1921 NOV 09 CC MINpi's 9+n , ~ »'�,��!^F0.'F%i,nievAr�°`'.�si� Ze i&+zPr ,ad. x El Segundo, Cal. Nov. 99 1921. n regular meetin,- of the Board of Trustees of the City of El ae3undo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o' clocr: ?.' L :. on the anove date in the Council Chamber of the City gall by Car 1 +'. P,ueer, 2resident of the board. ,OLL CALL. Trustees 2xesent: Binder, 3ryson, .Davis, Smiley and :;ueger. 2rustees absent: none. R ,s 02 i::IEUT.�3 01' 21:�­IIJU3 The minutes of ilove:r:ber :nd, 1921, were reaa. The Chair drew attention to the fact that the ;es ;lution ado�oted at a regular mee tin.; of the Board held 1 :o-�-e::_ber 2nd, 19::1, and recorded under "L'nfirished .3usiness" in the minutes of said meetin;_, did not state to whom applicants ''or c �.soline books sP.ould apply. Trustee i inder advised that it was the int:,nt that a plication should be wade to the Board of i.rustees. `_'he C`lerk was instructed to so correct the minutes and it was roved by Trustee BrI n, seconded by Trustee 3..ile ?; , that the rzinutes be approved. Car ,ied. �; I CATI Oia O. she following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: 3 ir: a C 3. i�I .i;I:� _jI6ji CJ. , ap,�lyin, for permit to set poles and stringy mire on the east side of "'hitin,- Street iTorth of ?alm Ave. It s .3earin, tnat there is no such street i +orth of Palm avenue and that the -3oard has not jurisdiction, the Clerk by general consent was instructed to so inform the Edison Company. _one. 0_1AZ CCi:L1Ti.11ICa2IX3. _Li"­2J__1_.2i3 02 3111 DI2._: Trustee Bryson of the 2ublic .orks Committee reported that the trees on the South side ofl Segundo avenue east of Arizona Drive had been renioved, that the earth -bank in Arizona Drive south of Ll Segundo Avenue has .peen graded and that the grade on 'l Segundo avenue east of .Irizona -Drive has been gaveled and made less slip,?ery. trustee Binder o'_' the Puolic ;works Committee reported investi ga- tin the request of Hi. Karr that his pre. -rises at - � - -2- . +est :.:a�1e Avenue be filled with earth. e found that this particular property is the lotiiest ;~round in the bloc.',,-., that it would be extremely exizerisive to do the fillin_- requested by .:r. Karr and that in e- -ent it is done it r; ould result in the storm caters being diverted into some other person's property and he recd- m.iended that the request be- denied. Loved by 'trustee :uavis, seconded by 'Trustee 3n:iley, that t'_ie reoo-rt be accepted and t-.-.at the renue�: t be not ranted. Carried. l.e Jlerz reported that the Edison Company expected to receive on or about _;o ve_,,u -er 8th, the ;loge holders to be used on the electroliers proposed to be erected at Brand _;venue and Loma 7ista Street and as soon as they are received they will be turned over to the city. C t; J.7 ineer Cory reported with respect to the proposed street in dock 95, that he had prepared some descriptions for the City attorney and that when submitted thes.- did not ::zee -t viith the Attorne -7I s require - dents. 'he. matter h ,.d beer, referred back. to him by the Attorliey and he had not as yet pre�)ared additional descriptions required, but that he would do so promiDtly. of the vising signal Signal The City Clerk advised receipt of a letter from the Uuperintendent Southern Division of the 2acific Electric Railway Company, ad- that the matter of the irregularity in the working of the wig -wwz. at -'Zj1 Segundo ;venue and Arizona Drive had been referred to their Depa= rttMent for attention. The City Clerk advised that he had referred the proposed amend- ments to the 3uildin; )rdinance to :.iessrs. 0. 2. and C. u. hllen of Inglewood as directed and that theZ7 replied they had troubles of their own. 3y general consent these suggested chan__es t,rere refer°_. ed to Lustee Binder. :.roved by 'Trustee Smiley, seconded by `trustee Djavis, that the "�ity Clem, request the Dillin ;•hat:; Transportation Comy)any to make application for a )e-rmit to operate their stage line through the City of -1 6egundo. Carried. The City Clerk advised having requested the Southern California Edison Co�yoan;;, to replace the meter now set at the band stand Frith a TM three wire meter to aceomodate the wiring for the proposed street dance to be held _ <ovember 11th. the City attorney reported in the matter of a horse which was injured ,bile in the City's enploy that he believed the City of -L1 Segundo had a cause or action against the person injuring the animal, but he could not tell a court's decision would be. moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 32:ys)n, that the matter be tabled for one week. :tarried. ,he --ity attorney filed a copy of the decision of the O.ailroad Commission in the matter of the application of the E1 Segundo "Jiater Coy. -, an -, for an increase in rater, the same being Decision ;;`9722. Jn motion of Trustee amiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, which carried, this decision was ordered filed. Jig �� IIiI Sr` :D 3 JS IlT S'>. The I:1 Segundo herald, having presented no quotation or design for 'Lire alarm cards to be distributed through the City, by general consent 'Trustee 3ryson was instructed to get in touch with I.z. Van Laton and endear -or to render a report at the next meeting. 