1921 NOV 16 CC MIN'_`e
El Segundo, Cal. Nov. 16, 1923.
A regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of :l
Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. L. on the
above date in the Council Chamber of the City :all b.- Carl L. Rueger,
Pre .ident of the isoard.
Rol l CriLL.
Bryson, Davis, Smiley and ftueger.
:L] "DI�z
the minutes of the regular meeting held on the 9th day of
i:ovember, 1921, were read without errors or omissions being noted.
It was moved by Trustee .binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
minutes be approved as read. Carried.
Ti; I i' i' Ji. C Oiru.�Ui1 I C --.LT I Oi i .
The following; communications were read and disposed of as
DI- DI :Jr:�_ Ti.A;SPJ CJ,2 "IY, making application for
permit to operate an automobile stage line through the City of E1
ae;gundo. Loved by Trustee Smiley -, seconded by Trustee Binder, that
the application of the Dillingham 'Transportation Company for
permission to operate a passenger auto stage service through El
;e und), said application bein Application �o. 5, be ;ranted for
the Liaxirnui_: period provided by law, subject to the rules, regulations,
schedules and tariffs accompanying said ap)lication, and further
subject to the effect of such ordinances or resolutions of the Board
of 'Trustees of the City of �1 3e6—undo as are now in force, or may
hereafter be adopted. Carried by the following, vote:
Ayes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
1. oes : i ?one.
absent: !,one.
EL SEGU iDJ bU1:IyIn.�cY J =1 F.J;321 'aL, being a request
for permission to use the chinaware owned by the City of 31 Segundo
at a benefit to be given as an aid in hospital work, to be held
at the school house LTovember 22nd, 1921. K-owed by Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Davis, that -is permission be ;ranted providing
same does not conflict with any - 3vi ,)usly arranged plans of the
fraternal orgwnization using the City hall auditorium on the night
of,' ove:..'oer -12nd, 1921, said china ware to be chec.11-ed out of the
building by the janitor and c1nec.ed in after its use to insure
return of all articles loaned. Carried.
�`::.;P��:`Ta 17::� uTr1i:1JI�:� CJi.i..I'Tiii:+J•
Trustee :cinder of the ,lublic 'dorks Coia.iittee requested further
time in uhioh to render deport concerning the proposed a:.7end ._ents
to tine building ord inancej. y
Trustee Brz,Tson rq�uested additional time in which to make
re!Oort concernin_; the fiWe alar:r: cards which are to be printed.
Trustee 3ryUon dre-a the Board' S attcntiJn to tiie fact that
the tri:,u:iing of trees on �:Al1 ae: ando ��venue is proving to be of
.ilatel, ial .J elle -1. V.
7e .Board's attenti:)ri eras dray:. to the operation of a gasoline
en;ine on vacant ,_) operty .let :t to ,,he Standard J'Tarage or, Brand
.LvenL:� e oe tvreen :3iciur,--)nd and C;oncoru Streets and that children or
inquisitive persons might be injured thereby, ina
is not protected. 3y general consent the matter
the City = arshal with instructions to request the
to build a fence ar ouna the sans.
sinuch as the apparatus
was referred to
owner of the machine
'rustee Davis reported havin_ had -a conference with the signal
inspector of the 2acific Electric zailway Co:gany regarding the
wig-wag signal at 11 nee tindo Avenue and Arizona Drive. _'he
ins•ector went into none detail as to the operation of this signal
and 2euuestea that if the snoe is seent out of order in the Future
that toe ;natter be io .ediatel reported to the local pacific
:electric Agent so 'that the trouole :_.ay ue remedied oromptl7.
Irustee .Davis a_- sin bron; ht up the latter of agreeing to a.cceot
the aid of the .standard Dil GDmyan l z lire wepartwent in event of
a fire within the city outside of the Standard Jil Comp .ny's
hafiner7, which aid was recently offered by representatives of
that co,pany. lo objection was made to accepting such assis :,ance.
trustee Davis regorted that one of the rear wheels on the fire
enSina is out of lif=e and that while being rewired, the apparatus
will be ont of co zisEion for about one day, durin_; which time the
3taniard jil OmVany has agreed to have three extinguishers stand
by for service in . 7 of t of a fire within the city.
Irustee Davis stated he was unable to furnish at this time data
conca-•r_:in = the installation of additions to the fire alarm system
and i i a1 a &._a.oested that an entire new set of quotations be sought,
as there have b .en price c 1anZes since previous figures
ere quoted.
