1921 AUG 10 CC MIN.: , .: :8.'• ..: -. v ",:.+/ .}.^..jd.':§F' �.ryy,.{": - - . _ .. :!iu.=; a. ... _ =S .'C31R..+. y r i =4 i t . A regular meeting Segundo, Califo _-nia, was date in the Council Cham of the Hoard. The City Davis as Clerk Pro Te.m. Trustees resent: Trustees Absent: :1 Segundo, Cal. August 10, 1921. of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ll called to ordez at 7:30 o'clock- P. 1.:. on the above oer of the City Hall by Carl E. I'ueger, President Clerk being absent, the Chair appointed Trustee i:OLL CALL. Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. None. ruiI.0 Li��' L..U-j ,iI. +LT .:J 0�� � ti "JiJU7 i_:Ayl ; ­X 0 she minutes of the regular meeting held on the 3rd day of August, 19%11 were read. Yo errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. ', all TEi; C J'1.: U IICATI Otis. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: ,� LSOiT IL. SPARGO, requesting information regarding terms which would be charged him for use of the Bakery Hall on Saturday afternoon and one or two evenings each week. The matter was referred to the Public ,JOT ,s Coi=,dttee to ascertain what evenings each weex, if any, the hall would be free, as it was the desire of the Board not to interfere in any way with the present use of the hall by the `dolunteer mire Department and the A:_erican Legion. The Committee was asked to make a report on same at the next re;?ular meeting olf the Hoard. 1.:ASJ11IIC LODGE, requesting use of the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of August 30th, 1921. Moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee axis, that the liasorttLodge be granted use of the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of nugust 30th, 1921, and that the rental price for same shall be 43.75. Carried. .,one. ., �'O1 Oi' 6)Aii lli:a COki..:ITTEL�. Trustee Bryson of the Public Service Committee advised the Board that the Southern California iA'dison Company vrould install a 610 Candle Power light at the intersection of Grand Avenue and ii.ain Street at a cost of 49,00 per month. Some discussion was had regarding the employing of extra help by the atreet Department in an endeavor to give at least parttime employment to men who had been laid off by the 6tanda-rd •ail Company and were in need of work and it was a,reed that the Street Superintendent should employ extra men to cut down weeds and trim trees throughout the city. Trustee Davis drew attention to the fact that one of the batteries on the fire engine is dead, and it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to -purchase a new spark battery for the fire engine. Carried by the following vote: dyes: Trustees Tinder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and,ueger. Voss: None. Absent: Hone. REPORTS 0-' 6• WSW L•;w.iWb.c Ryr'i a, i1141C1�CSFr,e<h^ . A -x:.:� +i. �.y _ OF4ICERS ALM SPs,:CIAL COLMTTLES. � City Lngineer Cary advised the Board that owing to the fact that road machinery could not be used and that the work must be done by hand, the estimates he had submitted at the last regular meeting covering the cost s of improving the alley between Arena and Sheldon Streets from E1 Segundo Avenue to Franklin Avenue and the alley between Concord and `Jir,-,,inia Street from Grand Avenue to Holly Avenue were too low and that the estimates should be 2312.00 and :402.00 respectively. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to send revised estimates to the parties petitioning for the above improvements. Carried. UTINPI11ISHED BUSILUESS. Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that Ordinance Ldo. 81, entitled: "Al; ORDIL1AUICE 02 THE CITY OF EL SEGUUIDO, C. L1201UII -t,, A"j;DILIG 0�,ZDIi1AUCL NUMBER 31 02 SAID CITY, oUlYI21r&D, "AL1 GRDL,iALICE OF THE -CI`T'Y OF LL S GUi1yi►, CALIi +'OniulA, h.&3ULATIL1G TH.& C0i16TRUCTI0LI, ALT. — TION, i'LFAIRLIG, DiadOLISHIUIG AND L:AIL1`T ' LiL i 02, BUILDI"36 A. OT�i S13UCTi,T"nES 1lITHIUI SAID CITY, P OJIDIN" FOR THE COU1D:.:iUTI011 Oi? BUILDIi GJ AtYD JTH:C-t STRUCTURES, DAU1G tOUS TO PRI WERTY, LIFE OR LIU3, AND F 1X L1G AL;D DLTI:IIIILIG IRL LIr�IITS IN AL1D FOR SAID CITY ", PASSED AND 2s 1ROV-EjD ON THE 20th DAY 01" MRUARY, 1918", which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of 'Trustees held on the 20th day of July, 1)21, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. L1oes : None. Absent: None. The matter of the delay in the improvement of Richmond Street by the contractors was discussed and it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to write Braun, Bryant & Austin, advising them that they will not be granted any extension of time in which to complete their contract, should they desire the same. Carried. The Street Superintendent stated that he was holding up the completion of the improvement of the alley between Richmond and Main Streets, awaiting the starting of the work by the contractors on Richmond Street so that he might procure oil cake from them for the alley. He requested the City Attorney's opinion as to whether or not he would be allowed to take oil cake -_'rom portions of iichmond Street in its present condition to put in the alley referred to. The City Attorney advised that in his opinion he could see no objection to same but that it would be well to get .he consent of the contractors before doing so. .L he Chair asked �lfaat has been done in regard to trading in the old truck on a new one and the Street 6uperintendent advised that a sales - ,..an ircm .obert P. Fite had been to look at the old truck and that .:r. Fite wo-ald submit a -oroposition in :riting. `'I.1',s 31l: 6. The iollovvir,2 CD demands, navinU had the apyorov�l of tree Committee on - 'inance and ;:,ecords, were read: Llsey 16.73 • E1 Segundo `.