1920 JUN 02 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. June 2, 1920. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of L1 Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. !,.. on the above date, in the Council Cha�ber of the City Hall, by Carl T;. Rue _er, president of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, Davis, S:ailey and Eueger. Trustees Absent: ..,one. �t ;ADIi; 0� V uJ, . -I;U 3 E L . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 26th day of luny, 1j20, were read. iyo errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by 'Trustee 3inder, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. i;one. one ORAL �i 02 ST LIDL -`G C0.2.1 I`l'1' 5. Trustee Bryson, of the 1'u.blic 7orks Committee, reported that rye Lad obtained the consent of the Standard Oil Company for one of their departments to construct two concrete electroliers to be erected on the 'Westerly terminus of Grand Avenue and the matter was left in `2 'rustee 3ryson's hands for attention. REPORTS OY 323C IAL Trustee Bryson, of the Public Service Committee, reported that specifications for cesspools and septic tanks had been drawn by him, but were not now on his person and would be presented at a future :,aeetin7. Trustee 3inder of the 2ablic Service Com:�ittee reported that his com:?iittee favored the issuance of a permit to ..r. O'Brien to conduct a motion picture theatre in a tent for a limited time. :coved by Trustee 31yson, seconded by Trustee 3inder, that permission be granted L_-A, O'Brien to erect a tent in a location out side the limits of _2ire District ibo. 1 and to conduct therein for a period of three months from date a motion picture theatre; the operator's booth or enclosure housing all projecting machines and used in connection with said theatre to be constructed in accordance with State laws and to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector and sire Chief of the City of L1 Segundo. Carried. Trustee Davis reported that he had nbt arranged for the tuning of the piano in the auditorium and by general consent he was in- structed to have the matter attended to when there is a piano tuner in t own. Ui +��IiilS�i�D �USIi1LSS. The subject of an ordinance regulating the moveent and parking of vehicles, which was initiated at the last regular meeting, was again discussed and referred to the City Attorney with instructions to prepare a tentative ordinance. The City Attorney reported that in connection with obtaining a deed from the ;dark :state for a portion of ground in the Eastern section of the City to be used for road purposes, that he had been in conversation with J. B. Haight, Administrator of the said Estate, who advised him that the deed had been sent to the various heirs for signature and that he did not understand why it has not peen returned. He is to review his correspondence in the matter and later advise the City Attorney, who will again report to the Board. The City Engineer presented to the Board a profile of the proposed grade on Penn Street, between Llariposa and Palm Avenues. Following perusal of the same by the Board, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the plan for an official grade on Penn Street, between Palm and 1.1ariposa Avenues as submitted by the City Engineer be, and the same is hereby approved and the said City Engineer is hereby authorized and instructed to set curb and sidewalk stakes for the property owners on said street when requested so to do. Carried. 2AYI1, s BILLS. The following demands, having been approved by the Committee on 2inance and Records, were read: Carl . Raeger 15.00 Clark S. Green 10.00 Richard 2. Davis 15.00 Dr. R. Seldon Anthony 15.00 Peter E. Binder 15.00 D. C. Lewis 50.00 C. Bryson 15.00 A. R. Gunn 175.00 Alfred Li. Smiley 15.00 Arthur 11. Cory 40.00 Victor D. IylcCarthy 175.00 A. A. Atkins 14.10 Neva -4., Elsey 22.75 C. A. Richardson 5.00 14inta Curtzwiler 25.00 Paul Sterpo 5.00 Clyde Bloodworth 75.00 M. r. Brazil 90.00 H. J. Barber 25.00 H. iW. re 60.00 Clark S. Green 50.00 A. durillo 22.03 Clark S. Green 21.00 A. Cendo 23.50 G. T. L'attingly 110.00 J. Perrish 4.70 H. C. Radney 5.00 C. T. Ainsworth 72.00 Frank Dyer 5.00 L. Gutysh 83.26 G. T. 11attingly 15.00 W. H. Calloway 94.63 E. organ 25.00 M. B. Llukuche 57.28 E1 Segundo ',later Co. 26.57 Chas. Pettit 57.28 s . ;;thel E. „iattingly 1.00 J. Cerda 57.28 P. D. Gardner 36.86 C. Denton 5.28 Victor D. i.�cCarthy .38 A. I6�iller 71.87 L. Quillen 47.88 Henry Eagle 20.00 E. i . Hans ,)n 62.44 ;1. E. Williams 268/00 E. E. Hanson 13.50 Total 42195.25 A. T. R�. 39.66 S. +Iiy. 37.00 .L by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the -owed demands be allowed and warrants drama on the General �Iund for the same. Carried oy the following vote: ayes: `trustees Binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. noes: i; one Absent: lone. ..,, - a L'1 3U�I1.r L36• The matter of shellacing the linoleum in the City hall Lobby was referred to Trustee Davis for attention. It appearing that certain additions should be made to the band stand, namely - the stairs, arrangements general consent the construction of a handrail on either side of the for illumination and having the floor oiled, by matter was referred to the Public Service Con- ittee, Trustee Rueger stated that a number of members of the various lodges using the Auditorium had complained to him that it is difficult to hear and understand persons speaking in the Auditorium whenever there is a large assemblage in the room and that -t::ey requested the installation of sounding wires to remedy the trouble. The matter was referred to Trustee Davis for investigation. Trustee Binder stated that a number of property owners on Borth _.ain Street, anxious to construct sidewalks and curbs, desire the city to remove surplus earth from. in front of their premises to brin~ the same to official grade. After discussion, it was moved 'by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Bryson that the matter of removing dirt between the official curb lines and existing street line on the West side of I.1ain Street between - 4alnut Avenue and Collin-Wood Street oe referred to the City engineer for investigation and that he be instructed to report at the next meetin. - Carried. Loved by '!'rustee Binder, seconded by _,rustee Bryson, that 1-iss i.�. "r_alley be granted free use of the City Hall Auditorium - oetereen the hours of 4:00 o'clock and 6:00 o'clock P. L. on June 15th, 19200 for the purpose of giving a musical recital. Carried. ;o further business appearing, it �,as moved by �'rustee Smiley, seconded by trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, _(�-J AAC President, Board of 317U stees. 29 LKAX