1920 OCT 20 CC MIN! regular meeting was called to order at Council Chamber of the the Board. Yrustews resent: Trustees Absent: �.r El Segundo, Cal. October 20, 1922 of the ooard of srustees of the City of 11 as ui7ao, 7:30 o'clock 2. 1. on the aoove date in the City mall, by Carl Rueger, President of ROLL C"Ll. Bryson, Davis, Smiley and tuejer. Binder. READI21 0_ the minute: of the regular meeting held on the 13th day of October, 1920, were read without error or omission being noted. :.roved by trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the winutes be approved as read. * Carried. The minutes of the special meeting held on the 20th day of Jetooer, 1920, were read. to error or omission being noted, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded ,y Trustee 6miley, that the rinutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Binder apoea-red at the meeting at this time and toox his seat, the hour being 7:45 o'clock P. Imo. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: St. Edgar Hospital Association, requesting permission to use the Council Chamber on the evening of Thursday, October 21st, 1920. _::owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that this request be granted. Carried. Students' Campaign Committee, University of California, expressing their appreciation of the action of the Trustees of this City in endorsing Lmendment Ado. 12, which will appear on the ballot at the 2 ovenler Jeneral Election. Ordered filed. A. L. Charce, Chas. C. Johnson, E. L. 3orner and P. D. Gardner, containing matters for the consideration of the 3oard when they decide to amend the plumbing Jrdinance. Ordered filed. a getition from George R. ncnuley and others, requesting; the improvement of Bonita Vista Avenue from Palm to 1.1aple Avenue. Idovea by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee aoiley, that the following tesolution be adopted: it a9pears that certain residents and property owners of the City of Al aegundo are willing to pay certain :coneys in the sum of 4158.50 into the Treasury of the City of it Segundo, California, and into the Jeneral 2und thereof, for the purpose of causing certain street-improvements within said city to be made, and, y wHEH AS, said sum has been deposited with the City_ Clerk of said City with instruction to ?ay the sane into said General 2und upon the adoptioL of the following: 'e.....�as�r'�'ta��iLavw�i :. �: =�`=�'y"�s�,•� *:�''..,wF-�_.". f�..��o�.�w"' —""' z"�s..`5.w_z,:.i. �_�..r..,�_:.�....R.;,.va4w::. _ _ :. ..,... .... _ �. �� ..:.- ,.i6- ::..�,.,.....�. M 'T , M_'ME, BE IT RESOLVED; That the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the portion of that certain public street in the City .,f El Segundo, known as 3onita Vista Avenue, lying and being bet.een Palm and laple Avenues, to be improved by the construction therein of the followin improve:ent, to -wit: An improvement similar in character to that used in the improvement of 2alo nvanue between Lain Street and Hillcrest Avenue, in said City ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and ?ueger. hoes: :Done. Absent: lone. .1r. 2. E. Trash, a Civil Engineer, requested that the Ward ~ive him an audience at their convenience for.the purpose of going; into the :, atter of a l,.unicipa-1 later -. orLs with them. 20H16 02 323CIAL the City Attorney reported in connection with the new street, com on1? referred Vo �,.s Jar_ xvenue, that he had prepared all of the deeds in connection therewith for which data had been submitted to hire;, and that he 7ould turn them over to the City Clerk at this meeting, so that the o'lners might call at the Clerk's office and sign the feeds. The City Clerk reported that he had notified the H. & H. Electric Company that they had been awarded the wort of installing a motor and air compressor as an adjunct to the existin:.heating plant in the City mall, and that they had telephoned him that their proposition included a -provision that 50,0 of the cost of the pro- posed work be deposited with them in advance and that they were to advise him if that provision could not be waived. Up to this time he had had no such advice and anticipated that the work would be started any day.. .Iith respect to a road in the Aastern end of the City, co:nnovi7 referred to as the .Cule T road, the City Attorney read to the ooard several tele.;ra::s and letters he had recentQ received fro..: toe renreseLtativeG of the various o•::ners of certain property affected, which indicated that the patter should be closed in the ve-r7 near Future. U A MISHM MAKES Me Choir desired in_..or;_ation ceedin, with the �ork of cutting awa:y _awlfie :electric ri-ht -o wayT at Ariz z"joeve A the 3oard should decide that ezpand inn funds necessary, as to the jossiuilitY of pro - the bay zs on the sides of the ona Drive and 1i - eluudo Avenue, they are in a position to The City An. ineer aavised that he was ready to undertake the worn ut any time. Trustee Davis of the ='ublic Safety Co=ittee reminded the 3oard of )revious discussions relative to em,loying a Weputy from the County joard of Health as a local nealth officer. After a brief discussion, it was moved by trustee 6,miley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Attorney be instructed to draw a contract with the County of Los Angeles, providing for the employment of a deputy health officer as a Health Officer for the City of �1 Segundo, at a compensation of FO:Ti' DOLIui = ?S, (�40.00) per month, for services to be rendered one full day each and to :provide for additional services during an ever ;7ency. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: ` rustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Limiley and _tugger. .Does: Idone. absent: lone. The Ci ;n;ir�eer advised that owing to the volu,le of -uork tie is required to handle at the present time, he has found it necessary to emoloyT another assistant, Those compensation is y7.00 iuer day-, and that the assistant he has heretofore em.)loyed has asked for an increase' in comcensation. Following discussion it was moved by ictustee Bryson, seconded by trustee Davis, that the City :engineer, :,rthur 'd. Cory, be and he is hereby ;ranted the. privilege of ezmploying 1, r. G. n. Ietherbee and i_r. Cherry-, when necessary in the prosecution of engineering pork for the amity of �l Segundo, their compensation to be at the rate of ;,7.00 -,or day until the further order of t' is Board, providing any services rendered. by such employees be under the direction and upon the resp Dnsibility of said Oity . : inner. Carried by the Rollo. -rin._ vote: Ayes: iruste�s Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rue�•er. noes: idone. Absent: IJone. 2AYILII G 3I LLS. iloved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee : 3ryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the general �--Iund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, L- tailey and :tug er. I1oes: done. r?bsent: ?one. ii;�t ilia I:�35. The City Clerk drew attention to the fact that the application of Chas. Crar.ip for permission to move a building into the City of :1 Segundo, action upon which wa; taLen at a special meeting of this 3oard held at 12 :00 o'clock i•1oon this date, �.a.s not in accord with the vernal explanation ,Wade to the Cle-rcz, by the applicant, ,.-i i(;h explanation was transmitted oy the Clerk to The following demands, having had the approval of the Com:Littee on Finance and Records, were read: C. '2. Ainsworth X85.00 Joe Orr 18.55 A. miller 102.40 11. D. Sickler 15.90 W. H. Calloway 69.60 J. S. Orr 60.00 L. C. Clingan 66.00 C. C.C. :.sire Hose Co. 197.48 3. !,.ukuche 66.00 Standard Jil Company 357.04 R. 3aughn 71.50 Standard Jil Company 140.86 L. - .Tutysh 67.38 41320.36 F. J. -.;ells 2.65 iloved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee : 3ryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants for same drawn on the general �--Iund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, 3ryson, Davis, L- tailey and :tug er. I1oes: done. r?bsent: ?one. ii;�t ilia I:�35. The City Clerk drew attention to the fact that the application of Chas. Crar.ip for permission to move a building into the City of :1 Segundo, action upon which wa; taLen at a special meeting of this 3oard held at 12 :00 o'clock i•1oon this date, �.a.s not in accord with the vernal explanation ,Wade to the Cle-rcz, by the applicant, ,.-i i(;h explanation was transmitted oy the Clerk to . -: w -' - ..a.-k. -v'.Lg " �,.'• �-. daY :A�r3�_et_•,1�1exx•�lili?s.:K FY -.:;•s - � ••. the 3oard at said meetin_• and upon which explanation the Board took action. ','he Clerk reported that no notification o� the action taz-en by the 3oard at said special ;meeting had been given the applicant and that no permit for the removal of the building had been issued and that such removal had not actually taken place. It was moved by Trustee :Davis, seconded by -'rus zee SIpiley that all action heretofore taken in the matter of the application of Chas. C'--amp for permission to move a one story fra:ie buildin7 into the City'of El Se_•undo be and the same is hereby recinded and that the application of the said Chas. Cramp filed with this 3oard on the 20th day of October, 1920, be and the same is hereb-T denied and permission to move said structure as prayed for is hereby- withheld pending further report of the City Clerk. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and _:ueger. ."Toes: idone. Absent: None. The president advised the Board that the present ;Belief _sire .;nai -.e Drivers had infor :,ed him of their desire to resin on the first day of iyovember, the reason for these resignations bein that they were too closely- confined, having to fulfill their duties for the City one Sunday and bein_, required to follow their usual employment with the Standard Oil Company the next Sunday. i4o action was taken _ending consideration of the Board. Trustee Davis suggested the adoption of an Ordinance c- eating a zone in which residences and customary out places only might be erected, boundaries of said zone to be as follows: Franklin :venue on the aouth, Concord Street on the Bast, Llariposa r.venue on the forth i' .�. T-re� WAS /.Aip a�zL �4e Ci �� 1* "ts on t1aP hest. By -•eneraj consent the ,� 9 E F• F ✓1ijNE C./yd /D y1�g7i.Ny 7Cy EE C.7�1�K iI.M rN ATilzO +B „_�_ 11,06 A inN .N r1 a zw) Loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3ryson that the following _::�esolution be adopted: that the President of the Board of Trustees and the ,City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to attend the 22nd zLnnual Convention of the Lea7ue of California i.1unicipalities at Chico, California, November 8th to 11th inclusive, 1920, and to file their demai7ds for the expenses of transnortati'on from �1 Segundo and return and for their additional e_xoenses at not to exceed x 6.00 ;_)er day while in actual attendance at said convention ". Carried by the folloviia vote: _eyes : `i'rustees Binder, 3ry2on, i)avi_,, ji�.iley and ,tue er. l;oes: bone. .absent: done. Tao further business; apaearin~ to be transL.cted at this :ae _,tin; , it vias i::oved by rustee S_:iley, seconded by Trustee javis t1_at U :. :aetir� :; adlourn. Carried. aJJ- •'oved: � n f President, 3oard o _1tVstee6. \j i ?es.)ectfully submitted, E4va