•later C3. 2o.26.96 30.46 C. 3wnarl Bur�.ber Co. 14.40 =.obert 2. `ite Harold D. Dale 35.00 Standard Oil Company 296.76 ?aciric _'lec. 7ail��ay C. 122.63 H. Potts 44.00 27.79 .;. ?. Gilmore Co. 40.50 H Hodge �-• 7einstock- lUchols Co. 35.10 Total 1690.32 ,�r�., _,,..._�,.x,,,.� �,. x�: r�;w�•.',yty.awrc:.�r��...�:eso e<�._�. _ _..�.:•�e -s. w :• r .: - . , ..mss �. �•'�£'�"^�- t.�'xx �...:,� �T #'�'�i'.. I;loved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the follovring vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Sl-.-,iley and Lueger. hoes: i,one. Absent: alone. NEW BUSIi� +:Sa. The matter of the amount of mo year 1921 -1922 was discussed. the Auditor had not as ye been able to assessed valuation, but that he had the .udi tor's office, the amount of El Segundo being 410,874,145.00. aey to be raised b77 ta_-�-,ation for the City Attorney advised that the County mail to the differen, cities their been able to obtain the same from assessed valuation for the City of Trustee Bryson introduced Ordinance ho. 82, entitled: Jt:DIitliuCr J' ui +DJ, CI'O:.IYIfi, 2 IXIid s T r, :: .�I �OITi; i O�t' LiJ. +;:Y ��:AC :7:�AttY TO B. 3Y l I Jam: Ui vil T iii T_a:: 2L: P;.JP :"Y TE. 11I 1 AS -1 0 CAR-_Y JiI T3 ?_iY �iL 3Ji:D:D IiLEB'T:DIIESS J_' SAID CIiY CTJ-t_4:�i`i' `1:Ai, 1921 - 1922 ", -,�hich was read. ,-'he :iarshal announced the revocation of the appointments of the following named persons as Deputy r: arshals : L. H. Burgan, L. ;'ahland, C. A. Houtz. Trustee Davis introduced Ordinance i1o. 79, entitled: "Ail ORDII1AUCE 0_` THE CITY J:,' EL SI�JUNDJ, CALI_2ORi1IA, ESTABLISHID-3 THE GRADE OF A PORTIOi1 02 EUCALYPTUS DRI _J F7ITHIN THE SAID CITY, AUD 2IXI11 s AID .:STABZISHI11" THE GRADE LIMES T=" ,EOi1 ", which was read. i10 further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was roved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, �,-pproved r City Clerk Pro Tem ,. : Press ent 3 and or `i'rus V5 es. Ale— El Segundo, Calif. August 17, 1921. A regular meetinc; of the Board of - `rustees of the City of E1 aegundo, C:::lifornia, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock �. ;:. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City 'mall by Carl E.. Rueger, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Binder, Davis, Smiler and Rueger. Trustees Absent: 3ryson. L. V The minutes of the regular riieeting of August 10th, 1921 were read. 2o errors or omissions being noted, it was roved by trustee ;;i;.ile seconded by rkstee 3inuer, that the minutes be approved s read. Carried. The follovrin -; eom. nications were read and disposed of as indicated: extending to the -- joard of .trustees an invitation to attend a mass meetin_-r to be held in the City i,al1 Auditorium on the evening of _ugust 2dth, 1921, at which time a discussion of the proposed =7-nieijal water will be had. Loved by Trustee Binder, seconded by _'rr,stee Davis, that the invitation be accepted. :tarried. resolutions adopted oy, said body commending the actiDn of this Board o-- 2ruste�s in securin=g report on the water sitaation in the .;ity of :l oegundo from an engineering firm and re- commendin ^r Uhat the question of municipal otnersrip as outlined in the report be submitted to the voters o.-_ the City at the earliest possible legal date. Ordered filed. A. .iU1.�I� :s._�, a report submit zed to the Yong Beach Chamber of Commerce by its special investigating committee, oointing out the dangers in the proposed Constitutional yrieridment proposed by the l,aague of California ilunicipalities. irdered filed. UWE. 01-LU COIaJUNICATIGNS. RJ?ORTS 02 STA - ;DIUG C1:x. :SITT" S. Trustee Binder reported in connection with the .natter of rentin the Pire :fen's Lausement ?:oom to Adelson Spargo, that in his opinion the room is not adapted to the use to which the applicant intends to put it and that while at the present time the Volunteer _Fire iteoartment and the American Le ?ion are not making a very great use of the -Fall, yet with the winter months a?y?roaching, it may be used more frequently and his coaLaittee recora._iended that the application of Adelson Syjargo be denied. Upon motion of Trustee amile, r, seconded by Trustee Davis, which carried, the application of Nielson agar_ro to use the a..use- :;ient room of the 'Tolanteer ��ire )e _)artaent was denied and the City Clerk instructe;: to recomrr :end to the applicant that he could use the City Lull iuditorluill on afternoons if .practicable for his purpose. Trustee Rae_,er inquired .ihetrer or not the alleys on each side of - :ichmond Street between Brand and 31 -;e..;undo Avenues are to be :urfaced iith the oil ca_.e ts.-C-.en from Richmond Street while it is under improve :aent. i'he Street ouoerint endent stated that he had received no instructions to perform such work axcept in the alley east of - .ichmond street between Grand Avenue and - Franklin Avenue. It ap.iearinS that the