1920 JUL 29 CC MINit aei-
-and-, C-l. July 29, 192C.
as journed re�.lar .::aetin ° o= the 3oard of Trustee;: of the City
of t ae- antic, was called to order at 7:30 o' clod 2. on the ajove
Q .te in the Council �1:a::i er o -` t' :1 t,j- -_all by Carl
2::e-zlder't o= v1_e .oa =Q.
_rustees i'rese. t: - index, ,)a is, Smiley anc. :zue. er.
_rL�a _1 ee5 ac, e._, -:,. Jr,r�so1..
i.7 rtes o� t =_e re _'v lay :.cetiu., :geld on the 2bt1: d� or
u 77, , 19 0 ;re�•e read without error or o.�issi m beins noted. I,_ovea
lle; >', .sec oliaeQ a; �r �s ,ee _.lnae�� uha v the Minutes be
a.o Dro Tea as read. Carried. rus -U-ee L,ryson a�o,oeared at 'he :._eetinv at
the hour of 7 :35 O'cloci,.-2. and took his seat.
_. 01i e .
_ . 3r:C .
rastee -; e�- e-r state- that tl.e Street 6ujerintendent had
iii `or::lea "rir.i that completion of the imorovei.:ent of 7ir -,inia street
fro:., ,alrl .'venue to Collin::-Wood street had been delayed on account
of irre_ afar deliveries of rocs, but ti =at he expected to have the
-o il isi -red in a'Uout
iie Stated that he had Zlritten for ._.Ore copies
of zonin z ordinances, which he pro -ald summit to the -3oard upon their
�. DTTe f
.the ollowing had he a,)a-roval o. she o„u_:it -ee
and _records, ,erg ra d:
3a _ V1 er., Cal.
Lr le moo.
:: , n
..�1_1 uni t vii .
S7Ti moo.
C. So , J.
�,disorl Co.
30.00 Southern Cal. Edison. C .
0 aouthern Cal. Edison Co.
3 .17 C. Sane 1 Lu fDer C
3Z), .0I' ;t: ndard ail Co.
13.05 Pacific Co.
20 t a 1
__o7ed by - rustee i2lder, sec �r :tied a,y �'rustee �rysor.1 t_r.at the
: 1iowad and dra'.7n on the Teneral -'and for same.
es: ruStees _�inde ;r -Tson, is, a- :'.iley and
-.0es : i o n ne.
_:OSeiat: iTone.
.. r
.:.Oved by Trustee ��:ile; , seconded J - _ =i stet Davis, that
.ar i: ioal e _Dioyees oi_ __:3n' _ :' pa; rJ i redder tj the 3Jard :nor Uh
1:erea ter a rEJOrt 0 t�lEir aesel ices, statyr.: �� _eta =er Sa: E rraS On
account o]:2' cit;.- or _personal tit:: iness and that if ,,ossi ble, such em to sees
Taiien required or deSirii7-D to absent themselves CL ;,? report to
their Cxxnit tee in a::z.-ance. Carried.
-'rustee _:l_e,_'Er as.,C.ed the Do:.rd to consider aco,;_irin;;' a tractort
if it that the ,:se o -f s ':7B be a saving o ve-'• i :i in- t3 .: ::s.
It ".rb : Bugg_.: ted tl.at electroliers at tie diflarei7t
t0 -u.---,e ci`v :- have the 1!a:.. o= title cit?- - painted there-on. it
�r ;; -n � :�t ti�a� ti :e fi�:E . : :ESi� L ire )rotectors which are to oe _)laced
ove2' ' .-t :ese - 'lOues o isCc_ : :e such� lettarin so as to it
vwlaeless discussion as to the "oest met,:od of har:dlin
tiie ,Tauter, it was referred to the ?ublic Service Co=iittee.
i._o ed L)-,7' i'rustee DaVis, secjnoed c.� �'r; -_stee S=ale. , that the City
= ._arsr:al be anC�
he is ::ereb�- instr acted �o investi ate tie Wanner in
;hic1-_ :oel liwll; are oeir. conducted rri triln the "it o =1 sea-undo
wild to report thereon to the _`oard of 'rastees at his earliest
Co: -e ienCe. "a_ried.
:_jVe' u,'' _'?" _ tee i:,iil2y, SeCOuCI3d J, -'rustee Davis, that the
._,t �v= 'i - :E:✓ Ue �ai:d 1�3 iS 1'te_' J.- i St= Licted to oreoare all ordinance
2 :o iuitin a_bIiI itilin _ 1i t:- of l :;e wndo. Carried.
ed i rustee j,::ilj.', secJr, ded j:, - stee Davis, that t e
y �__ 1S; 1 iiieer OE tad lie is ..e. eJ; li.L U ilCted to pr" �az'e ai1C1 �ti.riiiSh
c.11e ;i c ztt� 'ii a. �: i �r wll to a .c: irlor..�ation necessar ;r fo.� ti e
use j f said "' ttorr_a - in the ire aration of deeds to pieces of land
to oe acquired for street - .ai�poses easterl , fr pin :. ain Street,
jet eels _&! —A;, and -:..a Dle avenue. Carried.
Loved e-r Trustee Silile,y , seeondeQ oy Lrustee Davis, that the
0f is ial in cigar _e of each :nanici -Sal deoart. ent at his earliest
cD=ei_ience_, iar : :is : t'r:e 3jard of 2rustees with an inventor7- of all
tools, i criner,y and e L— _).men - under his control at the oreseat time
and that such an inventory be :urnisi.ed on the 30th day of June each
and every year hereafter. Carried.
..o fL,,-rther business ado earin to Je transacted at this session,
it :.soled bar "i'rustee ui:lil sec01,1dea b;; 2: -a tee 3ry, on, that the
z U_ :d; JUrr 'v_il�il ._Ji :d -, tt :e .. :�d dull 0 "_° .�U��St, lyN�, at the hour
7:30 o' c loci.
:c ;_ Jectf .11y sap, : :i tted,
City Cleri:.
S C,—L , �J,.I'LL 0 6 sees.