1920 JUN 09 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. June 9, 1920. A regular meeting of the Board of '.'rustees of the City of El Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock 2..".L. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City :all, 'by Carl iueger, President of the Board. ROLL C -ILL. Trustees Present: Binder, Sryson, Davis, Smiley and nueger. Trustees Absent: idone. B�: JliYV 0_ I.=Ii1UT�S OP � :�;zTI073 i�ETI.1J. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 2nd day of June, 1920, viere read. Ito errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by T'ruste, ayiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the r-iinutes be approved as read. Carried. �EiITTEI' C0 . -: U.IICA1I0143. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: 'T Ii. LITCr'ELL, Certified Public ceountant, reuuestin� that he be engaged to make the annual audit for the City of Zj1 Se -undo for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920. i.:oved bir Trustee Davis, seconded by 'Trustee Smiley, that Vialter b. ,.:itchell, C.P.A. be employed to make the regular annual audit of the financial records of the City of :1 Segundo for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1920, as per his application therefor on file with the City Clerk, at a cost not to exceed ONE HUE7D.RED DOLLAIRS, (: 100.00 ). Carried by the follovd ng vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. I1oes: Bone. Absent: None. an application to move a one story building into the city of E1 Segundo. Loved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Davis, that L. 1. Cameron be permitted to move a one story frame building onto his propert% on the west side of Vir:7inia Street betwe::n Holly and Pine Avenues, provided the same be moved on a vehicle. Carried. ORAL CO ;;:.iUi� ICnTI Ji1 S. City Recorder, H. J. Barber, requested a two weeks' leave of absence. ..:overA by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee amiley, that City recorder H. J. Barber be and he is hereby granted a two weeks' leave of absence beginning June 14th, 1920 and ending June 28th, 1920. Carried. I,ir. -.Iarvin sriffin complained to the Board that he had found it necessary to remove from the roadway of the alley in the rear of his preumises considerable broken glass, which he believed had been dro_)ped by the persons authorized to collect non - combustible rubbish. The Street ,superintendent advised that he did not personally collect cans and rubbish at the time the last collection was made and that he could not dispute f::r. Griffin's statement; that he would caution his men to use care in this regard. R1:20 `11S 0? S �: DIN' C O-:t�:I T 23E 6. Trustee Bryson submitted a plan for Septic tanks, the construction of which would be permitted by the Building Inspector in lieu of cess pools as required by the plumbinz ordinance. By general consent the Board approved these plans and suggested that the saiiie, together with a plan for cesspools, 'be blue printed and placed on file in the City Clerk's office for the perusal and guidance of persons desirous of constructing either. It was further suggested that before these requirements be incorporated in the Plumbing Jrdinance, that the Public Service Committee confer with plumbing contractors and other persons interested in the Plumbing Ordinance with a view of determining what changes, if any, are necessary in the said ordinance, so that all of the sar,ie might be taken care of in one amending ordinance. - Trustee Bryson of the Public - orks Committee reported that after obtaining permission from the Standard ail Company to have one of their departments construct two electroliers to be installed at the `=lesterly terminus of Grand Avenue, it was found that this permission was in conflict with a prior Tulin; of the said company, but that the for.�s for the same were the property of the City and that they would be turned over to the Street Department and the Street Superintendent instructed to construct the concrete posts. Trustee Rueger stated that the uniforms for the :_embers of the band ',­,ere expected to arrive between the 15th and 20th of the current month and he desired to know if the band stand would be wired for the purpose of lighting the same and if the stand should not be oiled or painted. Following discussion it was decided that the stand should be painted and the matter was referred to the Public Service Committee. '�03i'S 0 SP CIAL COILITTE 5. Trustee Davis reported that the piano had been tuned and that he was looking up a man who had had some experience in improving acoustics in other