1921 OCT 01 CC MIN31 Segundo, California. October 1st, 1921. An adjourned regular r:eeting of the Board of 'rustees of the City of L1 aegundo, California, was called to order at 11:30 O'clock A. i1. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City hall by Carl Rueger, : ."resident of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees _'resent: Davis, Smiley and 1 czee7er. Trustees Absent: Binder and Bryson I ;loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Lavis, that the regulaz order of business be dispensed with. Carried. PAYIIL .1 BILLS. The following demands, having had the aparoval of the Committee on = 'inance and records, were read: A. L. Hoblit 11.00 Peter .:. Binder 15.00 dm. C. Bryson 15.00 Richard 2. Davis 15.00 Alfred id. Smiley 15.00 Carl E. Rueger 15.00 Victor D. .icCarthy 18.33 Victor D. LoCarthy 7.65 Victor D. i, cCarthy 175.00 Neva L. F,51gey 85.00 Herald .'ubli shing Co. 134.05 Uinta Curtzwiler 25.00 Clyde 'loodworth 100.00 11argaret 3achmeyer 5.95 H. J. 3a-rber 25.00 Pacific Tel. �__ 2el. Co. 41.39 Automobile Club of So. Cal. 10.00 J. L-. 7orer2an 8.50 Dr. R. S. Anthony 2.50 Geo. A. Kidwell 160.00 V. Best 42.00 2. A. Culbertson 140.00 Standard Oil Co. 12.07 Joe Abshier 2.40 Weste-rn i,Jlectric Co. 16.01 J. C. _lbshier 125.00 P. ). sardner 100.00 A. R. Cunn 195.00 Braun, Bryant .: Austin 523.05 Braun, Bryant k Austin 223.15 Endicott L Larson 100.00 C. T. Ainsworth 85.00 -- A. 1,iller 97.59 C. "'doodyard 72.87 Sickler 51.56 I. Td. Sumner 51.56 E1 - egundo Jarage 41.50 Dan Wright a'arage 4.50 Union Rock Co. 87.10 Pacific electric Icy. Co. 138.20 L1 Segundo "later Co. 12.90 C. H. Todd 2.75 B. Henry 11.00 Id. Deragisch 16.50 E. 0. Davidson 18.56 J. 1.1cLauchlin 22.00 J. It. .1interstein 35.06 H. Jones 33.00 J. S. Orr 9.50 H. L. Hodge 15.25 Total x;3,169.44 lioved by 'Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the ieneral yIund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Davis, Smiley and i.ueger. floes: None, Absent: Trustees Binder and Bryson. The :Marshal announced the appointments of V. L. Best and L. ':J. Dessert as Deputies and upon motion of Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'rustee Davis, which carried, these appointments were ap;oroved. I;2oved by 'Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Lavis, that the Odd Iello;rs be granted use of the City Hall ,iuditorium on October 2:.'nd, 1921, and tl.at the .;lerh make a char --e of X3.75 therefor. Carried. I:ioved by :Trustee Smiler, seconded by Trustee davis, that the J. S. -ureau of ..:fines be ?emitted to use the Council Chamber free each ni ht of t.-.e c;eex comL.iencing October 3rd, 1921, except '4ednesday night, for the aurpose of conducting classes in -First Aid. Carried. w Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Javis, that the I...-asonic Lodge be granted use o-f the pity r_all auditorium on Jctober 81st and that the c_stomary charge of x.3.75 be made therefor. Carried. i;o furtae-r business ao ,)earin� to be transacted at this meeting, it was Moved by ` '-'rustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meetin; adjourn. Carried. respectfully submitted, iio -)roved : City Clerk. + ,resident .joara of i'ru ees.