1920 JUN 30 CC MINre-•ular meetin.-
.Se^undo was called to
in the Council Chamber
of the Board.
2riistees Present:
2rusttes �usent:
El Segundo, Cal. June 30, 1920.
12? +he oard o_ of of Jl order at 7:30 o'clock 2. on the above date
of the Cit.y _'Hall, b:r,7 Carl 176. 1-u --der, 'resident
)milcy and -cue-tr.
cinder, Davis.
L ._�j V 7 __�A 'r
L7 �� '6 2 �
she minutes of tre re�ular meetin:• held on the 23rd day of June,
1920, were read. 110 errors or omissions a- Hearin:, it was :roved by
lrus-�e 3inder, the minutes be approved
- U seconded by "rustet: Davis, that U U
as read. Carried.
_2hc -.ffollowin,�� coif-nunications were read and dispo6ed of as indicated:
per,-Iission to the curo on -7- outh
6 __U U11.
0 Z' 3: a nk 1 4 n
side Concord anCA
-)uroose of cjnstrctin-. a
in frDrit, Of ljot 1, or the ,,;
C on r 1-Z t _- a) r j a ch o a OV�d 077 rrUS-U eC S : :iil�,'y, seconded
J rj U -�inder --at for 'his work ue !zr��n ued,
_s-et U1_ -L. U
providin.-,,- that the sa- --e b,! constructed in a neat and t.'Or.:Manlike
manner and to the satis-_ZactiDn of the Street Superintendent.
rA iad.
aIElr% 1__ " cu iv, ---, that -proper action would
.1_L_.jC Cj..*i3',Y advisin
be taken at once to corr., ct tht. violation b,7)T their trainmen of
their --"'our -,.iile -jt1r ho-,3r -rule at th,-, .-it-;dio crosSin_--;-. Ordered
"I2z', advisin,-,, that he had aoz,ndoned his idea o- L erecting
a garat az the of �ortjjtast U corner _z'l Segundo avenue and .1-ain
tre--,tp this city. Ordered filed.
:�q 1.7 - I ;' j-.; - - - ---" the action of the oard of
otin,_, an ao.)rcciauion :)- U
Trust- -_,s in waivin- a charge .,iade a"inst hi,.i or the
use o--L'-' the �-aditorium. Jrder-_-d filed.
bein- an a.) '1 ic--.ion for tht position of' �marshal.
41-. 3. 1-7LT U
o U U 0- IT. ae_ 'Uruche- and
I f D V t 111 -) i U 1: 1 ,a -,:k t r Jt j -V*, - e Cj rL
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Iii -U i 17, i) t:; a C. 3 'v "..; C.
D uneis,
iia a certain
—MLLin "vztnues.
chat the foll:)win:,,
- I U U_
o-- �l 6e.uiido art: willing to
in IV-11t; a�_-o 0--t* -�l�,9.70 into the o_- ---I 6t:.UI-Lco, and In .o t1lle
-0 D S!�; 0
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- d,; ---. __ , __Lj I � -� -,) _L): -'hat u ie St re
uJ U -nd t- - U ) Yid - i s .)Z I t I-ri z d ar. d ins tY-ac" ud
to cause the O --t ion o that certain -jublic s tJr z; c t within
--i, , t::
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-�i-u- of :, 'D t
lVln n Y: t z-_o r a L r7 e 'o- s
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S I 1-i
u U U U
U lll J a
C. addr-ssed the 3oard r--lative to accdj-Gin deeds
C r - a f- 1- e r t lic U .)uroosos between Bali. and
runnin--- e ]2dy n
)-oert7, .vhen the sa_.,,e are
'Llhe a--reed to acc�eolu- deeds for th-is j)r�
- - -. 6. - C., -torne*7%
a3i):'07aC� L)77 e Ci-U'v �tul
U _D that the cess-0001 a' the corporation
s e e 'finder reported L11 v -
s is i 0i constr-,;c-uion and that the other arraiie�l,-ients
n Course
o-c. id O-a proceeded -,.-,Tith at Diace.
life 'wit% .late T e d uiia U Ul El e3cnd0 la-er C'
- . - -, z, t-.-i e e n
U on .-,Vel
-ha IE I Ire fly Lj- U
�l U ___
=win _aa �U 0 a 1.7 t-U- ti :streets flea]: -l-e 3- Urcl
t Ou t "Lj 1
.at they
- �,, -. s C o-, j )rocured
one as soon as -u-tz, necessar�7 �il��teci
�07T _U_l_lejn,.
�)i SC7, S S 4 or aToSe aQ �D t he lau �i _J e Y ai id usef L 0 li-YU I cLll U
-�T !`,d n, � e i:i t tu h Z, , 3: e ju
4 j U U
L U -to the D:)a-rd.
