1921 APR 06 CC MINy y
El Begando , Cal. April 69 1921.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1
Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. K. on the
above date in the Council Chamber of the City Eall, by Carl E. Rueger,
President of the 3oard.
Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Iueger.
Trustees Absent: None.
RE'ADIid 01' 2HE I:ILdUT Or kREVIOUS kL&TIN:7:6.
The minutes of.the regular meeting held on the 30th day of ;larch,
1921 were read. The City Attorney requested that.the fourth -paragraph
under Unfinished Business be corrected to read: "The City Attorney
advised that the Resolution ordering _the improvement of Richmond Street
from urand Avenue to E1 Segundo Avenue ", instead of "The City Attorney
,advised that the Resolution ordering -bids for the improvement gtc.".
.Itioved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by - 110rustee Brys.)n, that the minutes be
.approved as corrected. Carried.
The ,minutes of the adjourned - regular meeting of April -1st were
read and approved upon motion of Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee
Smiley, -which carried.
1RIT .� COlvii�LUidIC3T10i;S.
The follo-.ring communications were read and disposed of as
- indicated:
. P. IALKuR, requesting a permit to carry firearlIs. Upon
.the Cleric informin -- the Board .tr-at Iv1r. Walker desired to carry firearms
.while on his vacation, which will take him out of the City, it was
.decided that the Board's permit would be valueless for the purpose-
- intended and no action was taken th.er.eon.
r�UT"I IL CLUB O�' SOUT:yi.v CALI_?0_,UJIA, extending an
invitation to this Board to have a representation present. at a
meeting to be held in Bixby Park, Long Beach, on April 12th, 1921, for
the consideration of a report -with respect to uniform rules, regulations
and charges for public automobile camp grounds in Southern California.
Ordered filed.
ARTuiTl: O'dLiI3, making a-?plication for appointment to the position
of Night Watchman in event there is an opening in the near fature.
Ordered filed.
A petition of 17. R. TUCZ and others, requesting the improvement
of I "ariposa Avenue from idain Street to the Westerly City Limits, by
the construction of sidewalks therein. Upon motion of Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Davis and carried by the affirmative vote of the
Board, it was moved that the matter be referred to the City E'ngineer.
STATE' LAW L:sAxLL, referring to the latest develop-
ments on the passage of the ?rohibition Enforcement Ordinance sent
out by said leage in the past. By general agreement of the Board,
the comanication was ordered filed and not read.
3i-tiy CO:.= ;IJi1ICAT IO1; S.
i +one.
Ui +FI�ISr�:D 3UaIl1ES:�.
idoved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that
Resolution No. 36, entitled:
T :
IiT OF _� FJH`i'IVld. OF y IC: -i0I1D STREET
.'J B� 02 I.iJ ; : THLCLOCAL OR 0?DI1113i Y B.,i1EFI`l',
"ID ' `AT TH . `JS'.' 02 6AID iiU?.h" 0.. L ,
1.211 VLia7'�
3J.N3j SHAIL 3E IS;tiw TO _ "'H2,, CJS
which was read, be adopted. Carried by the follo� ring vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and iueger.
I1oes: done.
Absent: done.
!Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee- Bryson, that the
following resolution be adonted:
'T-::SpLVED, That the proposal of the uamewell
Fire Alarm 1'elegraph C ompany, dated at San .ilrancisco,
Lardh 21st, 1921, for furnishing and installing in
complete tiaorxing order in the City of El Segundo,
their latest and most improved public fire alarm
si.nalling apparatus, in accordance with the specifi-
cations attached thereto, and made a part of said
proposal, be and the same is hereby accepted at the
price therein stated under the title "Second Proposal"
as determined by this Board to be as follows, to -wit:
142472.13, payments to be made as follocrs-
787.33 upon completion and acceptance.
543.23 in six months thereafter.
561.60 in twelve months after completion and acceptance.
579.97 in eighteen months after completion and acceptance
with the option of purchasing the said apparatus,
all rentals having been paid, for the sum of
:1.00, and also giving, the city an option of
purchasing the said apparatus at any time during
the period above mentioned, for the total amount
of rentals due or thereafter-to fall due and
pad able, less a discount equal to an amount
computed at the rate o---" 3� perceilt per annurs
and 'or the re;i:ainin;� period of said lease ",
'- that tne 2resident o_ the
3ourd of Trustees be and he is hereb ; authorized and in-
structad to enter into and si I'n an a- reeraent _or the
ur .ishi.nz and installation in com�let - iori:irl orG r of
_ .id -public lire alarm signalling apparatus, and that the
t-,-, be and he is hereu;r a _t�_orized to atte -t the same ".
tarried bzT the follo•.Iing vote:
,j:'%es: 'rustees �iride r, .__j on, DaviU, c,r.:ile;r and = ,aa-er.
i,oes: None.
."c._erit: .:one.
:•'Loved by j'I-ustee Brys m, seconded b.-..-, Trustee Binder, that the
demands be allowed and rarrants dram on the Jeneral -Fund for the saL,e.
Carried by the following vote:
eyes: `2ruste :s 3inder, 3ry son, Davis, amiley and Lue er.
IT none.
Absent: Done.
Trustee aueger advised that during the week he and 'Trustee i)avis,
accompanied by ! -Z. ". D. 13rigTs =and an engineer representing Jlmstead
sillelen, had made inspection of certain of the pipe lines of the -;l
Sep ndo Water Company, which had been exposed for the purpose in various
parts of the city. He stated that at the points inspected the pipe looked
ood, but that he had been informed that there are certain portions of
the pipe into which Liooden plu -zs had been driven and that to make a
complete and satisfactory test he believed that the Camp8ny's pipe line
system should be subjected to a pressure test of from 60 to L,5y. It was
decided to await a report from Olmstead Gillelen before taking furti�er
action in the matter.
