1920 JUL 07 CC MINE1 Segundo, Cal. July 7, 1920. n re- ular meetin- of the 3oard of 2rustees of the City of :11 Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock 2. I,:. on the above date in the Council Cha..:Der of the City hail, b,;T Carl E. ueyer, President of the E'-)ard. : :DLL C_ -11L. rt_stees ?resent: 3inaer, :Bryson, Davis, 5-_ :iley ane uezer. trustees ��bse :it: L. one he minutes o".' t_�e regular _ %eetin held on the 30th day of June, 19,0, were re °�d. iio errors or omissions a�pDearing, it was :.loved by 'ru" U — ile�T, sec onded by trustee Binder, that the _.inutes be approved as read. Carried. ':;r;I � I: Q 0 :.I Ti :I _11Oi .7. - 'he fDllovrin2 coramm nications were read and disposed of as indi cited : i,.oved by Trustee City :�agineer be and he �-radinz- to 6he official Lot 5 in to ck 94, and roadvray to file property of the cost of rernvin CD Davis, seconded by $rustee Binder that the is hereby instructed to estimate the cost of Grade that portion of Main Street in front of Lots 5 and o in 3lock 99, from the existinE, line and that the C"i ,y _;uaran cee payment of 30-" such earth. Carried by the following vote: dyes: 'Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, S ::iile,y- and Rueger. ..Des: L-'one. Abs er: t : i; one . -1. _13A. 3)O2 -h and others, a �oetition requesting " improvement in :.iaple .Ivenue betvreen "Iirzinia Street and :Bonita Vista .!-: enue. Loved by 2rustee Smiley I seconaed by Trustee Davis, that the follovrin_ llesolutiDn be adoloted: it al)p ears that certain resident:. and pro )er U. -/ oc hers of the City of R1 6e`undo are willinc, to .)ay certain moneys in the su:u of X189.60 into the Treasury oi t'r_e ;i of _'1,11 Se-undo, California, and into the tXeneral =sand thereof for the our-,ose of caus_n =; certain Street Improve.aents within said city to be made, and, said su : :, has been deposited with the Cit-- : lern of said City with instruction to pay the same into said = :e_,ieral ''u :�d v:_ ;o n the adoo �iorl of the lollo% ring: i701.1 That the Street 6uperiny,e, dent je and he is hereby w-L:_tho-rized and instructed to cause `U-he .)ortion of t-1--at Certain pu jlic street within the Li�O.�a'T, an ao �licatiDrl for ao�aointment to the }aosition of Cit:v �. :arshal. Ordered filed. i1 r 7. _ =� =ICY, reauestin� the heard to defray a portion of tine expense of removing surplus earth frog a portion of the east side of .=ain Street in front of lot 5 in -lock 94 and Lots 5 and 6 in Block 99. i,.oved by Trustee City :�agineer be and he �-radinz- to 6he official Lot 5 in to ck 94, and roadvray to file property of the cost of rernvin CD Davis, seconded by $rustee Binder that the is hereby instructed to estimate the cost of Grade that portion of Main Street in front of Lots 5 and o in 3lock 99, from the existinE, line and that the C"i ,y _;uaran cee payment of 30-" such earth. Carried by the following vote: dyes: 'Trustees 3inder, 3ryson, Davis, S ::iile,y- and Rueger. ..Des: L-'one. Abs er: t : i; one . -1. _13A. 3)O2 -h and others, a �oetition requesting " improvement in :.iaple .Ivenue betvreen "Iirzinia Street and :Bonita Vista .!-: enue. Loved by 2rustee Smiley I seconaed by Trustee Davis, that the follovrin_ llesolutiDn be adoloted: it al)p ears that certain resident:. and pro )er U. -/ oc hers of the City of R1 6e`undo are willinc, to .)ay certain moneys in the su:u of X189.60 into the Treasury oi t'r_e ;i of _'1,11 Se-undo, California, and into the tXeneral =sand thereof for the our-,ose of caus_n =; certain Street Improve.aents within said city to be made, and, said su : :, has been deposited with the Cit-- : lern of said City with instruction to pay the same into said = :e_,ieral ''u :�d v:_ ;o n the adoo �iorl of the lollo% ring: i701.1 That the Street 6uperiny,e, dent je and he is hereby w-L:_tho-rized and instructed to cause `U-he .)ortion of t-1--at Certain pu jlic street within the City of El Segundo, Cali -Iff.;rnia, known as 1.1aple Avenue, L lyinc-,, and being 'between 3onita Vista avenue and 7ir-inia street, to be i,_i-proved b,-,7 the construction therein o-f the -Follmvin- i.