1920 JUN 16 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. June lo, 1920. A regular meetin of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of Ll Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock 12. I,:. on the above date in the Council Ch -ber of the City 1E _11, by Carl E. due --er, President o the 3oard. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: 3inder, 3ryson, Davis and Rue`er. trustees absent: Smiley. _iDl�i v =' ...I.; i' d J' iRJ "TIOUS L : 2 lli Jr . she minutes of the regular meeting held on the 9th day of June, 1920, were read. 10 errors or omissions a_ppearin„ it was moved by Trustee 3ryson, seconded by 'Trustee Davis, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: askin, permission to construct a cement driveway through curb and sidewalk into his premises. Loved by '11ru.stee Davis, seconded by Tru twee 3ryson, th .t permission oe :rented g. D. Foster to construct a ce -_ent e�into his premises on the South side of tine Street, between 7.7hiting and Loma Vista Street, all to .be aone in a neat and wormanlike manner and to the satis- f_­ction of the Street Superintendent. Carried. O_ 1L I C., T I UJAI S. 3uildin- Insoector P. D. xardner informed the 3oard that 1,z. V. Scro s, oirner of the frame building on the �:ast side of Richmond Street near El Segundo avenue, formerly occupied as the Standard :restaurant, is desirous of makinT an addition to the same and than he resitated aoout issuing a permit - without first obtaining consent of the 3oard. roved by '-Irustee 3inder, seconded by `Trustee Davis, that the 3uildin. =, inspector be instructed to require 1,.r. V. i.:. Serous to CXII_�17 with the 3uilding and ?lu :bind irdizaances of the City of El :e LinkO in renovatin his building on �ich:.,iond ;street, near ::1 Segundo :.venue. Carried. gone. CO: 1I2 _E_�59 _r stee Dais, who had been requested to look into the matter of acoustics in the : it: _iaditoriu,, re y _�or ea that a II.-T. cf the H. Jc ns -__ anv_J lle Comm -iny, ex_7 mine: the conditions in tr_e __.il and : :lade a plan. of the same, which he said would be sub - :ittaf to - -he _�cousticaj IiaginBer of the nom -gamy in iiew York: and that in ac-_a ti; e a re.)ort rioula be rendered oy the engineer, with quotations the chan7es or additio�.s to the room, if any are found necess .r--. Ci t;; .,n :iiiea ;_rt_.ur i. Cora, reported tilat t_e had -received the �1ai. 0 ��_a Sc.i uiC -UaII: approved . -y idle 3oa::d of _- ruJtecS at the last .ieetiil =' `:,i-id that he is � "lOr�]n� on a drawin %­ Of t- SU Tie � also that he is ,ire pared to set ;_rade st -.. :es on Street whenever requested. 7r, M SPAIIAL 01311 J7 MI. 255. As the receivin-7 of bids for the small one stor7 frame buildins now situaved on Lot 11, Mock El of El belundo, hal been made a special order of business for 8:00 O'clock 2. 1. at this meeting, the Chair announced the hour of 7:59 o'clock 2. Z. and asked if there were anF persons present who desired to file bids for the same as advertised b7 the oaard. 2ronyt1 T at 8:00 Poloch 2, L. the 2resident deolayed the bids closed. Loved by _Yustee Davis, sec Dndeu Q 1rusWe WSM, that all UK_ receive& for Qha s: nil one sz=7 (ruse ouildinZ now situated in Zol 11, 21ccn Ll�of 21 selundo, oe oyehed an& yusliciv declared. larried. the oarl tLev jr3ceedaw zo %J ail and ublicly declare all bids receivzd for the avail one sv=7 frame building now Situatau On Lot 11, Mocz 21 of M Segundo; said bids being found b7 said hoar? to be as follOUE, t3—Wit: aid of javes •aLder of -y76.00. Said bid being accompanied b7 currency in the sum of 6.00. 3id of Louis Arb of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56.00. Z .id bid bein; accompanied by c�ecn on the Ll 6eguLdo state bank in the suo of ;5.60. aid of J. 6. Or Of 35.00- =aid �id beiL_' accompaniel clech on the . l WeSundo so-ie �on� in the s= of -35.00. S? it was moved 07 iruE ee 3r7son, seconded o7 2rustee ninder, that the fDilonin-7 resolution be adopted: "RAUL72DI that all the bids received on the 13th d_7 of June, 1920, up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock 2. 