, 1-:ueger and Bryson. Smiley. O_�AL COI.17M IC ICES . 164 D !Tone. =0_ 1TS 07 STA_' =2M COIiL."ITTEEES. R='U'TS 072 0E-71 CE S A1M S E C I A L v 017.'I T n-,T','S The City Clerl: reported. having, opt -.fined prices on towels, -pillow slips, a metal box for _.�recervinn, s,-,r,-.e and a stretcher, t_I.e total cost an-:ro:�:imating :,,25.00. roved by Trustee ue-e�_', seconded by _'rustee Davis t -at the "ity Clerl: be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to _'-urchase si : to,, °gels, three pillo; slips, one Gold :: =edal litter and one loci: box at a cost not to exceed. '25.00. Carried by the followin ; vote: Ayes: Trustees ?inder, Davis, L- .ueger and 3_�yson. Woes : l;one. Ab2ent: Trustee Briley. "'he City Clerk advised having obtained prices on the posts needed for stringing sires on Richmond Street in event of a street dance, such cost being; about z.?20.00. I.ioved .y Trustee Davis, seconded by l rustee Binder, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized c�.nd instructed to purchase eir-lit 4 x 6 redwood posts 16 ft. long, and one 4 ,7 6 redwood post 18 ft. long at a cost not to e. =eed �r20.00. Carried- by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees finder, Davis, ueger and Bryson. floes : Bone. Absent: Trustee Smiley. 71,e = -ity Attorr_et- re -r)orted in the matter of rel,,airing -Richmond ^treet that he had communicated with L'r. Heinly, ma.na ^er of the ' illite "cncrc,.l Offices, also with I -r. Huntington of the same company, and that these -1:eor >le ar-reed to have the unsatist'actory condition of "iclunond Street in:-cstigated and repaired at an early date and that their fir. La-re had been instructed to take the matter up with the contractors, as well as the Doard of Trustees and if possible, to appear in person at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 2nd day of Alurust, 1922, it being understood that if for any reason i =r. Lane could not attend said meeting, the ':;illi t,e eople would have a definite re~;ort to the Board at its next meeting to be held on the 9th day of August, 1.92?. ursvant to instructions _,reviously given him, the City Attorney !)resented to each member of the Board a copy of a proposed ordinance -providing a City I:'anager form of government for the City of El Segundo. PAl'Ilf _ BILLS . The following demands, having hrd the approval of the Committee on Pinance and Record were read: ';lillip.m C. Bryson 15.00 Alfred L. Smiley 15.00 R. :r. Yeager 26.00 Neuner Coimoration 9.66 Peter . Binder 15.00 1 ichard F. Davis 15.00 Carl E. '.ueger 15.00 Victor D. LcCarthy 175.00 Neva I.'. L'lsey 100.00 'inta Curtzwiler 25.00 Clyde . %oodwort�i 100.00 J . C. Abshier 125.00 A. N. Green 35.00 George A. Kidwell 160.00 H. pones 140.00 C. 7.7oodyard 40.00 P. D. Gardner 100.00 A. R. Gunn 195.00 T'.e Found tTouse Garage 2.50 C. T. Ains�rorth 85.00 rich Budcaier 1.00 A$stin -'. estern road Machinery 19. R. Harris Lbr. Co. 5.00 Co. 11.50 ' alte2. 100.00 Herald ubliin Co. 75.00 D165-4 A. hiller 78.10 C. 'Woodyard 44.64 a.. D. Sici:ler 59.52 I. N. Sumner 34.72 W. G. Henry 44.64 F. Todd 3.10 D. S. Booth 44.64 El Segundo ';%ate.- Co. 34.10 Harold D. Dale 35.00 Union Rock Co. 117.50 Victor D. 1cCarthy 5.65 Total X2087.27 Hoved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, ?meger and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Smiley. IT _1 BUSII;ESS. Trustee 1:ueger sub vested that a police light signal which could be ope,_•a,ted- by the telephone operator in the telephone exchange when necessity der_n`^nded. might be erected on top of the City* Hall and used to advantage. Loved by Trustee i ueFer, seconded by Trustee Binder that the matter of a police li`;',it signal on top of the City "gall be te.?:en up with the Telepl-tone Com_)a.ny and other. rise inve�,tiClated by Trustee Davis and report made to the Board. Carried. "n .'rustee Lavis drew attention to --he fact that a number of viomen have been attp sized or accosted by strange men during the 1,.st three vieel:s and sur—ested the em_oloyment of an eXtra officer for night police duty until such time a-- the construction cL-!.mn of Bent Bros., Yhich drams many strangers to the city, is removed. I:oved by Trustee tuee:er, seconded by Trustee 3inder, that the matter be laid over for one week. Carried. Trustee Davis suggested that the official map of the city used on the Trustees' table be marked to indicate the improved streets and to delineate the fire districts. I1oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee:ue;er that this matter be referred to the City engineei- for report at the next meeting. Carried. ' Moved by Trustee lLueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance changing the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees from 1ednesday night to Tuesday night at the same time and place. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rue`.-er and Bryson. IToes : None. Absent: Trustee Smiley. roved by Trustee Rueter, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the Auditor's report be published once in the d Segundo Herald. Carried by the follov.ine vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Bryson. IToes : done. absent: Trustee Smiley. At this point, the hour being 8:35 o'clock P. I1. the Chair declared a recess of five minutes. At the hour of 8:40 o'clock P. 11. the meeting was reconvened and regular business resumed, Trustees Dinder, Davis, Rueter and Bryson answering roll call, Trustee Smiley being absent. Discussion of the proposed new building ordinance was then tai =en un and' the question of validity of the determination of fire districts ~-without a public hearing brought to the attention of the 166D ` �j vna board by the .A.ttorney, follot,i..!- which it w0s moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Lue[-,er, that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare, under Act. ITo. 431, the necessary proceedings for P_ public hearin- on the proposed btmild_in fire district ordinance. Carried. Trustee Pue�er introduced Ordinance I:o. 88 entitled: nh`: 077)-I ? CI'' 07 T l= CITY 0_- ^L C" GLr D 0 , LI 0 u TA G TIT , T?) C- 0-, Tft(7 -, r' 'D TT :1i1�I1� ', lJ� r iT AL�� 0: �rTCQ" S ID CITY 1 "1lD 01.­ vil_ich was read. Ii o further it was moved. by meetin8 adjourn. An-roved: business apnea -_mint to be trans,,.cted at this meeting, Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the Carried. 1�esrectfully submitted, g Pro Tem PresidenI/ Board of Trus eti . I ` �j vna