1920 MAY 19 CC MIN.:7
El Segundo, Cal. llay 19th, 1920.
A regular meeting of the Board of i'rustees of the City of
B1 Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock ?. L. on the above date in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, by Carl E. Rueger, ?resident of
the Board.
Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, La.vis, Smiley and Rueger.
Trustees Absent: Done.
Rw`DM OF LI iUT S OIL' PR 31710U6 -`. L=IDI's.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 12th day of
nay, 1920 were read. ho errors or omissions appearing, it was
moved by Trustee 3r7son, seconded by `trustee Binder, that the minutes
be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as
U. S. WEBB. Attorney ieneral
of the State of California,
advising that he had consented to the
prosecution of an Appeal in the Case
of the People of the State of California
on the Relation of Chas. Coe, vs. City
of Los Angeles, with reference to which
the Board had passed a Resolution at
its meeting held on =:lay 5th, 1920.
Ordered filed.
American- LaTrance
?ire Engine Co., with reference to tools and repairs on
fire engine. Ordered filed.
Engineering Service Company,
soliciting employment in matters needing
expert engineering services. Ordered
stated that he and
specifications for
for septic tanLs t:
one week's further
OR��L C �Lu,iUI� I CA`i' I J�1S .
HE2K26 J2 C J:.:-.iITT E� S.
3inder, Chairwan of the ?uolic Service Co.zaittee,
2rustee : 3ryson had decided upon certain
the construction of cesspools. Specifications
ley had not definitely decided upon and requested
time to perfect the same.
iru s to e Binder of the sa=ne C o::vni ttee reported that he
had received a bid of 0282.00 from V. W. Robbins and one of 8268.00
from W. Williams, for the construction of a portable band stand.
He stated also that 1r. R. 1. Converse, the owner of two lots at
the Southwest corner of Richmond Street and Grand Avenue had tendered
the city free use of the same for the purpose of erecting the band
stand, until such time as he would need the property himself.
Following the recommendation of the City Attorney that i.:r. Converse
file with the 3oard written permission to use his property, it
was moved by Trustee Smile;T and seconded by Trustee Davis, that
the band stand be located and erected on the property of iIr.
Converse at the Southwest Corner of Richmond Street and
Grand Avenue, this city. Carried.
Tlil, Ii
(, lSt_ED BuSlilau.
..roved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Sniile.7 , that
the work of constructing a portable band stand be and the same is
hereby awarded to i,ir. d. B. dilliame for the sum of T!'VO HUIIDR:�D
"IaTY RI'HT DOLLA-nS 0268.00) ; said work to be completed according
to the plan therefor on file with the City Clerk and in all
respects in a neat and workmanlike manner. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: hone.
The following demands, having been a).)roved by the Committee
on Finance and Records, were read:
Neva I,1. asey
Inglewood hews
1 .
B. I�Zukuche
B1 Segundo eater Co.
Chas. Pettit
iYi. A. 1dillard
State Com. Ins. Fund
S. Orr
So. Cal. Disinfecting
I.W. H. Calloway
T. Ainsworth
A. i,iiller
Buffalo - Springfield
Roller Co.
4 2. 5
Lioved by Trustee-Bryson,
by Trustee Davis
that the
demands be allowed and
drawn on
the General Fund
for the
same. Carried by the
Ayes: 'Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
:does: lone.
Absent: None.
Loved by 'Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to
purchase eighty -one barrels of cement at a cost not to exceed
,'',JO - U!;DR�D T11 -- DOLLA= S, 0225.00) . Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, 61iley and Rueger.
Noes: None.
Absent: :Iona.
Trustee Rueger reported numerous complaints made to hi..
with respect to a fire hazard caused by an accumulation of debris
on the vanant lots immediately ilorth of the :L1 Segundo Hotel building
and by the building of bonfires on the same lot in close proximity
to the said debris and the fence of the hotel ,yard. It was
suaaested that the building inspector interview the persons
responsible for the nuisances and require their abatement.
Trustee Rueger stated also that the dry grass on vacant
lots immediately west of the :1 Segundo Hotel should be burned to
eliminate the fire hazard to automobiles which are being parked on
this vacant property. It was suggested that the Fire Chief look
after the matter.
Trustee Rueger suggested that it was advisable to have•the
inside of the fire hose moistened at least three times per year in
order to maintain the life of the rubber in the hose and suggested
that this be done by the janitor, who should be permitted to obtain
help if necessary, by running a small garden hose through the fire
hose, using care not to wet the exterior fabric. The matter was
referred to Trustee Davis, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee.
No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee
Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved: 4 •-
le k.
President, Board of Tpustees.