-U e and - a )or U ullel tz;
te u 0 (, 7 - -_ -j -, - !:� -
_L to tree
re �,,arci U
V77 U Ul -f - ' *
the .est, side OZ aln
locations on U o
0_1 it
_r e flaL :)ee], to do at a �Or;- 3r I.,e - t.L n, u it u
desired aditi�,i
77 0171nerS in -.I-.,e vicifli u d
sollle U. being done, it
-a o r.,:
0 3 a 1-. -u I o s e d to an�7
u- a -G Une
- ss e c n d e td, rU s �),�Lv i s ,
0 e a u.L
- � `0 )�- ri-,h instruction:, to
j , -1 L� ��
r e d
the enact c_1ar�c per ana
- S4 77 co Deri,or:de Ca� ar r i e CL
V13- I u"
e: -6 0 1 1
J'T _Ziier'..1 COti ,l_t Li a�yti Ji t:..�nt o a 'it was de�eri ea
uiitll -Uiie i1 ::t re:: lar ::leetln�.
�lustee S.. -,i1e- i n t r i d j c e 6 - )rd,iilance 37, e -'j-U eQ;
L S�1LIiJ,
0I�;;.u� DI -1'
7 3.L I C 6 111 iJ:J .. 6, LT . V _J 6, +`J� :J 1 j al:.. L H I ST
_' ?li' =�Ii 3 u;L J2� J" -IJ;- JI
she f a- e__ian,as, havin, peen a,) roved off_ tl_a
on _'inane an ;ecoras, were read:
Carl :ue •er
icrard -. Davis
later inde-r
�__.. C • r:y .s 0 r
1:.. 0 J
:, `- d :._. � ,,Ji1e,",T
- ric - -u or D. Lc ar U_,,
Tictor D. ;_c C:: rt= _2i.45
�. ✓vw i,_. Elsey
%5. 5
-_inter 1'urtOwiler
25. vC
„oatileril Cwl. Edison Co.
Cla.. i` a. Breen
-la: -k a. ; reen
3. 2. _.�attin� ly
G. .2. :iattin ly
.L.-rs. Ethel _attin�ly
C. Radney
"rwn1. Dyer
':3. D. Gardner 0-0.00
Clark ureen 10.00
Dr. 11. 3 eld en :inthony 15.00
P. D. Gardner
Carl Latson
D. C. Ijawis
J. h. "Jetherbee
C. 2. Uns-rorth
3. Lukuche
'd. -. Callovla- T
.u. :Tutysh
A. !, i 11-er
J. L. ', -iard
Henry 'L;ag le
Union Rock Co.
Union Rock Co.
Union ':ock Co.
Union mock Co.
Pacific glee. 3y.
Co. 43.60
:.roved by Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
de sands -ere allowed and warrants drarm on the seneral _11i4d for the same.
Carried b„ she followin vote
njes: Trustees 3inder, Davis, 3.iley and = :ue::-er.
goes: i:one.
absent: trustee 3ryson.
i�.u.l JuuI.:<:JJ•
It a �earirl:- `at -lie ?acific �'elephone and i'ele�raph Co:�,�;:�ny
i-:__s :nwde ap ,lication to -he 3ailroad Co_-.mission for a rulin , permitting
t .e;_: to retain the ; 3.50 service connection c ia-r�e now :.iade by them
instead o= refundi.n ' t.ie sw;:ie to the subscriber as heretofore, It
;! .s mo - %ed o. _1iastee _liley, seconded by *.'rustee :Davis, that thi_ .r.lt -J
�ttor -e'i �e arid lie is hereov t:ut_1oriZed and inStr'acted to re )resent
tiie Ci t;yT oft �e ;uiido in swig hearing, which will be held on the first
era, Of vL_ly, l , at 10 :00 o► cleci1 ra• i,.. Carried •
eras -ee _ ere__er rei:inded the -Board that followin _ earthgaar.es
iii -)arts 3y the Suaue, Fires had occurrea a nu:.:oer o _.onuhs
la te -i' OW in �O Ch f :.i 11_rc 0� JrO�Jerty owner s to discover tiiat tYieir
chi:Lle7s had oeeii crac_-ed or da,,iaaed and he su -ested that this
:natter be dra.:,n to the attention of the people of E1 Segundo in some
manner. ollowinz oriel discussion it eras thought that the Tess
mi _7i,t to .e notice of the same and give it publicity.
Trustee Sue er stated th_. t in his opinion property oirrners d�sirin~
street improvements s =_ould be helped in their efforts by the City
Clerk's office and that tine fact be rude Menerall. knovrn so that
ti'lese street improvements might be encoura_ ~ed. .Lie 3oard concurr.:d
in ts.is o- pinion.
T e L..wrs .Lal announced the appointment of 'homas as
and re-uested- the Board's approval. Loved ,-y, seconded
b-- __ _stee Davis, that the appointi:ient of iho ias Ailey as �e�auty
be and the sa, -ie is hereby aj) oroved. Carried,
i;o further busin ss appaarin l to be transacted at this mectin ,
it was i_ ov ; d uy 'Trustee j_ iiley, seconded by Trustee Davis , that the
lieetinc' adjourn. Carried.
�,aspectfully submitted,
..i.J )ro.-_�d:
(�aj Z. 9", L'.L.
resident, -loard or Trustees.
Cif C1