-aprovement, 2o be gfaded and covered with roat.- and oil In mann:_-'r as _IZ-,L-_ Avenue I-jas Carried oz- -uha followin-1, vote : _eyes: ' 2.ruste-_,s - inder, 33r.-;-sm, _.OeZ: 3 r E-, one. aria o,,-Ilers, a -0etuitio.-.i re,1--L,-esting an improveLient in Laile .Lveriue bet,,-ieen -�Onita Vista and -:1illcrest Avenues. ...owed by -ru-stee i)avis, seconaed by 2--rustee �-amile7T , that Ulde lollor:in_° .;e solution b_- adopted: it a-opear­ that certain resident: ana )ro )ert-,7' 0 1�_In e 2: s o -_­ th a �_ i �VT o...- _1 ae_,undo are will­ - 11 - in��, to .)av ert in ­one--, in .1 he su_:I Of 4193.35 into 'he _:reasur.-;- of the Cif.;- of �l Se`undof Cz:-iifornia, alld into -lLe :--leneral Fund thereof, for the - )urpose of -,id city causiii�- . certain street i -� _Jrove.,ens within s_� U3 )a .,,,a6e, and, said su.,i has oeen deposited with tul"Ie Ci'U.T,, a:-.,: of instructi)ii to ,Jay -uhe- s - ., 'le into sair-7, -,L-oon the ad O-o tim o-f the follol-iin:-: ,),Y , I - --- -D I _hat the :street 'De i here . in_­ oted - a o cause u -)-rt-or- of at certai-I." _-PUDlic wit--in street -he u ui- u orl-, i- as _' ._aj)le '.v�,nue of _�l Segundo, lying rd bein--­ _,et-.-:een 3onita ista and _H'illcrest, to _3-, the construction therein of the follo'uin_, i--T_0rO-7e_:eI2t, tu� -Wit: -';.. -Zock- and oil s7,--rface si-,,-.ilar to -GfLe i.,-ijDrove..;erLt made in 2al-.,, svenue between 3onita Viffta and zHillerest �-..-enuesll. Carried b.-7 --,he fobiloi-iin.-_' vote: .tw a s : 2,rustees 3inder, Davis, and.�Uezer. hoes: .one. Absent: i,*one. one. U1, ,ru�;'-ee tinder of a _-ublic 'i-or.Lzs Co...-,-,i-t-tae re-jorted '6-1-.at u u -0 -6'-e "far ,,-t it last re Ja u u u rular .,-,eetinL, -6he _ezi-ub o -:-, ::t "_ u eet )etitioned :_'or L, -6 Cxapalrr-, arid racoii.ienued tha- u --- ------ _­�11 �)-ureet -uj a po-in1c, L' -.74 _��ast of the ..t e r iT,7 V e I u -10 _aLI sure -G, and _ari_�Dsa to gal.% _iveiyoes, zo ar -,-on --ree-- -rjin 3 0 6 a IN U a anta _h:;-Lu u U _L u file�A On U_ tit _; -",D 1:0 v e d a 1-i u u Ir :i 0 r_ :,_n e Ot - _ -Jr oil 311-7 to ""in e ,Dv u�_ 2 i ri e tO Center ..;trz!e-U, Ori 6tre�t -fr o 'I --ain to -i uD 2a!,.:, On ai. -al- je denieu. e r; S �_ 0 !'1 G — J s a o,,- _s -3 r ­5 it u ceru��in reside. U., pit:- oe-,unao are u into a _e 0 _n �o ul Treas=7 of the lit:7 of El Segundo, California, and into the 7areral Tunt thereof, for the purpose of caasin7 certain street improve�ents within said c1t.-7 to le made, and, JH&H.KS, said sum has been deposited with the OiQ- Clerk of said 2ity -ith instr7ctionE to ga7 the same into said seneral land ugon the adogtion of the followin•: an K 115n:10: what the Ovreet Merintenaant j6 and he is nerajy instructed to the Oortion of that certain ju,jic sty; ,t .:it ,-• Z�_ MY of A! aelundo, California, knoun as Lariposa -ve=s, lyinZ and OSM OnWeen Lain Street and L oint 13b.74 feet Aast of the nastar!7 line of 2arn wreut, to _'�e JY the constractiin thezein of the f3lloa iii -_' ivj=ewadz, to-wit: in oil an, rDc, surface of sl"e characier as that Constructed in 2a1, ,,t of h,i.-n Street in saia Lit:-; also a similar iw;rovazent on that yorTion of 2anA Street in said W17, lyin, and jeipL •�etwe,j-_ Lari;Dsa and 2alm "venueWf Carried Q tne folloninZ vote: _�'T e S : -rus toe a Lin L a I, .17son 6'.ai ley and _-Cu_e joes: Zone. "Oseno: -One. no7od _y _zu tee ;._piieW, seconde, iT 11u6j,, ja7iop that the Mv !!arn De and Lo is heruiT insiruczaj to advise the Al oegundD hand !A9z3vvzaW C)ojanv that th.ir yetizions fox the of ertr c -Lin streets had jeer denied, said strims wain- antioEW in the retort of Kusoee 2inder, but that if they would fill revised putitions. requestins L - )rove;:,ent of Arena Street and Sheldon street, each between Pine and lariposa "venu�s, sn:__e would have their consideration. Carried by the following vote: 7 ..