1921 APR 13 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. goril 139 1921. �a re-;ular meetin; of the 3oard of ru t e oof, t e0 gi:;y 1 �l Se�ndo, California, was called to orde�4 thg agog �Et -e— -the Council Chamber of the City Ii7all by Carl L. Rueger, President of the 3oard. ' IAJJ :n iiL. Trustees 'resent: 3inder, 3ryson, Davis and ;.ueger. Trustees Absent: Smiley. There bein no lights owin. to dama,;e done to service wires of the "Jouthern C lifornia Edison Comi)any by hi;h wind, it �.as moved by Trustee seconded by Trustee Davis, that the leetin aa;;ourn until Saturday, the loth day of n;)ril, 1921, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock ;oon. Carried. Z;espectfully submitted, C ,T C1 rx. :;onroved : President 3oard of Tr tees.