1920 AUG 11 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. AuZ. 11, 1920. re._-c-lar of the Hoard of lrustaeE Of the jIZ7 01 -_L aelondo was called to order at WC o'cloc! A L. on the wove date ill the CoUncil Chazoer of the Gity !all, by Carl 2yesid.nt of the 3oard. howl I-M. Trurtess 211ssnt: ' -oil, 6 - . . i 1 a a -'I l: - I-rustess "Usent: 3inder and Javio. Whe -wiLutws of the ra 19209 wars rzad without ezro Ijustee -:ion, seconded j7 as reaS. Cwriied. jz1ay meetjn laid on ::i_.. 4t_i_ da,­ of r or omiMon beinS noted. __owed oy 2rustse Smile7, that the MiLutes be aVrOve- -he MI MI,-- weye read azd disyDwe& of as inuKawed: " ;etition from G, �, joickson und other6z -,.'.a i";yvv,,eRt o venue fyow .�= Street to a point 569 feet Anst of the sisteW17 line of shelsor Moat. Zoved by wrusten nr7s011, 5,jI,V, . haz the f3llowinZ hessinvion he ado zed. it appears that cep residents and jyogerty owneis of the Cit7 of :�l 6e_--tndo are willinS to pay certain m)neys in the su-..,. of X447.70 into the Wyeasur7 of the DAY of El legundD, California, and into the 0eneyal Mud the- ;of, for the purpose of causing certain street im2rove. eLts With L said city to be wade, ands su- has been deposited with zLe Cit- clerk of said City with instruction to a , '�T .� the sane into said jeneral fund upon the adoption of the following: zoo =132MP 30 12 nViLVED: that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the yortior. of that certain oublic street within the Cit.-,T of Ei Segundo, julifornia, known as uagle Ave., lying and beinV wetween ._Win Street to a joint 582 ft. last of the jasterly line of Sheldon Street, to oa ivyroved by the construction there- in of the to-wit: II: the same munner and ofsane chavactay as was used in i"yj:vozsnt of tanklin venue A said 107. InIliad Jy the f2lliwing vote; _;..:7 ,S 2rusteas Y =on, snicy.and Auevey- Loes: l One. "aEvnt: minder and Davis. n letter from the general Chanical that ;Lysuant to the invitation of this hoard of jruszees Q have thail !e)r!Ujnt0ti7a aq�war at a WeYal= _:eetinE in connecti n with tneir nAlicotion for th 310sinz of a oart of .�renue' thail 713e-2rosident iE at alon and that in event he leaves joutha= c,lifDinin before he might aygear at a regular eatin! Of of the Joard, II :. Dillon, to do so. -.- UI- e wou-,ld direct t-eir counsel, ;s. 0---dered filed. i -To�, L. -.-C,-2t,, -'.tt-or-,-e�, tu.-,-�e .C.L UU - - - . LI-L�� i. —L U o " : a t aa auto stage ca-i 3]: j 1, l f er---.- u t operate a U 0- j.L_ S o j7 nor service J. CL -ided 07- Ui-at the secoi Ove fO-f '- i- - o D r -u e U u so -.o. 22 S' s c- I CL 0 to ov ded be --ranted e 2. 0 a SL- L rates c3lidl �6 Of's a led t a L-Ind 2-1-- 2: U I e 27 EU b e t t0 e e e0 t 0 sl� c D ZU e Oe- 'CMUO 6-B f e D o t -- s o f U LL - Z�:- s -- 1 -; j .- 'I e -f3110WJ 11 Force 0- e-,,3 u .:dog Ued a-,:,.,ied 'u7 e U-z vote: -er. -ees e -\7 Irus t d S -Oes: one. li-111-�p I ­ � - - �Da7l- is. sa�lt • -- -U—�:b --nuer ar_� U the 2 -�u�;,,n.t to �-e,-"aast c) e U -el-I "a r U- tai. f e under date Y. - U-eiZ Co2l 6 - -0 - 3h, e 0 7. -Y Of U Liu ineer 16"l-Lat t a `il le rr: ep D r U U o- ary of the jenches it nor OVV h e d I o -7 did not care isjOse L L anticipate C;--" are 17 U U Ui !-A! as U 11. U U Lo,- -oeijj:-, used at iiis Se o t 11 a,-,, in the i �_ ea 1 1 Z ca 1: e u c 'u- e d t 0 0 0 1. u 11 i c a ' e -�;i i t h t 1, e 1 rj, e vi o j d U C"ity Clel�iz was I U i c e s 3 C tuz e 0 f c '6u ill as -U J �)te 'Zi d:Dze-', oenches. L + od LI�I-e . --ce ar- U , T T J- T -0--- of Ll -'-i e li S 7- il- 0 H e --,- a 1 d e S e r o -es, E, D77 e TT T I Ty -A, • C OD - - .171.30 1 2G .- ,a -Ll Jle c lia Z 9 . 2, 5 lN. 7 0 VuU.- -.-L_..ud- -- 27.77 L �w D. 100. Z=j 25 2 . 0 TT IT IT IT 2Z,. 6 7, t-- ty it C. 75 17. Oc 71.87 iiastruc-,,ed to for-s �:_ J C:06t -3 e:-ceed -1-7: 1 to be -as ed as p -rl a 1- CL J L7 to re ii:, &3.ld i:eco,-,,Lk w1leaa n � on E t a S 77S 01-1. U e S D n, e s- a s -��ad u It =s s-L, ___11' L 1 U U U- 7 S J . L 7 Z; -.D r 1 G u ul-a -u 7 L Jim Stds, D-Z T, e T e 3n als-- --ded the -Daint- 1*--Lzz,,, 0-- -V,-e 0 J a e -a L iz; ld_ D- ld -f) e U1 L� L'I U v e- the- wo-c, -Le Y.: E a- as v0 11 e a e I e 6 110 Z i s U --, a t U U U- it-, �d nz) :--s) U 0 U- Ul- U 0-, 1 Z-, -.1 1' L! P-I:L Le VI » C, 0u u C; 'D "a 'he 0:2 u �,D a ``: JjI, I 1, 3 1, o e, -7;- 0 -L. e veer, Or, 6--i ley a na ar 7 J, - S :)I' , SAC J 0 le. being Resolution No* 29, entitled: V S 2 be adopted. :Trustee ---,aile-T �,o. 69 entitled: 7 T - Ul- V T- 7 17aLs read. ::in - to De transacted at -w- is ..lee tiia- ;-> U s a c 011a El S -rusuee VIIELt th,- u .7 eCt :),T -�n Uee 6—i 1 e ded e e -u -*L n L 0;._r] -! vied. -.-L2 s-) e c U fu ll,,7 sn ..,ai tted