11"oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Southern California Edison Company to ascertain whether or not this cumiany will erect pules for the city without charge, providing the city instals electrical traffic direction signs, which will be anchored to said poles. Carried. 'AYIZ u 31L.Lo . The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on2inance and Records, were read: H. S. Cr oc�.er Co. Inc. Gerald ?ublishing Co. ': :inta Curtzwiler Camewell _Fire Alarm Tel. De athan E. Cherry Latt DeraTisch =e rye '._cLauchlin J. ?. ; :icCann J. 2owers 5.75 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 31.05 35.10 0. H. Barber 5.90 1000.00 The Electric Shop 11.85 Co.787.33 J. U. Collins 9.00 24.00 3verett Collins 9.00 35.00 L. b. Drumvrright 19.84 16.12 J. Howell 21.08 24.80 H. Jones 24.60 35.96 A. E. Pierce 29.76 24.80 a. F. 3ilmore Co. 27.00 Total :2178.14 iaoved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by rustee Smiley, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General -,11und for the saute. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: none. Ilt Z­ v" 3ujIi1r,SS. V. 3est, having resi7ned as !_ielief lire Lngine Driver, the question Qf dbtaining a man to take his place was discussed. I.1oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the Street Superintendent be instructed to furnish each week from his department a elief Fire m=ine Driver, who shall act in such capacity from 6:00 o'clock ". :.:. Sunday until o :00 o' cloci., Li. 1.1ondaG- , and he shall receive as comdensation in full for such services as such :relief Fire eng D p:. ine river the sum of 48.00 for each twenty -four hours served in such capacity. Carried by the folio .,i.n; vote: A.yes: Trustees minder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and _;ueger. IJoeS: hone. Absent: gone. By t eneral consent the itreet Superintendent was instructed to trim trees on the South side of -�1 ;egundo Avenue east of Arizona Drive. L -oved by Trustee sr;-son, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase a Johnson's First Aid Cabinet for use of the street Deoart_ient. Carried by the follor✓in,; vote: ;yes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, lavis, Smiley and Rueger. hoes: Ii one. absent: IQone. ;.:oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by trustee 3ryson, that Decision r-. 9722 of the Railroad Com.,ission of the State of California be i xaediately published in the El Se ;undo Herald. Carried by the followin. vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: done. Absent: None. ;::oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be instructed to co=unicate v✓ith nurserymen with a view of obtaining suggestions and prices on plants to replace those now bordering the lawns in front of the City Hall. Carried. •oved by 2rustee �Dmiley, seconded by `Trustee Davis, that the ,.asonic Lodge be granted use of the City ?all Auaitorium 1Jovember 2'jth, 19211, and that the customary charge of X5.75 be made therefor. Carried. Loved by 'Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the a::;erican le ion be - ranted ermission to remove the piano from the City 17all auditorium and to use the sariie on ::ichmond Street during the progress of the ,3,treet Dance, providing the weather is not inclement and further providin~ that the instrument be returned to the City Hall the same date. Carried. Lioved by 'Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that for ti-e n_7_rpose of drav✓ina the attention of the ,public to the rer_uest of ?resident rardinc; that silence obtain for two minutes, commending at 1; :00 O'clock- i:oon, Friday, i '.ove:nb _-r 11th, 1921, to honor the .memory Of the '. orld .rar zeroes, one blast, ten seconds long, be given on the diaphone at 12:00 o'clock i:oon sharp and ano,her blast tan seconds Toni, oe olown at 12 :02 ?. Carried. ;::oved b�- '2rustee 3inder, seconded by `Trustee Davis, that the use of the City Hall Auditorium on ..onday, I <ovember 14th, 19 1, by ;edondo each Lodr3e .;o. 1k 7�_-, 3. 2. J. :l�:s, in pursuance of permission -ranted them by the - i;nights of �,ythias who previously engaged the ±gall nor this niht, be and the same is hereby approved. Carried. ,To further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by 2rustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee .;Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully sub:itted, Approved: �► 'resident Board of 'ir tft ees. a ,emu; C y eri� �1