buildings, whom he would endeavor to have investigate the condition of the city hall auditorium. The City Clerk reported that the City Engineer had telephoned him, stating that he had been very busy in Inglewood during the past week and was unable to look into the matter of moving dirt on north .. =ain ,Street, which matter was referred to him at the last regular meeting of the :3oard, but that he would be able to have a report at the next meeting. The City Attorney presented a tentative traffic ordinance, which c.ras read and discussed and laid on the table for one week, pending further thought and investigation. J�i_�I:IS �'rustee Rueger stated that it would be to - procure frog the Standard Uil Company corr be used in the construction of an addition to at the ;orporation Yard. By general c,ons::nt the 2ublic '.'Iorks Coi*mittee endeavor to obtain of the addition. possible for the City agated iron, which might the present warehouse it was suggested that an estimate of the cost The City nttorney advised having received a letter froiA1,1r. F.-ops, having reference to the delay in havin^ a deed signed for certain property in the ;astern end of the City to be used for street purposes, which was sent East for the signatures of various heirs of the I,:ark Estate, which further stated that the matter would have his ir. mediate attention. PAYIiI � BILLS. The followinz der::ands, havin _ been ap, roved by the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: California Portland Ce:aent Co. Ceo. J. 3irkel Co. A. P. 3'eorge Co. v. S. ILCIntire a. rtin C. 3 . 'urner '.7arren w 3ailey �• � • (.J �• �• `ITT. -•/ • _J. .. .:organ X891.52 J. hullibarger 17.10 12.50 J. ii. Gorham 16.38 120.00 A. Cendo 7.05 2.58 Chas. Pettit 1.77 30.75 Emeterio :nvuiano 6.17 25.59 B. h. held 17.10 63.40. Total 1224.83 8.00 5.00 i-oved 'by '2rustee Smiley, seconded by i'rustee 3ryson, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the general .Rind for the same. Carried by the following vote: S: trustees :D"inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and itueger. i;oes: .:one. absent: .4one. 15.7 3.73I.TL65. 'he President called upon I._r. i.�arvin griffin, who was in the auaicnce, and : ho wa— S a me:.ioer of the Committee from the Cha:aUer of Comi.:erce a- 000inted to confer ,7ith. the 3oard reaardinf the proposed :: rchas-� by the City of B1 aegando of property at the corner of 1.,ain atree,t and __1 Segundo «venue, for remar'-s. ` j.-r. Griffin stated that U -e Ci_wyr:..ai1 of the Co=:ittee 1,-1as not present and that they had had no .ieetirl„ hence Tie had no sub estions to offer. 'he Chair m:aended � chat this committee call upon the El Se�undo Land & Improve omp any in azi effort to obtain a reduction of price previously quoted the City for the _)rop erty. The C"hair suggested that the 3oard of Trustees anticipate and arrange for the removal of banks on the sides of the railroad crossing on B1 Segundo _.venue and _-ri_zona Drive, work to be done as soon as soon as practicable an U. ti,: t the Ci1m; Engineer set stai;es for the wor._ so that the 3oard mi _,ht have an opportunity of learning dust what the needs would be and -he advantages to be gained therefrom. Complaint wus made that the motor.�aen on the Pacific .L;lectric Railway cars are not observin,; the four mile per hour rule at the Arizona Drive and _]l ae ;,undo Avenue crossin:, as promulgated b. the comaagy about one gear a--,,o and the Cit,,T Clerk was in;;tructed to draw the matter to the utter Lion of the mana.-.•e.. ent of the railroad. the loiterin of boys in the o...plalnts Here made concerliil.; _ corridors aid on the stairs o,° the ',ity hall and the Cit,T Attorney as is structed to prepare an ordinance this and the -"it,, 7' ::arshal ii= Ntr.�c to Stric-;l :r e.iforce the cur - eV,' /0r1dinance, requiri�i all ct ilaren v_tiU'v r el_,1� L''. X11 fro be Ji_. Mlle v Ur'ee Vs U,% 9:00 o ' cloca 2. Le c _sto :. o. :guilders uUin ore ti_ar ore -h if o-- a street for .� oadih. and stora_ e of ouildin erials VI.-s criticised and the �ay) _ in—u—­—,den—u !,- -u !,-taU ;ed� to ;..ore ri:�idl, sub) ervise this practice. _!. :flair stated that oily sj3ts were appearing in certain of our i..oroveu streets and reco:;mended that the atreet Departc:ient re :aedy the condition. Trustee 3r Tson of the ?ublic '.forks co- dittee stated that the matter would have early attention. o = _rti.er a,;Lii_ess a-,:> >earin7 , to -a e trwnsacted at this meetin , it �s ioved a,T _'rusLee ::L111ey,SeCOnded 0 .'rllstee Jai *i:;, ;tat -he meeting a-d J'Jk i 1i. — wr -i eLL. :esoectfUll,'y- submitted, president '4 Oard of s gees.