1921 MAY 04 CC MINI;1 Se--undo, Cal. Ll y 4, 1921.
re -ular meeting o. the of `_'ruste_s of the - it,-,- of -1
,)ecundo - as called to order at 7 :710 c'clocb 2. 1... on the aoove date in the
Council Chai:ber of the it T :all by Carl �:. �Lue_zer, _'resident o- ttie
Trustees 2resent: 3inder, 3r ,son, Davis, &mile:; and
1ruotees .bseiat: :one .
iLi_e minutes of the re,ular r .deetin- -of A1oril 27th, 1921, vrere
read wit lout error or o':nission J ein noted. i-oved by stee Smiley,
seconded by -'rustee Bryso4,ti-:at the minutes be approved as read. parried.
the : ;,inutes of the as -* ouri:e6 r e :'ulcer meating o- 3,:A h9
19L1, .:rere read and a- ,proved upon motion o 'Trustee 3r77son, seconded by
"Trustee Davis, which carried.
i'he followin~ communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
tendering his resi.7a; ion as relief fire engine
driver, to become effective 6aturday, ..,ay 7th. :,loved by iru;�tee Davis,
sec _nded �y 'rustee 3inder, that the rosignation o T. id. 3tey�art' as
relief fire engine driver for the City of .1 Segundo be and the same is
hereb; accepted, to taye effect at aidnight, :.ay 7th, 19!;1. Carried.
s �.�_;�.. "r�OL I; s..'.iC,:i'�_, requesting a permit to custruct curb in
front o:E' his premises situated on the Southeast corner of Sierra Street
and Sine tivenue and requestin- that for the purpose the official grade
be established on both streets. :owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded _
oar 'Trustee Binder, that th. folloi',iing resolution be adopted:
"Tn3SOLVED, That the City engineer be and
he is hereby instructed -to establish the trades on
Sierra street and Fine .4venue and to set states for
the construction of curbs on the '.;est and Borth
sides of Lot 1, 3lock 66, and
BE IT j RES OL :r:D, That George R.
Hollingsworth be and he ,is hereby gr'nted permission
to construct curbs on the -lest .and Borth sides of
Lot 1, Block 66, according to grades to be furnished
by the City ._;ngineer and according to plans and speci-
fications there_or to be furnished by the Street
Superintendent if the City of : l ziegando, provided said
curb is comoleted to the satisfaction o� said Street
Carried by the following vote:
)res: Trustees 3inder9 Bryson, Davis, Smiler and•F.ueger.
I1oes : None.
Absent: Bone.
DO_: ,'.7 T;.4 and others, a petition requesting the improvement of
the alley uetaeen Achmond and Lain Streets, from Grand to Franklin
�� venues, which petition was accompanied by a contribution of 4126.39,
which said sum was to be paid into the seneral +'und of the Treasury of
.!,�l Segundo upon the adoption of a certain resolution incorporated in the
said :petition. Loved by 'rustee Binder, seconded by Trustee :3r;; son,
that the following resolution be adopted:
it appears that certain residents
and property owners of the City oi' El -�egu.ndo are
willing to pay certain moneys in the sum
Of 4125.39 into the Treasury of the City of
I1 Segundo, California, and into the General
_and thereof, for the purpose of causing
certain street improvements within said city
to be made, and,
,`r '- :.��S, said sum has been deposited with the
Cit, C1erI> of said City frith instructions to pay
the same into said general - i"'und upon the adoption
of the following :
I13W TH: L_: 220 L , 3E IT i LSJLV:�i�: That the Street
Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause the oortion of that certain
public alley within the City of El Se -undo from
Grand to 31-ranxlin �',.venues, lying and being between
Richmond and I4iain Streets, to be improved by the
construction therein of the following improvement
to-wit: A rock and oil improvement similar to
the one constructed in alley between 'r;hitin and
Virginia Streets, bet�reen ,Holly and Pine Avenues,
or an improvement to be recommended by the 3oard
of Trustees ".
Carried by the following vote:
A,yes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: Eone.
SPECIAL J .D : 0_0 3U5 I_1�33.
As the receiving of bids for constructing cement curb,
cement sidewalk and for grading and paving a portion of Richmond
Street in the City of El Segundo had heretofore b:en made a special
order of business for the hour of 8:00 o'clock '. %I. this date,
the President of the Board at this point asked if there were any
persons present who desired to file bids for constructing the said
improve,_1ent. All bids being in the President declared bids closed.
It was then moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that
the 3oard of Trustees proceed to open and publicly declare all bids
received for the improvement of Richmond Street between-Grand
Avenue and El Segundo Avenue in the City of El Segundo. Carried.