Trustee Davis introduced Ordinance i1o. 70, entitled:
?CL J't' ila_? CI S' 0:,,l .'.I. , S GUl�DO,
C II�'0�. ?In, R: GUTu, II3G T;, IiTG J" C =;RTALI
�I�3:;v ��J',II,:; ',IIH'I? SIi: CITY; D�:J'1IDII'G
T.a UD 0.1" C 2 T Ii ?I:r�iO JUidD
C T1iII� Ai.ILALS iL,L .'0'.:L:. JU�TD TF�;aD11SSIitiG
's'OIS DitI7hT� ?RJI':Ir,l'Y ��IT:'LIi� S.�ID CI'1'YT',
which was read.
Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 2rustee Bryson, that the
City Clerk, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to procure
necessary uniforms for members of the Standard Jil Band of &l .3e�.Tundo
at a cost not to exceed `299.00. Carried by the following vote:
i�yes : Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and ru e}ger.
i ?oe9: gone.
absent: IT one.
;,roved by `T'rustee Smiley, seconded by trustee Davis, that the City
OIL' ;l 3e_;undo furnish the necessary and yeasonacle upkeep of the motor-
$I B. Hungerford, during such tiL,e as the
c�-cle of the City- arshal
Sala r_.ot3rc:,-,cle is oeing used by the said marshal in the perfo=ance of
r_is official duties. Carried by the followin votes,
lees: Trustees 3inder, 3rZTsorl, Davis, ey er.
i -0es: , one.
absent i;one.
. -oved b;; l'rus tee ariile,Y , sec onded by _2!-u_1-tee 3r ; son, that the
1 ae ando ;_�- . :_.�_ ;,crool rustees be ,rn .yad y�er s
w: ..,� Lio-, to use, without
�'he = ollo :irl
demands, laavin had
the ap �r�v�1 � f the Co;,unittee oi:
?inance and ecorc,s,
Southern Cal. Edison
: 141.16
re -oald 2ublishin�
Co. 19.47
-outhern Cal. _`dison
?acific Elec uric
rte. Co. 33.33
Harold L. Dale
'Jnion "oca Co.
_31 Segundo '.later Company
:•'Loved by j'I-ustee Brys m, seconded b.-..-, Trustee Binder, that the
demands be allowed and rarrants dram on the Jeneral -Fund for the saL,e.
Carried by the following vote:
eyes: `2ruste :s 3inder, 3ry son, Davis, amiley and Lue er.
IT none.
Absent: Done.
Trustee aueger advised that during the week he and 'Trustee i)avis,
accompanied by ! -Z. ". D. 13rigTs =and an engineer representing Jlmstead
sillelen, had made inspection of certain of the pipe lines of the -;l
Sep ndo Water Company, which had been exposed for the purpose in various
parts of the city. He stated that at the points inspected the pipe looked
ood, but that he had been informed that there are certain portions of
the pipe into which Liooden plu -zs had been driven and that to make a
complete and satisfactory test he believed that the Camp8ny's pipe line
system should be subjected to a pressure test of from 60 to L,5y. It was
decided to await a report from Olmstead Gillelen before taking furti�er
action in the matter.
Trustee Davis introduced Ordinance i1o. 70, entitled:
?CL J't' ila_? CI S' 0:,,l .'.I. , S GUl�DO,
C II�'0�. ?In, R: GUTu, II3G T;, IiTG J" C =;RTALI
�I�3:;v ��J',II,:; ',IIH'I? SIi: CITY; D�:J'1IDII'G
T.a UD 0.1" C 2 T Ii ?I:r�iO JUidD
C T1iII� Ai.ILALS iL,L .'0'.:L:. JU�TD TF�;aD11SSIitiG
's'OIS DitI7hT� ?RJI':Ir,l'Y ��IT:'LIi� S.�ID CI'1'YT',
which was read.
Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 2rustee Bryson, that the
City Clerk, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to procure
necessary uniforms for members of the Standard Jil Band of &l .3e�.Tundo
at a cost not to exceed `299.00. Carried by the following vote:
i�yes : Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and ru e}ger.
i ?oe9: gone.
absent: IT one.
;,roved by `T'rustee Smiley, seconded by trustee Davis, that the City
OIL' ;l 3e_;undo furnish the necessary and yeasonacle upkeep of the motor-
$I B. Hungerford, during such tiL,e as the
c�-cle of the City- arshal
Sala r_.ot3rc:,-,cle is oeing used by the said marshal in the perfo=ance of
r_is official duties. Carried by the followin votes,
lees: Trustees 3inder, 3rZTsorl, Davis, ey er.
i -0es: , one.
absent i;one.
. -oved b;; l'rus tee ariile,Y , sec onded by _2!-u_1-tee 3r ; son, that the
1 ae ando ;_�- . :_.�_ ;,crool rustees be ,rn .yad y�er s
w: ..,� Lio-, to use, without
5' R�3 "8Eitc2i d4 *JT eiva} td# ;'s726t rz a
c':a2 e, 150 chairL on the evenin- of J "�'i_. 'Eth 1921. Ca. -Tied.
.0o further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin --
it ��a; „roved by �'rustee 3z�.iley, seconded by Trustee ;)axis, that
the ,.ae-etii:-i- ad ourn. Curried.
soec. full; -, submitted,
A.) _)roved : i" C
?resider t, 3oard oz 'rust S.