1921 OCT 05 CC MIN7- A­ Ai :L1 Segundo, Cal. October 5, 1921. A regular meeting of the 3oard of -'r Se ;undo, California, was called to order the above date in the Council Chamber of Rueger, "President of the Board. JLL C ALIT . ) stees of the City of El at 7 :30 o'clock P. I. on the City Hall by Carl E. Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and ueger. Hone. R. A �III11 J .Iii L l± J2 P_'ii'.VI J I S . LL1' Ii4G. The rr,inutes of the regular meeting held on the 21st day or �eptembar, 1921 were read without error or omission being noted. It was moved by Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the minutes be approved as read. /Carried. The r.:inutes of the regular meeting held on September 28th, 194:1 were read. IIo errors or omissions b -ing noted, it was moved by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley that they be approved as read. Carried. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on October 1st, 1321 were read without error or omission being noted and were approved as read upon motion by `i'rustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee .Davis, which carried. C J.L.71 iii I CAT 1.-0113. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: LJi G B.�ACH CHA,B.2J'R Jam' OI.L ;CL, extending an invitation to munici,)al officials to make l+ony Beach the place of holding their Tvienty -fifth Annual Convention in 1923. Jrdered filed. hone. H ry •� t.n t+ 02 51 Ai.BIIIG 00.111�'Il'TEXJa. Truste, Rueger expressed the opinion that the shoulders along El 6egundo Avenue where the Southern 0'al. Gas Company had laid a pipe line should be rolled flat and oiled. Other members of the 3oard concurring in this opinion, the matter was referred to the Street Superintendent. 'Ji�TS 0r' 0_y�_?IC�::tS X". -.-'C a?::CL COi,iI.ITli;r;a. Trustee Davis stated he had not as yet found a location where combustible debris mi -ht be burned. The City Clerk advised the receipt of a letter from the Southern California 3dison Company ouotin: prices on different candle power lamps. It was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the Southern Cali =ornia Edison Company be authorized-to install one 600 candle ,over lamp at the corner of Richmond Street and 2'rannlin Avenue at a cost of N9.05 per month, one 400 candle power lamp at the corner of E1 Segundo Avenue and main Street, also one 400 candle power lamp at the corner of 0oncord Street and Grand A.-enue at a cost of 47.05 per month each; and that the 40 Watt lamps now at said locations be removed and eliminated from the contract between the Southern Cal. Edison Company and the City of L1 Segundo. Carried by the following vote: ryes: Trustees 3inder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Iloes: Hone. Absent: I ?one. Trustee Rueger had the Clerk read a letter he had received from some person,.which urged the installation of electric signs at the three entrances to the city as an aid to motorists and an advertisement for the City, and the Clerk was instructed to obtain prices on signs from electric sign companies. Trustee Davis suggested that the Street intersection buttons at I:iain Street and c1 Segundo avenue be moved north to a point on a line parallel with the northerly curb line of R1 Segundo Avenue.- By general consent tnis was ordered done and at the suggestion of Trustee Bryson the Street Superintendent was instructed to paint a white strip six inches wide at intersections where buttons are located for the guidance of trafic. Trustee Davis advised the receipt of a number of complaints concerning the blowing of the diaphone twice daily. 3rief discussion terminated in a decision of the Board to continue testing the whistle as at oresent for a longer period. City Engineer Cory advised having conferred with the City Engineer at I.Tanhattan Beach with reference to the grade established on ;osecrans avenue, stating that he had personally gone over the ground and that in his opinion the engineer had made a -rood grade. ilone. U112I ISrii) BUSI�IE33. 'Ed BLS iI_L';S.3. he I,' rshal announced the revocation of the appointment of Scanlon as a deputy. i;oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee Davis that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a new filing cabinet and to trade in the filin• cabinet now in his office, the total expenditure in the transaction not to e..ceed :70.00. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and i:ueger. ,toes : None. Absent: done. IT 1'Jo further business appearing to be tri.:.nsacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded bug Trustee Davis, that the meetin - adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submit LI•ed, 1 MOO Abnroved : L President, Board of 'Trust est / ' -