3ids received were determined by said 3oard to be as follows,
to -wit:
aid of 'i'ryon & 3rain, quoting .85 oer lineal foot for cement
curb, .25 per square foot for cement sidewalk, .30 per square foot for
grading and pavlii� -. Said bid was accompanied by a bond in the
su:r, of J1200.00 with the ational Surety Com_)any as surety.
aid of : 3raun, 3ryant. (,. _zistin, ' Inc., quoting .2944 per
square foot for ,rading and paving, .23 per square -foot for side -
Vra.LKS, .80 oer lineal foot for cement curb. Said bid was
accompanied by a bond in the sum of X1200.00 with Joseph J. Braun
and Vera L. 3raun as sureties.
Said bids were e;amined by the City Attorney, 'vrho stated
that ,;ith respect to the bid of Tryon L 3rain, he would have to
report as to the re;;•ularity of same at the next meeting of the 3oard.
It was Moved by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley,
that action on the bids received for the improvement of Richmond
Street be deferred one weer for the purpose of consideration. Carried.
00 ho
0 :LL C JI,1- -jjr I C AT I ON S.
ir;r. Thompson of the Nenderson.lu'otorcycle $ales Company addressed
the 3oard with reference to his quotation on-the Excelsior and Henderson
-2 2;_'J.:`ia 01' STANDI27 COi.-111-21EES.
Trustee Davis reported that he had received advice from the
George J. 3irkel Compare:- to the of ect that the sounding board in the
piano is badly crarpeu and that at a later date they would furnmsh him
an estimate of the cost of repairing the same. They offered the
City X200.OJ for this piano on a trade for a new one. He stated
in his opinion this piano was suitable for the purposes intended and
that the better plan would be to have the player attachment locked,
so that it would not be tampered with by persons not understanding
its operation. 1Ioved by Trustee 6miley, seconded by `Trustee Binder,
that the piano in the City Hall Auditorium be repaired and tuned and that
the player attachment be locked and that an expenditure not to exceed
X50.00 be appropriated for such work. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, ,Davis, Smiley and _ueger.
11oes: IJone.
Absent: I1one.
Trustee 3inder for the 2ublic '.iorss Committee reported that his
Committee had not definitely decided uoon the nature of the improve-
ment of the grounds surrounding the City Hall and asked that the
matter be laid over for one weer, which was granted.
_.� O '1 J :)� Jt��iO I_iL C O�.u,.I �1 1' ��i � •
City Engineer Arthur tl. Cory reported that. pursuant to previous
instructions of the Board, he had estimated the cost of certain
street improvements as follows:
Complete the paving of 1.1ain Street to its entire width from
�ariposa Avenue to Colling•iood Street with a four inch oil macadam
pavement, constructing sidewalks and curbs and erecting electroliers
Faith /Athe s_i.:-ae boundarious would cost 432,049.00; or X6.20 per front
roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee 3rysDn, that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to communicate
this information to the persons presenting the petition for the
estimate. Carried.
'7ith respect to constructing a :�acadam veneered surface on Virginia
6treet fro.: Brand to ;l Se -,undo avenues, the amity Lngineer estimated
the cost would be w786.37.
It was moved by 1'r -ustee oryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that
the City Clerk oe and he is hereby instructed to advise the petitioners
,ora7in =or this improvement that the Board of Trustees will order the
same done upon payment to the 'ity Clerk of an amount equal to one -
third of ;786. 7. Carried by the following vote:
;7es: !'rustees 3inder, BrT7son, .Davis, Smiley and Lueger.
i;oes: Eone.
bsent: i:one.
Pith res? -)ect to constructing sidawaL:s and curbs in ..ariposa
::venue pro.. -ain Street to tree '.iesterly City Limits, the ell ineer
estimated as follows:
Grading - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X413b.00
Construction of urbs - - - - - - - - - - - 2574.00
Construction of a 4 ft. sidewalk - - - - - 4076.00
the sum total re-oresentin_; a cost of ;2.28 per front foot. He added
that excluding that portion of iiiariposa Avenue lying Vlesterly of
Hillcrest «venue the cost of the combined improvements would be
, 7202.34, or 91.75 per front foot. It was moved by 'rustee 6miley, ,
seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby
instructed to communicate this in or:aation to the persons who petitioned
for the 3stimate. Carried.
J,': -' Ii 4JilJL iJUl�livJ� •
The matter of awarding contract for furnishing the City of -1
Se-c--undo one 8 ton gasoline or distillate raotor driven tandem road roller
r;as discussed at some length, folloain- which it was ._,oved by _'rustee
Davis, seconded by 'rustee 3r7son, that the folloviing resolution be
that all bids received for tarnishing
the City o f 1:)eC_uaido with one 8 ton sel propellin ; gasoline
or distillate driver, tandem, roller and for purchasinM the
old steam roller now owned by the amity of ,1 aegundo,
except the bid hereinafter mentioned, be and the same
are here by rejected, and that the contract for Burnishing
t=rle said & ton self°- pro,)ellin; gasoline or distillate
driven tandem roller and -for -ourchasinT the old & ton
Et-_--am tandem roller no:: o;:-ned by the City of -1 Segundo
is hereby atiTard ed to u e best bidder therefor as
detcrmined by this 3oard, to - ;vi t: the �3uffalo- ::>>rin ;fiela
--'oller Company, at the prices named in their bid for
'ur�,ishing said ton sel�- oropelling gasoline or
distillate driven tan de, roller as determined by said
board,' to -rit: j5100.00; and for purchasing the old 8
toil stea:. tandem roller no,rr o'. -coed by s_�id City of .mil
,De:undo at the price n:,...ea in their yid as deter fined
byv:,_id 3oard, Uo -grit: ,,1000.00; and that the pity Clem
be and he is hereb," instructed to retrrn to all un-
successfal bidders the cl ec,-s ;11_ich accornoanied their
re,-oeetive bids, and
33 'I :)LT SD, That the 'resident of the
3oard of ' Trustees and the City clerk of said City_ on
oehalf of the -iti oi' _'1 oe`� ndo be and they are -ereby
instructed to enter into a contract with the said 3af--'alo-
.3pringfield Roller Com7ownti- for the -purchase of one o ton
self- .)ropelling gasoline or distillate driven tand:....