::..._ .l ..J OF .J_ } M Ei.H ii�.,J
!he Clemk reported having had conference with representatives
of the ilect-rical products Corporation, who propose to furnish
illuminwted street signs to the 'City of El Segundo and with the
6outhe_n California Adison Co:-,any, and that the representative
of the latter company was not certain whether he could arrange
for these street siVns to be connected in series with the street
li: ht; or hethel the ? would have to be independently ;. eteredq
with the exception of the ona to be located at El negundo Avenue
and In; lewood- hedondo Soul vard, which sign may be erected on
their post at that point and will be furnished electrical energy
throuZh the meter now used for the electroliers at said location.
It was moved by Wrustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase
from the 31ectrical products Corporation an electrical sign to
be furnished in accordance with their design and sketch to. 2
and the specifications set out in their letter dated November 2nd,
1821, at a cost not to exceed wo EULIULO 'I 'i'i DJIL,�L.S, (,,..250.00).
Carried by the 011owin vote:
n7es: Trustees _ inde"r, 3xyson, Davis, Smiley and lueger.
oes: hone
.absent: Eone,
2fie Clerk furtkez auvised thhat 2xustee Smiley had suggested
that the traffic die ection si Tn for Lain street and Crand Avenue
oe erva,ed upon are orr.� _: rental post which will be placed in the
center o the intersec�f�on of said streets. the 3oard acquiesced
in this s Z7estion undo th.e City Clergy: was instructed to jrocure
prices on various kinds of posts; the City 3ngineer offering at
the same time to endeavor to have the Ceoent 2roducts Company
furnish an ornamental cement Lost gratis to the city.
_'fie Street superintendent and the City . ar.hal reported the
nee& of -°asoli .e books. It was moved by '"_'rustee Ainder, seconded
by Wrnstee S y-son, that the ;street Superintendent be furnished with
three gasoline coupon 000 ;s, one each for Irucks loos. 1 and 2 and
the tandem roller, and that the City Larshal be furnished with one
gasoline book for use of the motorcycle. Carried by the following
dyes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and _ueser.
Does: none.
Absent: none.
the jity . n ineer reported having furnished the City Attorney
with a description of the property in 3loch 96 of the City of Al
3equndo that is to be deeded to the City for street purposes.
the City "ttorney stated he had no way of ascertaininS the
correct names of the owners from whom deeds are necessary. 3y general
coLoent he was instructed to ascertain from an acceptable title
compwny the cost of sec ling these names and of said title comgany's
pr3viding this city with a title guarantee certificate, and to
co._i:aunic .te the amount thereof to the City Clerk, who will then
collect the sane from the persons desiring the improvuL en t, 'after
which the Joard will tape the necessar:; steps to provide a puclic street
in said block.
ire Clem, reported that he had not received the globe holders
ire::. the Southern California 1dison jompany, but that they were
expected within a yew days.
Discussion as to the city's being inde:lnifi.ed for the loss
of I horse recent I7 in ju eu in its ei ploy brought out he fact that
the p :rsDn rest' 3nsiDle was not fin:ucially able to pag "nor the
same anC that the secur ln: of a jud_ gent woulb be useless anu by
Eeneral consent the matter was dr opyed.
2AYI: r 3ILL5.
the following deAands, having
had the approval of
the Committee
on 'inance and Records,
were read:
3. H. Dyas_Co.
0. Davidson
?aerie auppl- SO.
T. Ainsworth
. oodyard
�;. .
i. D. uiekler
E. Sumner
'ri. 0. Henry
S. 3ooth
J. D. Tait
Vandard Jil Co.
L. Vard
Moved by !'rustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that
the deoands be allowed and warrants drawn on the ieneral _'and for
the same. Carried by the lolls in; vote:
ayes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
goes: ';one.
:bsent: lone.
U,i 3USI;Ia3.
!he .:arshal announced the appointment of I. L- smith as
Deputy Larshal. in notion by `_'rustee Smiley, seconded by Irustee
Davis, which carried, the a oointmer_t was approved.
Loved by 'trustee 6miley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that
3.#':. 9>r :.; A e.`
after the necessary steos are tasen and the city has acquired
title to prooerty in :loci: 96, proposed to be used for street
purposes, that the :;ity attorney -prepare an ordinance declaring
the name of said _ strut to be Street. Carried.
�o farther business aooearin to be transacted at this
meeting, it eras moved b�T r'rustee �rmiley, seconded by trustee
Davis that the .ieetin- adjourn. Carried.
;e soectfully suoinitted,
>»roved : ty e
'resident, 3oard of '1' e s.