1920 JUL 21 CC MINZ
1 Segundo, Cal.
July 21, 1920.
A regular meetinZ of the 3oard of Yrustees of the City of L1
Segundo was called to order at 7:30 o'clock 2. L. on the above date
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, b7 Carl 1. aue`er, President
of xi the 3oard.
'Trustees Present; Bryson, :Davis, Smiley and Aueger.
Trustees Absent: Binder.
13..DII T J =U121 02 21171OU1 1. is so.
he is nutes of the rel
192C, tere read. to errors
Trustee vmiley, seconded by
ds -read. Carried.
alar weetin; held on the 14th day of July,
or omissions a?pearin„ it was moved by
Trustee 3ryson; that the minutes be approved
Trustee Binder apgeared at the mpetin at 7 :35 o'clock P. 1. and
Book his seat.
;'he minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the loth day
of ju 1.-, 1920, were read without error or omission beinS noted. It
was :_:op-ed 7 `_'r�stee 3nile7, seconded by "_'rustee Davis, that the same
be ay)roved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned reS lar- meeting held on the 17th
da ;_ Only, 19LC, were read. i o errors or omissions oe�nq noted,
it w s : o v ed by Wrustee Davis, seconded by 2rustee Binder, that they
we a giowd as read. Carried.
The following communicationx were read and disposed of as indicated:
A letter from C. :. h UDSW , -requesting the 3oard to instruct the
Ureet SuperintendeLt to constr�ct a driveway on his .property. Loved
by trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the Street 3u.per-
intendent oe and he is hereby instructed to construct a rock and oil
driveway from the Street to the garage on the premises of C. W.
Hudson at 413 Vhiting Street and that the actual cost of same, .plus
10;x, oe cha;Zed to said C. :I. Hudson. Carried by the following vote:
:apes: Trustees 3inder, 3r,yson, :Davis, Smiley and que er.
Toes: _;one.
lbsent: bone.
.t letter from HKhhY a. ,�- �_�,I3 mainj application for a permit
to conduct a p col -roo: .
;.roved Q 2r stee iwilay, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the
ollowin__ Resolution be adopted:
"W:=.:t_.s_.3, Harry 2. MUM, by written
ayjlication, filed with the Ci l% Ilerk on the
21st day of My, 1920, has requested that a
Jewmit be Zranted him to conduct a pool --room in
a frame building to be erected on the i orthwest
corner of Concord ;;treat and Al ae undo "venue,
in the City of 11 he undo,
�i0�.l, __ ...�_'v_: I_ =.3aOLUD, That said
_yplic:ant :,e and he is hereby grunted -;ermission .
to conduct ool -room in s4id�city at said
location for -,she period of one year from date
hereof, subject to the right of the Ward of
2rastees to revoke the sane, all as provided in
Ordinance 'To. 8 of said City, and
31; 111 "J-V_�- , ]�hat th
-,—.) 'j I) U U e
C"it,,T Clem shall issue a written perMit
unto said ao-plic,,:_,nt there
Carried by the following vote:
.Ves: 'Trustees 3ryson, 6miley and �uezer.
_oes: ':Trustees Davis and 3inder.
.Lb s e rit
i r, - es-
ter 'ror,-, 2. D. 3uildii.-r i Spec-L
letter �L U req- u in, ri
increase i1i ".,As coiroens--tion, so tu-ci?at he -A.--ht devote his entire time
to -U--,--e duties of said 1 off-L'ice-
.,.roved ��Mile77 -at the
.,.roved ay trustee 1 . seconded by 2rust-ee Davis, LI.L L,
'iof Gardner, as Euildin�l- Inspector, be and the same
c o,-,, j ey. s �� �' i 3-f 2. L.
is herebv increased from -,60.00 per month to "100-00 per month,
August 18t, 1920, and until the further order of this board.
1� e - are paid.
Said sales= s-� -all be ]?a.-,7a'ole monthly as other city, s,,:-.1a:-,ie_L
Carried b7- tine Ifollowin'.- vote:
_eyes: 1 -, s - e " s minder, d e 2 ::T"s on Davis Smiley and :weer.
7 -
b s e rit L, one.
