1921 APR 30 CC MINte "KM El Seg,mdo, Cal. April 30, 1921. 3n adjourned re_ ular meetin^ of the 33ard of Trustees of the City of -i•l Segundo, California, was called to order at 11 :00 o'clock A. :::. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Nall by Carl Rue;er, 'resident of the 3oard. ROLE. Cr._TL. Trustees Present: 3inder, 3r;y %son, Davis and :weer. trustees Absent: Smiley. - •:oved by a'rustee 3inder, seconded by '_'rus-'-ee Davis, that the re,Tula.r order of business be dispensed with, Carried. ;iil i �1:t; C V1u -Ui the following communications were read and disposed of as irad i gated : A letter from Otto i;eisser, a --ent for Ruud .rater heaters su--Testing that a IIo. 3 heater be purchased instead of a I ;o. 2 -2j Ordered filed. A. L:illard, requesting permission to construct a sidewalk in front of Ios. 219, 225 and 231 ;lest Palm Avenue. moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by trustee Bryson, that the request of I-, A. I.:illard be granted, providing the sidewalk is constructed according to specifications to be furnished by the Street Superintendent and completed to his satisfaction. Carried. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: arl E. Rueger ., 15.00 T. Stewart Alfred i.-. Smiley 15.00 P. D. aa.rdner 'gym. C. 3ryson 15.00 A. R. Gunn Richard F. Davis 15.00 Union Rock Co. Peter E. Binder 15.00 Robert P. Pite Neva IV :. Elsey 85.00 C. T. Ainswo rth Victor D. McCarthy 195.00 A. IMler . -inta Curtzwiler 25.00 R. Baughn Clyde 77oodworth 75.00 J. C. m'bshier H. J. Barber 25.00 C. Joodyard Tim. B. Hungerford 140.00 .7. D. aickler F. rI. iiddleton 140.00 A. Y. Tennis 'acific :.Iotor Supply Co. 12.73 L. 3utysh G. T. i.= attingly 110.00 P. D. Gardner G. T. :.:attinvly 15.00 G. :;chiri-iler L.usic C. F,. 1.1ahoney to tal 10.00 100.00 195.00 36.55 1.15 85.00 87.76 71.84 71.84 71.50 71.84 71.84 71.84 10.50 ;stores 1.95 3.95 0 1840.29 :TOVed by trustee Binder, seconded by trustee Bryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the seneral 2iund .for the same. Carried by the following vote: z�%Tes: Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis and Rueger. Noes : None. Ab,ent: Trustee 3:ziley. I'o further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Da ,,ris, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the meeting ad j ourn. Carri ed. Res) ec -fully submitted, Approved: G,l /p t C i t .y C , *% Q , �x L. 'Q ?resident 3oard of TrusteQ-..