1921 MAR 23 CC MIN.v."�.' �^ �.�,,� � x✓•^k�R`:2�• ^ti•�P4ti .z > fa"x:'.i`�`.' w�`�",irait.k'fi. �?;:
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El Segundo, Cal, March 23f 1921.
A regular meeting of ti e Board of `'Trustees of the City of El
Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. K. on the above date in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, by Carl E. Rueger, President of
the Board.
Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Trustees absent: Done.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 16th day of
Larch, 1921 were read without error or omission being noted. It was
moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Binder that the minutes
be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as
MRS. 0. G. 1kS:EI:G T' requesting permission to remove a
tree from parking in front of her premises at 526 East Maple Avenue.
Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis that permission
be granted, providing the same is replaced with tree of the acacia
melonoxia variety. Carried.
CHAS. N. LYON, Senator 34th District, acknowledging
receipt of advice concerning the Board's action with respect to
Assembly Bills Nos. 227, 230 and 231. Ordered filed.
LOS ANGE F,S POLICE ColaiISSION, asking the Board to approve
the passage of Assembly Bill No. 1284. Moved by Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Davis, that the following resolution be adopted:
"Vf19,REAS, there is being introduced
before the State Legislature of the State
of California a bill known as Assembly Bill
No. 1284, which has for its purpose the
revising of the Penal Code, so as to provide
heavier penalties for certain classes of
felonies, and
VU ti:ASV this Board of Trustees believes
such legislation timely and that it will have
a tendency to minimize the commission of
NOW THERL'r` JR3,, BE IT R .SOLVED, that this
Board of Trustees recom-nends its passage by
the law makers of this State, and
BE IT ?URT=i, RESOL'ILD that the City Clerk
advise Mr. Harry Lyons, Assemblyman, u:r. Arthur
A. IVeber, Assemblyman and Senator Chas. Id.
Lyon of the action of this body ".
FRAivK Kr:SSELS and G. E. Young, a committee representing
the iiiason s, requesting permission to rent the :Firemen's Amusement
Rooms on 'TJednesday evenings of each week.
Ivioved by `'Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley,
that this permission be granted, subject to the collection by the
City Clerk of the usual rental of 910.00 per month. Carried.
Mrs. A. J. Pierson complained of the method employed to drain
storm waters at the corner of Franklin Avenue and 14hiting Street, which
now permits this water to flow upon her premises. The Board agreed
that the condition should be remedied and by general consent the matter
was referred to the Public ."forks Committee with power to act.
E201:126 0' ST.li1DII1u COIZ,.-ITTEES.
The Public Works Committee, through Trustee Bryson, advised that
this committee had met Lir. C. W. Powell of the Buffalo- Springfield Roll .3r
Company and that Lir. Powell would not quote prices on a new roller nor
make an offer for the old roller which the City desires to turn in on the
purchase of a new one, but that he would await the advertising for bids
before making quotations. It was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by
Trustee Davis that the City sttorney be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare a notice calling for bids for a gas roller. Carried by the
following vote:
A_tTes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Trustee Rueger advised that recent rains had again cut into the
sides of ':lalnut Avenue and that the shoulders of this roadway should be
oiled to prevent any further cutting.
Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis that the
:natter be referred to the 2ublic ,forks Committee. Carried.
I1 one.
The matter of ap_oroving the profile of the grade of Bonita Vista
Avenue from Palm to Collingwrood Street was postponed until the next
meeting, the Board deciding to look over the ground on Friday, the 25th
of 1darch.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee
on Finance and Records, were read:
Victor D. LeCarthy • 40118.02 American- _,aFrance lire Engine
Herald Publishing Co. 41.50 Co. 49.65
E. Morgan 88.84 J. W. Gilbert 28.65
Dr. R. S. Anthony 5.00 Co Y. 'Webb 5191
31ackie Bros. Feed & Fuel Co.
117.00 Total 4414.57
Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn-on the General Fund for the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: Hone.
:A.bsent: hone.
1"oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder that
2iremen' s Fund Insurance Company of San Francisco Policy 110. A973255,
insuring the City Hall in the sum of X3667.00 for a period of three years
from March 16th, 1921, and Policy No. 383512 of the same company,
insuring the 2ire -'Tm'gine in the sum of 43000.00 for one year from
March 17th, 1921, said policies having been written through the
IN. E. Dorgan agency of El Segundo, be and the same are hereby approved.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Hu.eger.
Noes: None,
Absent: None.
Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the
American Legion be granted free use of the City Hall Auditorium
on Tuesday evening, Lurch 29th, 1921. Carried.
The Clerk advised that LIZ. Alfred Carlson, owner of an acre
located at the Ivorthwest corner of Balm Avenue and Eucalyptus Drive,
desired to have the same platted, and had agreed to deed the Northerly
twenty -five feet of said acre to the City of El Segundo for public
street purposes, if the City would pay the cost of surveying and
platting his acre, which would cost approximately ;„550.00. following
brief discussion it was moved by Trustee Binder, seconded b -T- '--ustee
Bryson that action on said matter be laid over for one week. Carried.
I.:oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to have
pubiisized in the *.-]Al Segundo Herald a notice calling attention to the
fact that dog licenses will be due April 1st. Carried by the following
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and nueger.
I1oes : ; one.
A bsent: i;one.
Trustee -;ueger advised that complaintshad come to him concerning
the quality of certain milk being sold in &l Segundo. The Health
Officer agreed to have samples taken and tests made.
Trustee ::weer also stated that complaints had come to him
concernin the condition of the ground adjoining the terminus of the
Pacific ,lectric . ilv a at _..ain Street and grand avenue. The . Clerk
was instructed to advise the Pacific liectric agent of this condition
in an effort to have the same remedied.
The City attorney read a letter from Arthur li. Weber,
asse- .bly.an from this District, asking if this Board of Trustees
desired him to take any action toward preventing the City- of Los
.gin ',eles from increasin r its out-'all sewer capacity at Iyperion. He
advised having taken the matter up with l..r. Perry, City ��ttorney of
edondo Beach, who sug ested that I.-'r. -.looderorth draw a bill to be
submitted to the State LeUislature. City attorney ;oodworth agreed
to dray., this bill if the 3oard desired rim to do so. Several members
of the Board agreed that any such ac'ti,on mould be fruitless and the
matter was drop- ?ed.
l ;o further business apgearin; to be transacted at this l:ieetin,
it was moved by ro-stee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
meetin- adjourn. Carried.
espect-fully submitted,
10p r o v e d
President, 3oard or Trustees.