1920 JAN 16 CC MINSl Segmado; Cal:, Jan. 16th. 1920.
An adjourned reralaromrede�ing 1E:00 the o' clock noon on Trustees
theoabovs date,
El Segundo was called to President
in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, by Sydney R. Martin,
of the Board.
Trustees present: Bryson, Vandervort sad Martin.
Trustees absent: Ward, and Smiley.
Moved by of b�ne inesssbe,dispeneed with. that the
regular order
The following demands, having been approved by the Committee on
Finan.oe and Records, were read:
Bennett - Montgomery Hardware Coo $2.00
R. S. Anthony 4950
L. Gutysh 62.50
C. T. Ainsworth 22.00
R. Renoe
Arthur W. Cory $30.00
A. Miller 54.00
I. N. Sumner 48.00
J. Mandaville 16.00
Giambastiana Feed & 114.00
Fuel Co.
Total •
Moved al owed, and warrantscforesame d rawneonv that
demands be allowed,
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Bryson, Vandervort, and Martin.
Noes: None.
Absent: Smiley and Ward.
Moved by Trustee Vandervort; seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the
City Clerk be instrn.ctedthe 3treetsandhFirelDepasr 'tmenteeeat barrels
the storage of oils for cost not to
exceed $15.00. Carried borthe following• vote:
Ayes: Bryson,
Noes: None.
Absent: Smiley and Ward.
No further business appeasing, it was moved by Trustee Bryson, second-
ed by Trustee Vandervort,-that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
e ident Board o stees.