1921 APR 27 CC MINg ± t R Ne ti h p 1`4f 4
E1 Segundo, Cal. April 27th, 1921.
A regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees o-f the City of yl
Segundo,Ca.lifornia, waz called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. LI-. on the
above date in the Council Chamber of the City -_all, by Carl L. ;;iueger,
President of the 3oard.
Trustees _'resent: Binder, 3ryson, Smiley and ;ueger.
Trustees absent: Davis.
F,3n3I,1 0�+ I`1'� l'S 0_� i'�.�' JJ S " ::iI�;uS.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 20th daZr of April,
192M, were read without error or omission being noted. It was moved by
Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that they be approved as
read. Carried.
Trustee Davis appeared during the reading of the minutes, the
hour being 7:36 o'clock. ?. �. and took Pis seat.
The minutes of the special meeting held on April 26th, 1921
were read and approved upon motion of Trustee Davis, seconded by 'Trustee
Binder, which carried.
!r, I T� 1 CO, ; ;ij�+ I C ii' I J11 S.
`lhe followin' communications were read and disposed of as in-
L Detition of :Jon 3�rartz and others, requesting the improvement
of the Alley east of 1ichmond Street, from Grand to 21ranklin Avenues,
with a rock and oil improvement similar to the one constructed in the
_Iller bet,aeen lhiting and Virginia Streets from golly to Pine Avenue.
?etition was accompanied by a deposit of : 125.39 therefor.
Pollovring discussion, and a statement from the Street Superin-
tendent that the character of the improvement prayed for is not
sufficiently substantial to stand up under the traffic it will be
required to bear, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee
Davis that the petition be referred back to the petitioners for
am:= ndment. The motion carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: Trustees 3inder and Bryson.
Absent: Bone.
The receiving of bids for furnishing the Cit.-7 of �1 Segundo
with an 8 ton self - propelling gasoline or distillate moth road roller
and for the purchasing of the old steam tandem roller now owned by the
City, having heretofore been made a special order of business for the
hour of 8:00 o'clock 2. L.. at this meeting, pursuant to previous action
of the 3oard of Trustees and notice to that effect duly published, the
?resident arose and announced the hour of 7 :59 o'clock i3. i,:., and stated
that any person or yoe-rsons uresent desiring; to file bids for furnishing
the City of �l :;egundo with a road roller as advertised for should do
so im.- ediately.
The hour of 8:00 o'clock '. L1. having arrived, and all bids
being in, the President announced that bids for furnishing the City of
yl oegundo with one sel propelling gasoline or distillate motor road
roller and for the purchasing of the old steam tandem road roller now
o:,rned by the Cit71, as advertised, were closed. It was moved by
Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the 3oard proceed to
M1111"I ago
W ON no
open and -oublicly declare all bids received, _pursuant to notice duly
published as required by law, for furnishing the City of ::1 Segundo r✓ith
one self- propelling gasoline or distillate �uotor road roller and
ap)aratus necessary to properly operate the same; also for purchasing
the old steam tandem roller now owned by the City oft Segundo. Carried
by the fo llotri ng vote:
Ayes: Trustees. Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
idoes : Done.
ribsent: None.
3ids received were found by said Hoard to be as follows:
aid of Rgffalo- Springfield Roller Company, proposing to furnish
one ton gasoline roller for the sum of i'I TY OiI HJJTLF2 D BOI,Tu;:c:;,
05100.00) f.o.b. Zl Segundo, and :&rther agreeing, to-accept the old
steam tandem roller and allow a credit of 91000.00 therefor on the above
price. Said oid was accomuanied by a certified check in the' sun of
N510.0 - drai-7n on the United States i ;ati ')n: l Sank of Los :.ngeles.
aid of the Austin- ',Testern _-,Dad L,.achinery CoriapaA. 7, agreeing to
furnish tiie of _�1 Segundo one o ton = .ustin 'Tandem Hoiler that will
'7eic,h - seven tons loaded for the sure of �OVi?
