1920 JUL 09 CC MIN::1 5e`mndo, Cal. July 9, 1920. An ad;jou-rned re_ afar L.eetinz� of the 3oard of of the City of -:,1 Se undo was called to order at 12:00 o' cloc z ::bon on tree above gate in the Oouiicil Chamber of the Ci- -:y _.ali 077- Carl ue _°er, 'resident of the Board. --rith. OLl, C --I ; _,L . 'r <steas _?resent. Davis, inder, Davi Dmilel and _:ue�fer. 2T.�stses :�oserlt: r- -son. 3;T ellarwl coilsent the re -velar order of busin:,ss was aispensed .,.OZreQ Gy i "lustee �aV1v, seconded oy trustee a:�:ile % 'u-hat the � ?esoluuion ue adopted: that `.lilliar.: Hun -er ord oe and he is hereLly a000inted to -�i­.e office. of L..arshal and traffic ifficer of the City of El SejTundo, to assn . e the duties of said offices moon the filir� ;7 and aooroval of the rec, fired bond. Said official shall receive as comtienstiorl in full for :_is services as :..Prshal the su-, of - 50.00 per :: --,Y_th until the further order of tl =1S 37c:T, and snail reCelZr aS GO =spell Su tiOl: lii full for his s_:rviees as _'raffic Jfficer the su..: of ; 90.00 .)er mo11u-h until the farther order of this 3oard, each of said salaries to be paid montf.ly as other city salaries are paid. He shall hold office aurin:- the pleasure of tr.is 3oard ". Carried by the follovrin:r vote: Ayes: 3ilider, Davis, jmile T and ?.ue�,er. ::oes:- i :one. absent: 3ryson. ?.'ffI:'.,s 3II,La. file follolrirl de! lands, Navin, been ay)proved bT% the Co:_l -Attee or; ��ina_l.ce and :records, were reed: uerald ?uulisr :ill Co. X70. :9 Standard Jil Co. 173.17 :. Orr 181.50 Total 427.90 :.:oved b;T Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Siuiley that the de. Lands oe allowed and warrants for samne draxrn ors the xernera.l Fund. Cs�rried by the follota irl� vote: :��Jes :. 3inder, De :7is,�ile�r and ,ae,-er. roes: :ne. _moo -ent: _3ryson. ...OVea u' _'rti-Stee iLiile;}T, seconded y _'rustee L) vis that the .:ee a add our'ra. Carried. 3es�oect uli7r suo::ztted, A2 A VO!,/, fid-if 116; _.j)jroved ; Cit, AA President. _:;' Dard of 'rus `,ee:;.