1920 MAY 12 CC MINEl Seoando, Cal. May 12, 1920.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El
Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock i. LI. on the above date in
the Council Chamber of the City Ball by Carl E. Rueter, President of the
i'i�USTS YRr:S,�dT: Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueter.
R Ii1G Of T,ZIiI'J'r�11S Of PP.E JI OUS IuL:�:TIilG.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 5th day of May,
19209 were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by `Trustee
Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes be approved as read.
Fi1RIT ' 1 C OYL, .UitICATI0.1S.
On 1L C Oy LUi1 I Cx i'I Jid S.
y1r. 0. Lewis exhibited to the Board a plan of a building
which he proposed to erect at the Northwest corner of Grand Avenue
and Richmond Street; same to have a mercantile occupancy on one side
and an-office occupancy on the other. A portion of the plan deviating
slightly from the provisions of the Building Ordinance owing to the
difficulties encountered in obtaining the necessary steel beam,
he requested the Board to grant permission to erect the building.
Following consideration and discussion, it was moved by Trustee
Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder,
"'u` "AS, it appears that it is extremely difficult
to obtain steel for structural purposes, and
' E, + AS, Iuir. E. 0. Lewis has submitted to this
Board the plan for an office building, the front
wall of which he proposes to substitute a frame
truss, properly fireproofed, for a steel I beam,
as required by Section 38 or Ordinance iio. 31, and
7RRR:r,5, said plans have been examined and approved
as to streng''h and construction by the City Engineer,
VIHI SAS, this Board, after due examination and con-
sideration, believes the proposed style of con-
struction to be equally as good as that required
under the section of the building Mw ordinance
hereinabove mentioned,
t9�1 , iii. t:�_'0 3L IT Ri� SOLVED: That in accordance
with Section 10 of Ordinance 31, this Board
hereby grants permission to L. 0. Lewis to sub -
stitute a frame truss for a steel I beam in the
one story, brick building he proposes to erect
as per the plan suomitted therefor, the same in
all other respects to be constructed in conformity
with the provisions of Ordinance Vo. 31 and to the
satisfaction of the Building Inspector of the City
of :1 Segundo ".
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
Noes: Done.
Absent: hone.
Trustee Bryson of the Public Service Committee reported
that the Committee had not learned the style of septic tanks recommended
by Dr. Anthony at the last regular meeting of the Board with the
suggestion that the Board consider requiring installation of said
tanks instead of cesspools. The matter was discussed at length and
it was moved by 'Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that further
consideration of the matter be postponed. Carried.
The City Clerk reported that hr. Will H. Sanders had granted
the City permission to obtain water from his ranch on E1 Segundo Avenue
near the point where it is proposed to improve the said thoroughfare
by constructing a concrete pavement.
Trustee tRu.eger reported that the water pump and engine at
.:r. Sander's ranch were out of order and that he had arranged to send
a mechanic to repair the same.
The City Clerk reported that pursuant to instructions given
at the last regular meeting, he had requested L:r. D. Y1. Harris to
remove two posts from the sidewalk on Richmond Street between E1
Segundo and 'Franklin Avenues and that the same had been removed this
Trustee Binder of the 2ublic Works committee reported
that his committiee is in favor of having; the proposed band stand
erected, but they had arrived at no definite conclusion as to the
location. He proposed taking the matter up with the band when they
Meet for practice next Monday night, with a view of obtaining their
suggestions as to location at to report to the Board at the next
regular meeting.
Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that
the construction of a portable band stand be referred to the Public
Works Committee, with powers to act and authorization to expend not to
exceed TWO HMDR ED PIMY DOLLARS (Q290.00) and to report their action
at the next regular meeting. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Raeger.
Does: None.
Absent: done.
Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that
Ordinance i o. do, entitled:
0--1.JIiLL;CE 02 ILL CITY 02 Es SAmDO,
which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of
Trustees held on the 5th day of Lay, 1j20, oe adopted. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, 3r7son, Davis, Smiley and Raeger.
foes: Done.
Absent: hone.
1,oved by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the 1 -reneral Fund for the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Hinder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
.Noes: None.
Absent: ;;:one.
hill 13USIidESS.
The bond of P. D. Gardner as building, plumbing, electrical and
sanitary inspector was approved as to form by the City Attorney, following
which it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee Br,-son, that
the followin, resolution be adopted:
"RESJLTLD, that the bond of P. D. Gardner as Building,
Plumbing, Electrical and Sanitary Inspector submitted
in the penal sum of T",7J HUidD-R D FIL TY DOLLARS,
( 4250.00) with the . aryland Casualty Company of
I::aryland as surety, be and the same is hereby approved ".
Carried by the following vote:
A.7es: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
.does: hone.