J. V. "Ian _I'aton, 2ublisher of the -31 3'e-undo 1ierald, drevi
U business
-1--e 3-Dar'71S a--e U U U
u to -F��ct --,,at costs in his line o��
I_ad iiacr--ased v.,rit-.L other lines and that lie believed an adJust'-,,ent of
U 'h should be made.
rate Jaid bl-, the Cit.-,T for le - �-Ial advertisin-_
- .1ollowin discussion, it --,;as moved by Trustee 6 ... iley, seconded by
resolution oe adopted:
.:Custee �Iirkder, that the followin �':' U solut
V 1, after --his date, such jo tinS matter
D, Inau L U U rinu
as the 3oard of '2rust:.:s of the City of _'_-jl SeSundo may
desire to be o-a-U-1ished, shall be published in the .-J'l
U inch for
je-7ando 'zierald at a r,,,-ue not -uo e:--ceed 90;' per ii
the first insertion and O_W/ per inch -'or suosequent
Carried by the follo-ain: vote:
:eyes: _�ruste,_,s 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueg-er.
:roes: gone.
db -; e n t Lone. -
1. on, e •
to re _ues- Jf the oa-rd at i s last re _ulcer ee ti
_w 1 -U t 0 r zi e.-,- S -"L om, i t t 17 a e
_U U1. A-0—;s Of /,one irdin aces and
he el:-3ec--d to a—, a- the next re7ular me,�-tin.-
- U- U - - U V
--o ustee �inder, that the
v ed _,rus - ee le7
seconded b.y- _�r U
-acted to eT_oend not
is hereo.-,7 instructed
re-,-.oval o' 0 5*
L i.'La _)-:;rs--a-nee of u -he yards of earth
_0_c Llfe -alId 1he carD liie Oi- tie past
side of
d ,D6 s c rid
Orl U
e 3 at U
d e LL ) *7 _D
he oar'
1�)o arid of record or., 2a-'e 157,
field o
i Ij UII
_records o- the D Of 2-Istaes.
i e d b,-117 t- h e -fo I! ov.ri n_-, ;e:
r-a 0 __,� _' r 7 e,, S 0 Lj�
7 1 e a na e
e S
3es: one
:J_ I;U • one
)7- _Iruste-. -77, U_
seconded aj�joint
7 t 0
D :f e�-n as sz i S-va__ _-ul_�_L:in�3
Z 3 7
7 u e:.ia,
seconded L) 7 u _CI e e 1 -1 `u- e, u,7,
-allolved u ilu war ran. -6s, on i--e for
1:: -6, J -_S --in' 1: 7 Va. e
_)ELVI ; z;t U.LL ltr
:)e all d 1:ca
I -d
-Ce 0 U_
C. 13:M -a 11c S -.v2: ts -:-e e-.,-,, eiaai Y_oi, s�.iu 2) 1 s no
:)6 e I -'
I I _ oil e•
s -u a e -.:-,u e e r su f-- zr a s tu e d t 1--a -u it -,j d L)e a -,-Dod le for the
rented frx- the i3acif c .electric
0 r e 'I'D 7 e t e creeds fro.;i t'l,-e grounds rented L - -i
-oal stora7ze -ourooses. Itt :coved L),-7 2rustee
-or ,zanici
J--iley T Areet �Superirtendent be , seconded oy
'Trustee Davis that the �D
-he rented b77 -lie '-,ity
_,e is hereb-,- insv-ructed to clean of.L u _v
ie in clears condition. married.
Stor,, Me mr-ooses and to 'r-ee- the sa,, n
_ I , -- i
--,ue--e2: advised --at Lr. 7. 1. had --r-
U1. t; - • 1�� ul� _711a f- a. S a L,
---e Corital, o '1'� ii CL 0
e a, S U_ v U11 u
Te eCI
S e L e 3 C
DL J77
a S ed
iD 11
3 a C Z 1 0 J:') u
U e u-I-e c; o--,.
U U e
7 •
0 e 31:1
U" _L�
he Ci� W-S 1,1� --c-C Jed
of d` e Z 4� i - ..�.t a U
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-U- I-, a U
,) )7 67,
a�n u n n
__ ue cur o
- t! =vL X1.0 - - * - ill-- s t e e 'U- S
Lj e 3 e e
ste-n.cilled o_-. 7v'_I_e C; ] J 2 e 2: e z;L _j Q e al- c d v D U E; r: C 6101', U3 thl s
ur ai. e a P_ I S
b-L7,si ss
a a CA 0 �7 rl - CS 3 e- --f7sow
tee- s,-- c 0
it roved
-tha-t -,I-e ad
V ;_ _L
VV VV L) U i t
r 0 V �_� U,