1j.L_j (.„4950.00) f.o.b. Ll Segundo, on which arice a discount of 3�0
trill be allowed for cash within thirty days, or
2o furnish an ei ;ht ton .�ustin T1,ndem i oiler, which will weigh
nine tons ,:%len loaded, fOr the sum of _�I7: �J;S_:.8 3IJHT �iUI_'
L net delivered in .61 Segundo. Said
Austin- .�estern
J? C C Brier?; I. :11 -:n'? glade no offer for the old Steak,
tailde:n roller,
but tr_eir le cal mara :_er, eor e 'reiich, a-rees persar1a11z7 and
in�iciduall.- to _ _arwlltae to sell it for the City of "1 ;;egundo ;rithin
t-r rays 'o. at least to 71030.00. aaid bids were accompanied
0Y a certified check in the sum of t'�620.00, drayrn on the . luiaboldt ,Ja.virl�s
""r .'-',,.:1 C i S C 0.
rill bids were a -p,? Jved as to �0 =�ri� b, the �1 ;- �.Lttorney.
7;'eci 0'' _1•u_tee ;,railey, seconded by - 3iii"JeI , ti.at
° C l,i0i- On said bids be laid over for one Freer, for the JrJO e Jf con-
sideration. Ce,_ried by the olloain � vote:
yes: Trustees ;1nde1 , S all
, 1i` vl S, ,j_.11e ;7 arlci :aeger.
iYoes: Uone.
bsent: None.
,I•, - Continued.
L .twi�d :rd , it 3cl:d of l Se�;ar�do, e1,�ressi : : :_ appreciation of
w_ i _)u- -1_ s e1_ _.ende,i t1e ors' ni4wti4 by the _30 rd o� ',was tees
_i led
_` a .
.. one.
=e 2-ub1iC
C0i__ a�'111L Jeaut1 -?in r
} eau :
0 21
Jri:S CJ ;_u'riittee re oortedi that nothin;r had been done
t:e _;rounds surrou,iding the City -,all. they
in vi iich to reoo"rt.
- ' •-D'- C-, -n -
�'he U. ierr: Y' e JJc'tevj t�"_at, 1-,.e ;d peen unuble t0 )r ocure
ir1CeS On t!ie tool:_ i e: aes ��ed by the it= e :t �eiJart ;dent, but tt:at he eb-
Ject�c. to ba wi le to subrit the same at the nett meeting.
Trustee Davis reported that he h
Birkel Company examine the piano in the
is out of order. He reported that the
that the leor „e J. air gel Company mould
to furnish a new piano and to take the
ad had a :an from the Oeorge J.
Aq0 t :rium to ascertain what
sounding board is warped and
submit in writing a proposition
old piano back.
loved by 1ru-stee nmiley, seconded oy Trustee Davis that the
application of :;. C. Johnson =or a pejr it to conduct a pool roin at
loo xrand Avenue, filed with this board on the 20th da;,= 0 rii,
1921, be and the same is hereoy denied. Carried.
The question of purchasing; a new motorcycle was discussed
V iefly, followin; which it was moved by Trustee Binder, seconded
by Trustee Bryson, that the City Clerk be and he is nereN instructed
to procure figures on motorcycles other than those heretofore quoted
upon for the consideration of the Board. Carried.
loved by Trustee Bryson, seconded
City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized
published in the 31 aegundo herald his re
Larch 31st, 1921, as filed with the Board
19219 Carried by the following vote:
by Trustee javis, that the
and instructed to have
Port for the quarter ending
on the 20th day of -.pril,
Ages: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: "none.
The followin_ demands, having had the approval of the Committee
on _'finance and Records, were read:
Herald Publishing Co. 057.70 2acific Electric NY. Co. 32.90
_ oley s 3.00 2scific Electric E7. Co. 30.69
I. A. ;rove .2.00 Union Rock Co. 216.90
Southwest Builder & Contr. 6.80 '349.90
.,,loved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
toes: .,done.
Absent: None.
to further business appearing to be transacted at this session,
it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the
meeting adjourn until Saturday, April 30th, 1921, at the hour of 11:00
O'clock A. L. Carried.
0 ftiNk ` I -
President, :oard of Tru I tees.
Respectfully submitted,
Cil Ott