roller and for the sole to tile;:", O . the 8 ton stea:.: tandem
roller no,.-,, owned by the Ci t_.r of oe�kndo at the �orices
hereinbe.-'ore aenti Dned ".
.he Sala esolution r .s ad3ptea by ti_e followin,- vote:
-es: Trustees _tinder, 3r;7 so1., Davis any ::ue ter.
oes: Jruste.,
_,bse-at: one.
pile )rices on a nu,..ber o-- ..: ,gas o--
::.�J_ orc--cles and that he had .- rit uen to t'rree counties 2: questin- that
a- to y 23 11 °:_ 2 -_ i _t__ v rI D a = ._.e:' o= o ,arc: "cles
lies tie left:_. _ad not uaei� receiv a _ is u-
_wl con ._.t u�._ ideratior. o� -he ourchasc: of a mo' o"rc- -cle ;7aS
��� L 311'. D, ne e�._..
tJt3�1 Of tin re uestc. sent out
Djl-- r� "��_es �cG C:" tl'c .t're0t �t3y �:i t.:1c;rl lie 1:aa
'ei -: G l.iL_t lOJ_= rCy) it �s tJ Ct ?iG i� ;� _: e %:erl CO::.�,eiit CtiOn On
- ._;at_er o le ,:e
3l...T J1yy�.
i1: : , _�llo Q�': C the :03iU�_ 1 :1 �
-or-, _'inance and _.( coras, were read;
Segundo .later Co.
ter'= ion
:dthel �.attingly
8 40
e', a i n
20 silt. -lore Co.
Segundo saraze
Seoundo ""rage
Cunnin ham, Curtiss
Jil moo.
.. ,'4'a,-el
?acific gel.
'Tel. Co.
Hs.rold 1).
Loved by Trustee Binder, seconded b-T Trust_e 3-,•y8on, that the
demands be allo�-.ed and warrants dra,.m . on the ei.eral "and for the
sa:ue. Carried by the follovrinr vote:
ryes: trustees 3in t•
de , 3ryson, Davis, Siuiley and ituegar.
lt'oes: Eone.
-i b-erlt: None.
T 'L
Ykl 3USIl LJJ.
Trustee Hueger informed the Board that following an invitation
addressed to the enti_•e rlembersi ip of the 3oard by the &l Segundo
Volunteer _'ire "be:)artment, he and Trustee Binder attended their
regular meetin- held on the 3rd day of ,ay, 1921, at which time the
Lire Tie:')artnent aszed that the 3oard of Trustees furnish them with
a :.ao on .,hich ti e:,T could indicate the locations of the various
fir: hydrants; that the 3oard of Trustees have erected at each of
the fire hydrants a post to indicate the location of the fire t;ydrants,
said post to be painted a suitable color; that the Board accept
charges for small items neededby them in the conduct of their affairs,
including printing and postage and that the Board also purchase and
place in their charge for locating in the outlying districts of
the Cit7- a nu:n ber of fire extinguishers. 3y general consent the
matter was refereed to the i'ublic J'a ety- Coia:.littee.
i.ioved by Trustee 3r7Tson, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
City Attorney be supplied with a set of maps of the City.
the 1.1arshal announced the appointments of S. B. Patterson and
S. S. i�Torton as Deputy i,'.arsr_als and requested their approval. Moved
by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis that these appointments
be con::irmed. Carried.
3uilding Inspector ?. D. Gardner requested oermis::ion to take
one weetz of iris vacation commencing 1: =ay loth. I. oved by Trustee Binder,
seconded by 'Trustee Davis that 3uilding Inspector P. D. uardner be and
he i, hereby granted permission to taxe one weer. of his annual vacation
commencing .gay loth, 1921, and that d,�-,ring such vacation Victor D.
IdeCdarthy is hereb, appointed temporary 3uilding Inspector. Carried.
Ej further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee 3r,yson, that the
meetiiag ad ourn. Carried.
�'Lppr owed:
President 30ard of 2ru s ees.
espectfully sub::iitted,
v 1 Sy