1920 DEC 22 CC MINA regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. L. on the above date in the Council Chai,iber of the City Hall-by Carl E. Rueger, President of the Board. I;OLL CALL. Trustees Present: Binder, Bryson, Lavis and Rueger. Trustees Absent: Smiley. �' IJG OF dINUTLS Or PRyVIJUS ,TIIGI - . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 15th day of December, 1920, were read without error or omission being noted. It was moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the minutes be approved as read. - Carried. Trustee Smiley ap)eared at the meeting and took his seat, the hour being 7:33 o'clock ?. Id. I. RITTL11J C0:111UNICATIONS. The following letters were read and disposed of as indicated: Louis La Rondelle, offering his services as musical director to-the City of &l Segundo. Ordered filed. P. i:. Gardner and several plurbers and pipe fitters, making recommendations for changes in the Plumbing Ordinance. Referred to the City Attorney for the preparation of. the necessary amending ordinance. The President advised the Board that during the week he had received three letters from the California State Committee on European Relief, seeking financial aid from this co..-munity. Ordered filed. ORAL CJI:MUNICATIONS. Ur, W. F. Walker stated to the Board that a Committee of members of the Maccabees and Rebekahs had requested him to complain to the Board about certain methods used by the janitor in cleaning the cuspidors. The matter was referred to the Public i1orks Committee for attention. None. None. Rte? ORTS OF STANDING COIZZTTLES. AEPORTS OF 62EC IAL C O1.11YIITTEr:5. UNF_NISHED BUSINESS. The City Clerk advised the Board that he had received from the Count? Clerk the contract between this city and the County for the employment of a Health Officer for the City of El Segundo, which contract had been approved by the Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County, and duly executed by the proper officers. The City Clerk a dvised that IVirs. Kessels of the Maccabees had informed him verbally that the Maccabees had taken the action necessary to relinquish the City Hall Auditorium on the night in any month which would be their fifth meeting night. PAYING BILKS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: P. A. Priamos Herald Publishing Co. Kalamazoo Loose Leaf Binder Company A. T. Miller Jantzen- Railsback Co. Blue Diamond Plaster Co. �15.00 48.65 .65 35.40 46.10 192.03 pacific Electric Railway Co. 111.09 De Lynn Smith 33.75 Clifford Peterson 15.75 Nathan H. Cherry 52.50 Win chel- 1derrill Rubber Co. 113.70 Total X664.62 Moved by `trustee Bryson, seconded b.-7 Trustee Binder, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the follow ng vote: Apes: 'Trustees Binde ;, Bryson, Davis, Smiley and Rueger. Noes: None. Absent: None. NEW BUZI11ES6. Trustee Smiley introduced Jrdinance No. 72. entitled: "All 0 ED Iii A[IC E Or THE CITY OF EL SEGUND J , CALIFORNIA, LSTABLISHIIIG THE GRADE OF A PORTION OF yiAPLE AVENUE WI THIii THE SAID CITY, BE'T''JEEN THE EASTERLY LINE OF 1AIN STF.r:ET AND THE WESTERLY LI111L OF J. H. FISHER'S SUB - DIVISION AS PaZ u:AU RECORDED IN 303K 22, PAGE 87 OF THE LUSCL LdN EJUS R :C CEDS OF LOS ATdGE 3S COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, Oil 21LE IN THE OFFICE OF THE R C ORDI�R OF SAID C OU TY" , which was read. Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance No. 73, entitled: "AN JRD II1A11 C E OF THE CITY CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PORTI011 OF 4YALIILTT AV�NUL CITY AND FIXING AND ESTA] LIlI S THEREON". which was read. OF ' S&GUNDJ, THE GRADE OF A WITHIN THE SAID 3LISHI1IG THE CURB Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance No. 74, entitled: "gall OP.DL'1AiICE 0? THE CITY 02 F:L 3,;GU:4DJ, CALI23,EiIIA, ESTPABLISHIIIG 2R& GRADE 02 A 2J1;,1'IJU J lLA :?LE AV t:U.: '►;ITHID THE 3:1.ID IT CITY, z�ilD 21__J.47 AID S' A3LISHIPG THE CURB LiillES THERzi:XT ", which was read. The matter of the employment of a night watchman was discussed. It appearing that an individual who was to ap ear and make aio-olication nor the appointment to the position had decided that he could not accept the same and there being no further applicants, it was decided by general consent that when the meeting adjourned, it would adjourn until Friday, the 24th day of December, 1920, at the hour of 12 :00 o'clock Noon to discuss this particular matter.in connection with the employment of a night watchman, it was decided that a time clock should be used and by general consent Trustee Smiley was requested to make an effort to borrow one from the Standard Oil Company and to ascertain, if possible the price of such a* device. Trustee Smiley stated that notwithstanding his referring the matter a number of times to the City Marshal, that the Traffic Ordinance was not being enforced. The matter was referred to the Public Safety Committee. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Bryson, that the meeting adjourn until Friday, the 24th day of December, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Aporoved: C-a,i FQJ President, Board o Trustees. C' lark.