1920 SEP 29 CC MIN.. - w...._.. - ,.r.. IF El Segundo, Cal. Sept. 9901920; A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, by Carl E. Rueger, President of the Board. Owing to the absence of the Clerk, the chair appointed Trustee Davis as Clerk Pro Tem. ROLL CALL, Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Trustees Absent: None. READING OF MINUTES Or PREVIOUS IZEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held-on the 22nd day of September, 1920 were read without error or omission being noted. Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Rueger mentioned the City Attorney's absence on account of attendance upon a meeting of the attorneys of Los Angeles regarding action of the State Supreme Court in the matter of the city passing traffic laws in conflict with the State laws. The minutes of the special meeting held on September 23rd were read. No error or omission being noted, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Binder that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. WRITTEN COLMUNI CATIONS, The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: A letter from Bir. W. E. Morgan concerning the moving of frame structure formerly occupied as a dry goods store by Mr. Carr, to across the alley between Richmond and Concord Streets, to the rear of Lot 1, Block 21, E1 Segundo. After some discussion it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson to lay this communication over to the next meeting. Carried. A letter from the H. & H. Electrical Company in the matter of Air Compressor installation. It appearing that there was some 'mis- understanding about the terms stated in the letter, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson to lap this letter over a week. Carried. A letter from the E1 Segundo Land Company by Harold D. Dale, Secretary, to establish curb and sidewalk grades on Itilariposa Street, beginning at the Northwest corner of Whiting and Mariposa Sts.,thenee 'Nest along the North Line of Marip6ea-Street a distance of 200 Met; also the grade for sidewalk and curb covering Lots 1 and 2 in Block 14, same being 143 ft. on Franklin and 85 ft. on Whiting, Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the City Engineer be instructed to set curb and sidewalk stakes as requested by the E1 Segundo band Co. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. ' - Petitions for the improvement of Richmond Street between Palm Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, and for the improvement of ,&ariposa Avenue between 1hiting and idain Streets were presented. It was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley to hold these over one week. Carried. ORAL, COLLMICATiONS. qtr. Dale of the E1 Segundo Land Company, spoke for iur. Howard of the General Chemical Company, stating that the General Chemical Company wanted Arizona Drive improved from the tracts to &l Segundo Avenue, and asked for quotations on various types of constructed by the City Engineer. He stated that the General Chemical Company, through their contractors, J. G. White Company, had already started some work on their end of the street. After discussion of grades, types of construction, etc., it was moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, to establish a grade on Arizona Driver, from E1 Segundo Avenue to Rosecrans Avenue. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. The Street Superintendent was instructed to investigate the matter and report. Mr. Whitehead, representing the people desiring to have Oak Avenue opened up, conferred with the City Engineer on further data regarding the transfer of lot portions to the City. A representative of Robert P. Fite addressed the Board again on the matter of a Ford Tractor for garbage collection. He stated that he had found that all lined trucks would be unsatisfactory and quoted a price of 0500.00 on all metal, two yard body of No. 6 Style, including dump and'hand hoist. He suggested a 34" depth on account of the Ford Chassis being low. This matter was held over for bids. Mr. Duley spoke on the matter of a rodd into his place from E1 Segundo Avenue, but in the absence of the City Attorney he stated that he could not properly present his case and said he would appear at the next meeting when the City Attorney was present. I►ir. Weston addressed the Board in regard to the gasoline roller. He said that this machine was a good machine and was in good condition, but that the nature of the roads made it very difficult to use it on account of poor traction and he had concluded from his investigation that this machine was not practical for E1 Segundo work, that even a tractor could not pull a grader up some of the hills and that work could be done cheaper with :stock. The matter was taken under con- sideration. E 0RTS U3' SII-AEDLU37 CO;Z- 4ilTT+' S. Trustee minder, Chairman of the Public "7orks Committee, . reported that the seats for the band stand were finished but unpainted. He also reported that he favored leaving work on the lot Vorth of the City hall until some time when the Street Superintendent had spare time. Ul4FI11IS 'n D BUSILTESS. Trustee Davis reported for the Public Safety Committee that he had determined from Dr. Pomeroy, the County Health Officer, that the'City of E1 Segundo, by authority of an Assembly bill, of which he read portions, could contract with the County to have all health work done. He was instructed to get a definite form of contract from Dr. 111omeroy for action at the next meeting. PAYIRG BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Standard Jil Co. X277.95 Viestern Un. Telegraph Co. 2.19 Pacific Elect. Ry. Co. 118.45 D. :i. Cruse x.00 Carl 1.atson 120.00 Henry Nagle 30.00 49. 9 1 -owed by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Aueger. Noes: None. Absent; i4 one. NEW BUSINESS. moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the Street Superintendent be instructed to see the J. G. 1,hite Company in regard to the work they are doing on Arizona Drive. Carried. Mr. Rueger requested use of the band benches at the baseball field. By general consent his request was granted. Trustee Binder brought up the matter of street corner signs - in the Hollingsworth Tract; he having received complaints from the residents in that section that there were no signs. 1i,;oved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley to have two signs painted for the Coast Boulevard. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Ru eger. Noes: None. Absent: None. The Street Superintendent was instructed to look up the curve signs on the Coast Boulevard, which have been removed by someone. Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded b;- Trustee Binder,, that the meeting adjourn until Friday, October 1st, 1920, at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock ?. M. Carried. Approved: oii, � I n Y_ A 1 r President, Board o Trustees. Respectfully submitted, 7 �, --� ", , Secre a y Pro Tem.