1920 JUL 14 CC MIN'A A rah niar meeting of Segundo was called to order the Council lha_auer of the the so ard. the at My �l 30ard 7 :3C o Hall, Selundo, cal. of 2rustees of Iclock 2. 1. on by Carl 0. ine jU17 14, 1920. the City of .l the a.;ove date in Er, 2residant of jruEzews Present: 3indeit Tyson, javis, Smilay nud haejor. .rustses �Unevt: �.Jna. 02 52 2AL71joa Z-LwMd. 2he -inn!wL of the re2nlaz neetin7 hel? on the 7t1_ 6a7 of luly, 20 10 were Told without error or omisEio ;`loved by lrys�ee SmileV, q ")'Le aa :roved as read. Carried. zhat the Ile secoMed b7 2rustee WWsDn, i u 2he inutuE Jr the adjournK re7ular mwetinV held on the 9th day of july, 199 were reW. 10 errors or ooisEions a"jearim, it WaE n3ved o7 wyuswee 3miley, seconded by us tee Jai: is, that he minutes oe n-orovew as read. Carried. woe foll3nin7 SDOMunications were read aK disposed of as A �eliqiav A= ths =W7 the i--ip-cive.-ens of avenues. Lo7e :iLdei, that the followinS n! ze,undo La..d - ._rents and 6hbldon Areets OeWeun Pine and A by 'trustee Smiley, seconded by trustee aesolution be adopted: Ty ' .J it alywars that certain residents and pyoperty au nee s of the City of EI Beg-ando are williny vo pay certain moneys in the sum of Q268.76 inzo the ireasury of the "it- of: 31 aejundO, California and inzo the general =end thereof, for the purpose of cansinS certain street improvemenm within said City to be made, and, said suo has been deposited with the City Clerk of said City with instructions tj pay the same into said 5eneral 2und u,on the aboption of the following; =-�20: -3.; 1-' 2hat the street 6aperintendent be and he is hereby instructed to cause the yortion of thasB -,ert=in, public streets within the Cit7 of �l jagundo, California, kno�-,yi as wren-- and Lheldon 6treets, !Vin__ and being betoean nariposa and pine -venues, to A i•-:ilDroved by the con6truction therein of the foijowinZ imaro7ement, to -wit: i rock and oil surface of the snoe character as that constructed in waim venve west of �ain Areet in SaK City", 2ariied Q the folloning vole: e E : -r-a Etees "indelp ir7EDU, ja7is, Wiley and hueger. zoos: -OU50 Ausent: _.one. requastin4 the MIMS of " 90MOT of ±DsacrSzS Venua, an& the transfer of title thereto to said ,,,,d , I,zzee IiIO7, seconded by 1rustee Davis that the City jlar�: be instructed to notifV the 3nneral Chemical 3omyany that their re- iresentavive would be heard in the hatter of closing a portion of Rosec�ans l;venue within the M7 of E1 Segundo at any regular meeting of the 3oari of Trustees. Carried. _r. !,_. L. Zoeh addressed the 3Dard relati7e to the passage of an ordinance restricting the character of ouildin 's erected in residential sections. i._"l. Stuart :._e,ndaville e<-plainet that the )urpose of the request was to Jrohis it tie erection of apa!t_:ier Z louses or hovels in the locations where resideLts have erected ouiiain _:s for nomes. he City .mot torney e ::,)lained that he nouSht this could oe successfully le`'isla ted on if the ordinance coverind he Latter is carefu!1 7 drawn. By .general consent action_ was defer:ied pandinZ the .)erusul of & copy of a si _ila.r ordinance auoyted by another city, which the Cit7 ttorney agreed to s omit. :.one. MUM W ,M , r, he Cit.-: Z'n;ineer reported that pursuant to instructions as ot the last regular meeting, he had detar..ined that 567 yards represezts 30d of the total n; moer of yards of earth to be rezoved from a portion of the East side of :._ ain Street in front of Lot 5 ir 3loc . 34 and hots 5 and 6 in doer. 99. By Seneral consent the City 3h ineer and the Street Superintendent were instructed to esti�wie the cost of removinS this earth and to report to the 3jard at heir neat Ii:eetinS. Me Street Superintendent filed a report respecting the fire hydrants within the City of 31 Segundo, for which the City paid a regular ,yearly rental, which showed forty -four in good order, two with irrejalar size outlets, six with stems broken but with no valve, and one at a location other than indicated on the map shooing the loc_.tions of said fire hydrants. He reported also that many of these hydrants are difficult to fired owin_ to their being covered with tall grass, and suggested that they be painted white and raised to a uniform heir hth of 2 -1,; to Z feet and that a post painted white be ?laced at or near the hydront, so that the same : iMht be readily found if needed. :,roved by irustee Smiley, seconded by i'rustwo Davis that the .;itV ilero oe instructed to comLuniente ohe report of the Street Suoeyintendent respectinZ fire hydrants to the 11 Segando ':later Col yang to request their action thereon. Carried. `'hie lit: Ilern reported that details of septic tanks as , -)jo?ed Jj the Ward at their last regular meeting were filed ill hit Mice _=_is date .b._ the 0 .n- inee_, said glens eein _ m;:.rned- "ie MMS of Septic son. 11 „egando ". it was moved u:i trustee wmile:;, seconued by Trustee Davis, that :resolution _:o. 269 entitled: - W�112IJ.II;,_.. _:v. 5 202 WH� Cv::KMOTIJ.: W WIN OAM KNEW WE- SAIL CMY.lf which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: LJes: i'rustees 3inder, 3r Tson, Davis, iniley and rueZer. :;oes: !one. absent: Zone. :one. 2 AYIL! M116. Wn 3U 55. the bond of ' illiam 3. hunSerford as City l._arshal was approved as to fort oy the City attorney, subject to a correction in the date of his appointment to the office and to his si.Enin.; the pond. joved by 2rustea a vile y , seconded by Trustee 3ri son that the bond of dilliam _>. :�:ungerford as City _._arshal, submitted in the penal su:_i of g250.00 with the 2idelity- Deposit Company of �ar g land as sr_retY, be and the sage is hereby ap -roved, subject to the same being signed by the zaid .iilliam 3. Eange-rford and subject also to the date of his a-egoin vent to the office of :;it.- �arsihal as stated in said bond being corrected fro .. ,- �ly ^th, 1923 to July 9th, 1920. r lar-ried b7 the followinC vote: _�Jes : ilrus tees = .:finder, , 'r;y son, Davis, ::Ailey and lueSer. _.oes: !one. Absent: ;.one. Trustee Ruejer dreg attention to the fact that the level of the roadway on the .:out_ side of Grand :_venue between Concord and Virginia atreets where the same enters the alley between said streets, is a considerable distance below the sidewalk level and that there is liability of injury to a pedestrian not acquainted with the condition, who mi Znt be usinC the sidewalk at night. It as :.roved by 1rustee Wiley, seconded the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby the approach to the alley between Concord and South side of rand :venue by raisin:° the lev to the inside of the sidewalk lines. Carried by trustee 32yson that instructed to improve 1ir3inia Streets on the al of same from the curb by the following vote: Ayes: 'trustees .✓finder, 3ryson, 3a7is, S niley and rue �er. _:oes: !one. ibsent: Zone. i'rustee jueaer stated that the had received numerous complaints conce-rnin7 the rec les6 drivin,° of motor vehicles by minors, especially those co :: -z:lercial vehicles. 3y general consent the marshal was instructed to see that the prac nice is aisciMiLued. Trustee hueiel stnied that !he bal.a had re: vested a clac,00ard he att"caed to the b"nd s "nt for the �uryose of vnnouncin. the dazes of selections being played durin V their concerts. =-),-ea o:- ."rustee 6nilQ , seconded by Wrustae Jryson that a blac!- oo3rd to == urnished the band at a cost not to e =_ceeC ("10.00). C t Carried J' the following —Ole: -yes: _'_"l'_s e :s And er, =Tyson, Davis, Snlay and Wager. Yoes. zone. zove2t: !one. 1ruslee hue :er staved that on Concord treat between _'-rand and ::1 :ic uihao venuas there is considera.uls fide MCL at the sides of the road, wnie_'. mi_:hZ be swe z into the center to overcome the condition caused b7 oil ap,De7il in` - 0- the _�-urface. 3y c-eneral consent -Uhle n s tr,,; o ' e d � o hav e t_,-e :na­­i: a'tei�,ded U,-. I U U U L. - UU_ UU s e c o i:l d e d S tae 3-L- s 0 L tilt t t il S ere- e je --,-.e * 7 -60 C.av e u Jholie insu. -- -e 111 L-e e s i a e U 1 2, 1 VD-Ue• L! -7 J -.Des: t I treet up r i t �U_ --stee so- ­ejorte-Q t f the 'er (I a, I 1I U z:; L 1 O_ riscliSSIDri. iu moved :inaer, ed b.. e C- 3 d j-7* St - ~' "Son, z--at- U-_ e �aet L� a Lk 1 3ti: 1 U e i 0 - i z ed U 0 i 1i �; r e a s e c 71 , D e:, s I'D Z 7 0 - a.,7 0 rd. Ul D cl C a 7 L Si1Ci v r vii 11) U 0 o,,)T -Lhe Y'O 11 O-c,, in vote. u C. - -.2 e 2: s e or, e • 7 c j -1a C'. e a D7 _'flos-uee S.-.,,ile-7 uhac, 5-,ie s 3. -6 e L)e jjast:e.,,Licted to d --ine -n` de-i7na-ze U_ U U e t e C-L U - -, - tl._ir ilecessL,r,-- U _L 1 0 so -2: a6 )3S_ i.)J_G 'C-0 )--e si Cll1C _U -a:,.,ce a,sired L­D': u_ ­ U- ai i- -. dai ai ice e o o 3 el- :.lee vi 7 J-0 -V- _--,irl of i le r S „i11 -1 -, Ll-u -,DY - -, - e a: o�- sen­ t-ie -6_.L_a-U )al-uil C-,_ lay ni e,, v j Was _C__ jOL e 'o. 117LL, 3. 2. milks, reuested the L 01 t 0 1: -L7 j_,' oil eve;.: 3 S aE;e U­ U "L.G- e 01 r1J'_LCA.:L1r1_.' soeca. Jer..iiSS�Sri ._ -hem -OroLi -ui,e MIO rent _Ll� e e rl L) o U1�7 d by U _.-accaciees, UI-Ie 1-11 on that riijht. By �eyjeral consent Such use vi,,s ayaprovea. - ,;a further business ap-pearin::- to be transacted a- U this Z_- session, it -was moved b '_ilrustlee Limiley, seconded by Trustee 3inder, lu-,-e -----,eetin- ad, ouril until the l3t"i-� 6a.-,T Of JILUY, 19.? 0, at 1 :00 o'clock 0 on. Carried. U_" e 2: -1 z, 6 JL a 6. •