�7es: 2rnsta•s tinder, 3rysoL, oavis, Oziley and luejer. 7. oes: !one. "o rent : :One. Loved -y trustee Smiley, seconded wy Trustee Binder, that the street improveoents ordered this date be made in the order that the vetitiOub for sane Wdre filed with the zjard. Carried bj the followin�; vote: !yes: 2rustees tinder, 317sonl Davis, 6;_:ilej and hueier. goes: _:one. Absent: Zone. HIM., U2 �j2_CL_L she City _�tiorney rejortod. that as instructed, he had attended t__e naarin:: of the ayglication of tLe Pacific Welephone a 1—jao7 efore the .,O­,IiSSOL to retwin the Q.50 service C-syle now Oade OY thal juslic MOW; that the hearinz iroceeded for several hours and was continued to be conclude? in 4an 2ranoisco av a later aats, an, thav it was imposeiula to introduce any tesvi=W with rulard to the Lervice received in .1 Segundo, the charge Laue for S�._l, or the acquisition of a separate enchange for this city, as nothin_ nut Qe ratentiM of tne service connection charge was MW cinsidered. 'he Wt7 �Ljinwnr yr,we_ zed for the scroti•y of the 3oard a ara7irz 01 a seplic van, Eeco=snand by he 2uulic wervice Co,anrittee, and anplained briefly a few of the points incorporated in his specifications for the construction of these tanks. Io ob`ection to the elan or s,�ecific .lions bein noted, it was ,eneraI17 understood that the :;rty .inner rouiu �_ ^oceeu ;iti-_ the praDa-ration Of a nu,:ioer of copies o- 112 ` �..�' is — _:,l -'L .)I-- .�A;;:;. .red by rus-e; Smiley, seconder oy 1'r: - -stee .)a.-rs, T,r_w JrL r'_ i1Ce -3. 6Y/, ;iltrtl.ed : ... - i __ I_'_ DI ' . �:I ; ' ; :_: _. B . :i I�; r'Kci'T�D --� -r -- 7 T rri�_ I "I"Y c_ c!aS irtrod7.zced and read at a -re.,2? lar r_leetin_ o- the Board, held on .rig qtr: day 0y v'une, 1920, be adoyoted. Carried by the folloriin vote: y es: Trustees - ;index, 3r rson, Davis, and ---.aeger. oes: gone . absenU' ooe. i._oved by _'rustee Davis, seconded by Trustee binder, that the ..attar DIE a, oi.�t gent of a City ars _al ee uostponed until the next tir��e the _J 'i ccnver.es. Carrier:. .'he Btreet "u-- )erintended pointed out the necessit-: of an adri ti n:l Kira %Qr, i1 L at a Joillt oil 'Tir inia Street and i t was moved __ stee iley, seconded by 'trustee Drys >n, that the 1!'Al Se- ;•undJ i=tar Coi: )uny oe authori: ed and instructed to install a fire hydrant on 7ir ioia tree oet-Jeen balm and :..'aple ;-,..renue at a location im to be desi - nated bar the Street ,)uperintendent. Carried by the following vote: A,es: Trustees binder, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and hueger. goes: lone. .bsent: ,one. nirlis.r BILLS. L=oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by 'Trustee Bryson, that a warrant in the sum of = ,'J;T:T :: SAj .T� DODLAR;3, (:01470.00) ja.w, le to :.:rota Curtzrriler, Cit- i'reasurer, be drawn on the Bond Interest I eae:�i t i o . 11und, for the purpose of .)ayinL- accrued interest on the Iriprove..ei7t Bonds of the City or :1 ae -Lind o, as coupons representin_; the same are presented to the said City Treasurer. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: : l2he Cz; to l oerission to 0i1 an;r' 8 the :1Yt Uer ?aS be needeu w7- t the wit, Clerii 110ossible to Dancing Q Sao, ilavin� reou--sted of ;Llrkstee S:ziley use the City's piano at the _'ennis Court in the Standard Plant on 2riday, July 9th, in connection with a dance, c iscus6ed and it a.) ,earin­- that the instru .lent would he fraternal ord ,r vJrlo use the -uditoriu::i oil tl.at date, was instructed uo advise the applicant that it Mould be secure this ijiano. ':o further business ap?earin-,, to be presented at this �neetin`, it aas 1loved by '*_'rl_Stee JIIlilc4T, seconded by ruSvee Davis, that the Board as -ourn until 12:00 o' clod. loon, 2riday, July 9th, 192,'0. ::e.rried. espectfully submitted, oved : �, 2 y'_�sident, oard of rkstees. •