1., for the small one story frame buildin; nun situated on Lot 11, 3lDck 21, of El be_ nd3, be anj the sa: e are hereo7 rejected except the "bid of jaAes �nlker algid that the said buildin - oe sold to the said James � zlnsx for the sum of J: +7, 0 6I-,i (gN.00), the amount of his bid as determined by thLs Board, said sale to be made accordina to the terms of published notice, ana that the RQ Clerk be aod he is hereby instructed to return checas of all unsuccessful bidders ". Carried by the followinj vowe: Ayes: irustees 3inder, 3rysoh, Davis and AueZer. foes: Zone. i0sent: 2rus:ee 6mile7. U.2UMAD MV366- zy,_fic jyjinance w,b a_;,jn discussed, but no definite action TnefjLL 1:.:neh. inn n"ttvz of ouildin� an addition to the :.:anicipal Warehouse was discnssed and it aonearin- that such a buildinS is actually necessar;,7 and wouli be ereaved at a sum it is thou ht would not exceed X200.00, it wna moved by 2=6iee cinder, seconded by 2rustee Bryson, that the ztreet Sa?sriKjvndevt he aDd he is hereby instructed to oraceed with 6he conssructi3n. of a concrete flDor in an addition to the :..uniC;ipal nreh use to furnish toilet facilities to L.:anicipai employees and others, ind also to construct a septic tank on the premises adjacent thereto at a sum not to exceed 3 HU!DaM DOLMR6,(4100-00). he olio. i i - vote: : Carried by t= - ;yes: trustees --inder, 3ryson, Davis and Hueger. �,oes: .:one. Absent: 'Trustee Smiley. Loved by i'-rustee . inder, seconded by 12:,.-�stee 3r.-son, that the ::ity Clerk be instructed to iarite ?obert P. Pite, In_1ev;ood, C�.l. , asking hir:. to advise if he irate -,ds to ava it hi:.iself of tine offer of the 3oard of Trustees to dD some filiin ad joining she lot he � roijjs:;s to bu`T iri the vl -U.-; 0 -11 .�e undo aild how soon. Carried. FYI - ::� 3II,L5. ll_e followil g de.:ands, hQvin been ap-Droved b;;T the Oo=ittee on finance and 3ecords, were read: 1eva -.1. Llsey 23.25 J. Cerda 47.00 Pacific Phar :.lacy 16.45 . 13. L_ukuche 51.70 Pacific lel. w 'Tel. Co. 30.50 ';I. H. Calloway 77.16 C. 1. Ainsworth 75.00 L. Gutysh 60.60 n. i. =iller 105.50 L. 3aushn 51.70 J. L. Orr 11.50 A. .-i11er 36.00 _:. C er d o 56.40 J. S. Orr 46.20 1- arillo 51.70 Pac. :;lect. H: . 52.62 ?ac. Llect. :.y. 76.33 Total 4875.63 :.roved b77 "_'ry stee 3inder9 seconded by ':'rustee 3ryson, that the dema,ds be allowed and viarrwnts drawn on the xeneral _und for the same. Carried bjr the follodn - vote: eyes: Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis and ,ueger. goes: gone. Zbsent: Trustee Smiley. 11 i Li 3 u J '. Loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder that Street ,superintendent trthur ii. Gunn be granted leave of absence for the purpose of his annual vacation, beginning June 19, 1920 and ending July 3r6, 1920. Carried. The Street Suuerintendent advised the 3oard that one of the rratcrrien at the Salt '.later Station of the Standard Jil Company on the Coast 3oulevard had asked him it it would be )ossible to have the traffic Officer make an effort to put an end to speeding on that hi^-hrray bet :Teen the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 o'clock in the morning. The ::latter of adoption of an Ordinance to regulate the building of bonfires vi .s briefl:;r discussed, but no action taken. :,:owed by lrustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that a cU_ar,ti ty of shellac, sufficient to shellac the linoleum in the corridors of the City :all be - purchased at a sum not to exceed (w15.00) . Carried by the following vote: Iyes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, :Davis and ueger. goes: -;one. sbsen. Trustee Smile; ". ,''he "Aty Clerk. reported that the janitor had injured his foot and t.at some _dditional help might be reouired around tr..e City Hall for a few d-.1 7 By general consent the 3oard agreed to this. :owed by 'Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the Standard Oil Baseball Club of P.1 Segundo be granted permission to use the ydditorium on the evening of June loth, 1920, upon payment of the customary rental fee of ;7.50. Carried. Trustee Binder stated that Building Inspector .0. D. uardner desired to know if it were agreeable with the Board that he do all of the work in connection with 3uildiny 3ns,ections in the afternoon instead of dividing his time betv:een the forenoon and afternoon. 3,y general consent such action was a- ooroved. 1'he City Clerk vas requested to ash the 6outhern California Edison Company to install a meter at the band stand. - l,o further business appearing to be transacted at this ileetinc, it eras roved by Trustee Bryson, seconde_ b.-,, Trustee Ijavis, that the meetinT adjourn. Carried. .L)-proved: . � A A � �' �Z'C" kl%.- ?r lden u . 3oard o f 'r stees. espectfully submitted,