1920 JUN 23 CC MIN.:,:l Se�vndo, Cal. June, 1920. re -ular r.-,eetin-; of the :_-oard o Trustees of -U!--- Cite, of i t .3e:_,undo was called to order at 7:30 0' clod: P. I.I. on the a- .;Iovc date in the Council C_ranaber of the .:it-- fall, b-,7 C_rl ate'_ - z , _'resideizt of tfie 3oard. _ :us-�ees 2reseilt. Da.-is, �..iley and _rue, -e s r,irerit: 3:"rider aim, 3r- sorl. Trustees 3ir.der and 3r7rson appeared durin - the reach of The :.1nuteS t tree hour of 7 :3� 0' cloc -L -. -end tJOii th--ir sea%S. of' the r e_-.,],�-i. ra G. _ 0 errors Or o 7 e .- - -i� "7, seconded c. 777 d .� rau t. 21eG• etin; -held on ti_e to ti: u�,- e �TUne, o :.:issions ac ;ear in it rows _: oved - 'r -astea „_'sJri, t:= -,Le :._ii.utas be -1Jl 1._�. _.IJ____ J• _''1e follo' :rir� co TIE :lt.nicwtiJ_1s are read al -id disposed of as i11C1i C red , e;�JreSS111 Jpreciat1011 of his ei .ployiiient to -.,ake the aid :ual financial o� the records of the City of El Segundo. Ordered tiled. rlll, tile _oard to construct a Sidevial; on : l Se ;z_r :d o erue from 3icr�.lonid ;reef to the _ 'Alley mast o-= se.r,ie in front of Lot 2201 in bloc 11, the ori. inal sidewal : C.� been removed by the City at the time °raded rand ::acad �ized. tie~ur.dJ r v_nue as = .._ vc;d o­ 'rustee ;::_il , seconded oy 'ru stee 32:yso11, that action iy the r_:quest of .:r. d). . .._cl;avid o-- portyponed for _utu: e C am, the i1 :Str cted to advise ,..r. .._CDavid t :.,�a.t t ie �.1u.tter ` :10I- ue CJ _tS10.ei' d c7. te'1' ttl° 81:'.',Ct1J- OI. Ji1S pr0- JJsed utli_1dirl; I�as cJ :li :i:nC,ed. CZ;.I1.ied. 0i t i._arshaI zaiid traffic Office y L r o t uelil,; his resiYnation �..s S. ch Vo liaiie el.LI:CJ' V as soon as aossible. __Jved jy _rust -ee ::il :y, seconded by 'Trustee lia�-ia, that thJ r si I _ t o- .green as "it. -a.rshal and _'ra fic J Z ices be ic. vi_e i:ie iS Le2'e :'TCCeJ �•d, �J tL iLe ey_ec t ?yoOri the 2iJy001n U :eri (J w..d l_- icuUior of -lis s. cc ssor. Carried. re u eSte CL t__e �Jard t0 d0 SO:.ie 011 t1.S �Si Side of .._a.ir. :;Ur :e t, 2 l% c LC: .. - le L�vtti !eell U el_ istin -road line- a.l.� the y�roJc. t line in front 'off his fro JCrtu . .._oved �y 'raNtea iuil� seconded b; Trustee Da-is t1: U the :after L) e referred t0 i,I e C� t;- 3i1.;=eer -_-o: e.i1 estimate of the cost and report to the 3oard of _,rustees. Carried. The ?ublic aertice Co=ittee reported the com- letion of the band stand. RH-'OT 02 SP_:OI CJ:I_lF,S. `she City :;n ineer re�oorted in connection iith the removal of dirt between the e_:istin road line and the curb line on the ',lest side of i._ain Street between I.-aple and ,ialnut Streets. His report was discussed and by- eneral consent he was instructed to make another esti.iate of the cost of removin;; all of the earn: from the existing road line to the pro-pert-y lire in said location and it was understood that i-f the property ovmers in the said locality will contribute a sum equivalent to 70;' of the cost estimated by the City -,,;ngineer, that the City will proceed with the work. �-'rustee 3ryson of the ublic Service Comrittee reported that the work of digging a cesspool at the Corporation Yards for use in conii,ecti3n with the pro.00sed toilet and shower bath building to be ei -ect:d at said location, had been started. JiI�+IiIS��D 3USI��s;iS. iie ;ity t�ttorney advised that owing to extra work placed upon hi..: on recount of the recent earthquar.e, which did da:.iage in the City of I�llet�ooc:, he had not been in his office