1921 JUL 27 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. July 27, 1921. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of yl Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock id, on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Ball by Carl .. Rueger, President of the Board. ROIL CALL. Tr,astees Present: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. T_mstees Absent: bone. R.&ADING Or LUNUZ&6 OF .FREMOUS "I .iTIlIG. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 20th day of July, 1921, were read. No errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes be approved as.read. Carried. JEUTTEN C01daUNICATIOIIS. The following communications were read and dis posed of as indicated: C. E. 1UH011EY and C. Li. HASENSTAB, filed quotations for painting the living room, dining room and kitchen in the Fireman's'quarters, prices being ,40.00 and X42.00 respectively. Moved by Ti -astee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the living room, dining room and kitchen in the 2ireman's quarters be re- painted in accordance with the specifications and at the price submitted by C. L. 1.1ahoney, namely ;:40.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Noes: Trustee Davis. Absent: None. Bryson,-Smiley and Rueger. ORAL C JUiUN I CAT I OB S. Perry A. Culbertson, alight Watchman, presented a request for. a change in the location of .a number of watchman clock stations. Following consideration, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the watchman clock station now located on Penn Street between iiaple and Walnut Avenues be removed to a suitable location at the corner of Penn Street and Idiaple Avenue. Carried by the following vote: !Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. J. A. Gerow, sought information as to the progress being made with the report on the acquisition of a municipal water plant and the Chair informed him that the Board of Trustees had conferred with representatives who are preparing the report. Ri.PORTS OF STA iDUG C.�:►..IT r::+:S. Trustee Davis of the Public Safety Committee reported that when the chemical tanks on the fire engine were last charged; fuming acid was used and that upon investigation he had discovered that the use of fumir.- acid in these tanks is not safe and that he is having the fire engine driver empty the same and replace with proper sulphuric acid. REP0iILT5 JF OFFIOLRS AiiD 32ECIAl 0OL2IITl <1i_ 6- The City Clerk reported that Mr. Emerson of the Sign Posting 7 . . Department of the Automobile Club of Southern California had been to E1 Segundo investigating the alleged troubles motorists are having with the signs heretofore erected by said organization and that he is going to raise the sign at the corner.of Idain Street and Grand Avenue to remove the present possibility of some pedestrian injuring himself with the sign while passing it, out tnat he could find no more . practicable location to place the same. The Automobile Club will also place a direction sign at the corner of Grand Avenue and Concord Street and two signs on the Los Angeles City portion of the Coast Boulevard runnin through the sand hills west of F.1 Segundo informing traffic that no parking is permitted on said hi:-hway. Discussion followed the sug °estion that another street light should be placed at the corner of Grand Avenue and i:ain Street and it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis that the So. California Edison Company be and they are hereby authorized to install as an addition to their contract for street lighting with the City of El Segundo a street light at the Northwest corner of Grand avenue and ,6ain Street and the City Clerk is hereby directed to communicate the passage of this order to the said Southern California Edison Co. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and iueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. The City Attorney reported his attendance at the recent hearing of the application of the E1 Segundo Water Company before the Railroad Commission of the State of California for an increase in rates and that Trustee Davis, City Engineer Cory and Street Supt. A. R. Gunn also attended the hearing., He reported in detail much of the testimony presented, advising that the case had been submitted for consideration of the Commission. City Attorney reported having examined the books and records of the Sausal- Redondo dater Company and having interviewed personall a number of their officers, who admitted that the notice recently sent to consumers in the Hollingsworth Tract informing them of an increase in water rates effective July 1st, 1921 is not a legal notice and that they will not have to pay the increased rates. The officers of this coigpany advised him that a Director's meeting would be held at an early date for the purpose o-ff raising rates or levying an assessment or perhaps for both purposes, and that so far as he was able to ascertain the company is purely a mutual company so that there is no further action this Board of Trustees might take on behalf of the citizens of the City. Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Ra.eger. Noes: None. Absent: None. UNFINISHED BUSIiIESS. Jrdinance No. 81 introduced at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 20th day of July, 1921, was referred back to the City Engineer. 2AYIE G BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were reads Pacific Tel. Z� Tel. Co. 30.50 A. D. Clouse 14.00 Clyde Woodworth 15.50 Braun Corporation 13.00 Herald Publishing Co. 157.50 Pacific Electric By. Co. 86.38 Harley- Davidson Sales Agency 12.90 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 42.00 Harley- Davidson Sales it 100.00 Total 4471.78 Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Ra.eger. Noes: None. Absent: None. NEV Aam BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the rental price of the road grader of the City of El Segundo shall be :1.00 per day. Carried. The City Clerk reported that Neva ice. Elsey will act as Deputy Clerk. Moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the City of E1 Segundo procure a membership in American Public health Association, and subscribe for the American Journal of Public Health at a cost not to exceed 45.00 per year. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and hueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following resolution be adopted: "RESOLVED, That the Standard Jil Company Athletic Club of El Segundo is hereby granted permission to set up a boiler on a portion of the property leased by the City of E1 Segundo from the Pacific :electric Railway Company under their lease Ito. 3036, with the under- standing and agreement that they will keep the property free of all rubbish or waste material that may accumulate by reason of such use and that the Standard Jil Athletic Club will be responsible for any injury that may occur to persons or property while upon the land covered by this permit; and that said permit may be cancelled by the Board of Trustees of the City of A:1 Segundo upon one day's written notice to said Standard Oil Athletic Club ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and 3u.eger. Noes: None.. Absent: :done. Olmsted & Oillelen filed with the Board through the City Attorney a report of.their investigation of the propised municipal water plant for the City of .i,;l Segundo. Uo further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee bmiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn, until Monday, the 1st day of August, 1921, at the hour of 4 :00 o'clock P. b;. Carried. Approved: Respec fully submitt , r i Citt Clerk. `IYtAL,k: E, �� I � s _ e L , ?resident 3oard of Trusgees.