Absent-: ldone.
Iir. Rueger called attention to the fact that Concord Street,
at the intersection of Holly Avenue, had been damaged by the contractor
who laid the pipe line from the Standard Oil Company's plant to the
E1 Segundo Grammar School. The City Clerk reported also that the same
street in front of his premises at the corner of Grand Avenue had also
been damaged, owing to the removal of an oil surface.
The City :Engineer advised that the contractor had filed a bond
for the proper restoration of these streets and his understanding was
that the repairs would be made by the Street Superintendent of the City
of El Segundo and charged to the Contractor. The Street Superintendent
stated that owin to the urgency of other work, it would not be possible
for him to :cake the repairs immediately, but that they would be made as
soon as Dractical.
Trustee Rueger suggested amending the Plumbing Ordinance so as
to more specifically cover the construction of cesspools, particularly
the manner in which the brick should be laid. The matter was referred
to the - lublic Service Co_nr :iittee to report in one week.
Trustee Davis reported that he had visited the
Health Jffice in Los Angeles and found that that department had
analyzed several samples of water taken from the City of E1 Segundo
and had found no intestinal bacteria in the same.
:.loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby.authorized to purchase one hundred
ten ( 110) barrels of cement at a cost not to exceed Y,43 HUilD1LiD idli?LTY
2IV3 DJLL- S (11?295.00). Carried by the following vote:
dyes: trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Shiley and Rueger.
idoes: :done.
Absent: iione.
The following
demands, having
been approved by the Committee on
and Records, crere read:
S. Orr
So. Cal. Edison Co.
Cal. Edison
Standard Oil Co.
Cal. Edison
i,:. 3. ukuche
Cal. dison
L. Gutysh
Cal. Edison
Chas. Pettit
Tel. & Tel.
Id. H. Calloway
Elect. Ry.
pnT 3'r
1,oved by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the 1 -reneral Fund for the same.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Hinder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
.Noes: None.
Absent: ;;:one.
hill 13USIidESS.
The bond of P. D. Gardner as building, plumbing, electrical and
sanitary inspector was approved as to form by the City Attorney, following
which it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee Br,-son, that
the followin, resolution be adopted:
"RESJLTLD, that the bond of P. D. Gardner as Building,
Plumbing, Electrical and Sanitary Inspector submitted
in the penal sum of T",7J HUidD-R D FIL TY DOLLARS,
( 4250.00) with the . aryland Casualty Company of
I::aryland as surety, be and the same is hereby approved ".
Carried by the following vote:
A.7es: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger.
.does: hone.
Absent-: ldone.
Iir. Rueger called attention to the fact that Concord Street,
at the intersection of Holly Avenue, had been damaged by the contractor
who laid the pipe line from the Standard Oil Company's plant to the
E1 Segundo Grammar School. The City Clerk reported also that the same
street in front of his premises at the corner of Grand Avenue had also
been damaged, owing to the removal of an oil surface.
The City :Engineer advised that the contractor had filed a bond
for the proper restoration of these streets and his understanding was
that the repairs would be made by the Street Superintendent of the City
of El Segundo and charged to the Contractor. The Street Superintendent
stated that owin to the urgency of other work, it would not be possible
for him to :cake the repairs immediately, but that they would be made as
soon as Dractical.
Trustee Rueger suggested amending the Plumbing Ordinance so as
to more specifically cover the construction of cesspools, particularly
the manner in which the brick should be laid. The matter was referred
to the - lublic Service Co_nr :iittee to report in one week.
Trustee Davis reported that he had visited the
Health Jffice in Los Angeles and found that that department had
analyzed several samples of water taken from the City of E1 Segundo
and had found no intestinal bacteria in the same.
:.loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that
the City Clerk be and he is hereby.authorized to purchase one hundred
ten ( 110) barrels of cement at a cost not to exceed Y,43 HUilD1LiD idli?LTY
2IV3 DJLL- S (11?295.00). Carried by the following vote:
dyes: trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Shiley and Rueger.
idoes: :done.
Absent: iione.
^he City Clerk reported that on this date .:r. D. LeLinley
had slipped on the floor near the counter in his office, causing hii;�
to fall and that the Street Superintendent had informed him that about
one week ado a woman also had fallen in the same place. Several
sugestions as to remedying the condition were made and it was
moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that t're City
Clerk be and he is hereby aumhorized to order cork linoleum covering
for the floor in his office at a cost not to exceed 21221 jOhSIRS,
(950.00). Carried by the followin.- vote:
Ayes: Trustee Binder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger,
goes: ione.
Absent: Zone.
No further business appearing, it was moved by . irustee
Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
p gr owed :
. ca, � �'
resident, Board of Trust s.