for a day and a half and had not -ore-oared the traf -fic ordinance, which he was instructed to do at a for_aer :nee U.L L but that he would have the same ready at the next :Meeting. LY,;LI,I r 3USIIT:,IS� ....j J • Trustee Davis asked why a fire hydrant is not installed in the vicinity off the :,:ethodist Church at the corner of Lain Street and i,.a,riposa :venue. The City Engineer advised that the map supplied by the it Segundo :pater Company, showing the location of fire hydrants for which the City of -::.l Segundo is charged, indicates that there is a hydrant in the alley between iiain Street and Eucalyptus Drive at Mariposa Avenue, but that he had been unable to locate the same. The City Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with the E1 Segundo .later Company, for the purpose of having this hydrant located, if there, or having one installed if not there. 1ruUtee 3uezer asked if the 3oard desired to take any action in connection with an application of the Pacific Electric liailway Co.npaAy,, to be heard before the Railroad Commission, for an increase in fares, which mould affect the City of El Segundo. It --ras moved b:r 2rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the Cit, �Itorney -be instructed to represent the City of El Segundo before the _railroad Comimission in the case of the City of Ll Segundo vs. tine ?acific electric aailwaZT Company and that the City attorney and the City _n,ineer be and they are hereby instructed to prepare such data as the City attorney dee. -:s necessary in connection therewith. ::arriea by ,'Ile follo6:in; vote: -yes: Trustees 3inder, Des: 17one. n08e1 "lt: i?one. 11rustee Rueger stated tha firew3rks is not being enforced frog:; the use of torpedoes, there 3ryson, Davis, Shiley and rue er. the irdinance respecting the use of and that while there is not much danger is great danger from the use of fire- ..,1, -i. 1 :�' ' '� -xµ ?i & �,.2` �+''?-+'t.n'.�i`'lsc � -' •z'•Y•k.9', 'Y .F crackers and by general consent the marshal was instructed to enforce the Ordinance. she i:arshal announced the appoint:-nent of . C. rsnztien, dr. as a Deot_ty :,:arsiial end requested approval of the same. :rioved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by lrastee 3rysor, that the appointment of C. henzgen, Jr. as a Deouty :.arshal be and the sane is hereb;- approved. Carried. 'he City :Aerie stated that he had an o- .»ortunit.- phis date to curcr�ase ei _ht tons of coal, "rich is re ruired for use in the stear., roller, at a saL-in_, of ;;; " .00 per ton, b.- havir�` the same delivered direct from a car w._ich i.Jas being unloaded b,- Carl .' atson at In- °le- wood. .roved by i'rustee :�L�iley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the action of the City Clem in pr,rchasin�- ei_ht tons of cowl at a cost of I136.00 be and the sarse is ilerebyvapproved. Carried by the follDjdia` vote: ayes; i'rus Lees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley andueger. roes: I one. lbsent: 1 one. i -oved by -'ru: tee Smiley, seconded by yrustee 3ryson that -;she registrar of voters of yos sa~eles County be and he is hereby granted the use of time :;ouncil Chamber, su,ust 31st, 1920, as a polling dace for the Drimary Election to oe held on said date. Carried. +o _urtrer business appearing to be transacted at this r :,eetin- it was moved by trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ap-_Droved : .'resident 3oard o1 Trustees. liespectfu.11y submitted, i �• ice,