1920 AUG 04 CC MIN, 2- 1. ---,iSt 4 .;:,I 6------u-,--,do -11- La�- p If .L--,e -3oa2:J of ol o- �j u e s 0 -��-e au o-.". re --j-"ill u.L J'' 0-_- S D c. -:.,us—e- seconaecl a- 17, tae J -u IG e au T I C S LS J1 a. I'l Ci 10 z; to r 21:0; :, S adv I s u ul- L 4 !ia(.l ins j-ruoted t�'. i: t- u vl U'r attl7rllems. uo air o rc< ina---c e ^oriai i the, -paa7lZin---- of autoilobiles on t'Le wo&s-u 3oulevarld -bat,.ieen. -mil ;je unao and -I.-Linhattan 3each. urae--red filed. -- -�Ol� *.-all,:,--�, - . L� ('I ) 1-il )c , ,--dd::ess-d the -U.1-e u -UC U-CI:I,- 'I U u u - - U.- �Dard relat-ive o t- I-- e ad, t i b i - o�' eir llar -ractor to i -I' "Z?,C� D-77 EL- ' t j C " - =n i c se. e quoted ;:) -200.00 f . r) u h. e - :L u ij Zuon 103: 4- -C, sala )]:Ice o Q- d -' s c o -c i -'U y0r ca: 31i. e C 3 -u • U- -, i i t -6 e. SD u 0.- J11 eC' '.',DllerS 3 Ul u U: -U u C 7. D 0,--, -u 's v1 Vii Mlle Din, d- C t '_US ---Ce ID I C, u L! I ICU u e U ul.- S.j 0-,-, S L, - lu S E u .;ralls or J ce st i)e i7 -,.v -ale -S -r;6--- adjoining -'U---e -,L;.-' lroa,7, c 0 S 6 J I-- a and Arizona Wi7e, szotin !h"t t__ d "1 was a iotal of 450 yards of earth to oe m:-wd. 7ariouE .__v J_1 of tnlin _ care 3f this matter were discussai an! it . as moved b7 yrusiee Da7i5 , seconded jy 2ruatej Smiley, that the OW Enjimear be unG he is hereo7 instructed to confer with the Enginearing. DepaytAont of the Pacific _:leczfic Dailwu7 CDs any reSardinT this yra&MS, in an effort to enlist their aid in the matter a= to reuirt to the hoarV at a future neetinS. Carried. 2he Larshal ie2)rt&,t!az in the natter of collet' vii- do.- lice :se:, .e 0_- havinZ zone succeLs. "Dved 07 .=Kae Davis, sajonded jj KnMa jrysDn, that the follDwin� henolution be adopted: 1t ajyears that the basm inter�06 32 the bitj V .mil AY acjui2in ' a �Otorcvale for the :_se of the Mice js jar l.aEt, to je used Q the said nagaytnent for the regulation of traffic within the ,!it- of A_ jefunio, and, the terms of a certain lease eLter& invo Jhe Zlst daT of Latch, 1910, �o7 aK between the yl neyando Warage and the City of Al osjundoi said City is granted the 3; h o ti)n to -ourcase the ozora7cle heratofor,�; leased9 101, 2,702010H. of Trustees of elects to avail by tL� =cnase ✓0 I: IL—,. _)L-1.�.o: '.2hat the 3oard the jity of 31 egundo hereo.-,.- itself of the option granted of said motora7cle, and 32 12 2722H ER RAMMED. what the President of the Ward anC the M7 Clerk are hereon authorized and instrneted to draw a warrant on the leneral 2und in the sum -of M HWAHM EIIHOY-21YE & AD/100 (. 05.00) LULIaS, in full payment of same.' Carried Q the followinj vote: 17es: lrnstees 3indert nyson, Davis, 6:.)iley and -.,ueger. goes: Zone. lbsent: !one. 2 YI_ inin. 2he following denaLds, having had the ayVwDval of the Qo..._:itoee on 2ina•ce and lec=?s, were read: 1. 2. _�Msworth 75.00 M. Cendo 33.49 liller 32.50 00. Owl. Disinfectin. 00. 4.50 nZ701 55.74 Al aeTando Wrage M85.00 68.75 3. .. Vetherbee 72.00 65.80 jalter K. Litchell 100.00 _uAushe 66.0 dotal 902.17 loved b7 Wrustee Bryson, seconded by 1rusteo tinder, tnat' the Ennands w allowed and wayiaLts Grawn on the henexal wunu for same. tarried' oz the following vote: 2r-.,stees 3inder, 3rysjn, Davis, Smiley and aaezer. loes: !one. lbsent: lone. 3V ai=SS. the Clerk announced that t. e 2oley 'urniture Company, Los Anjeles, x „_ oted w .rice of 010.50 each for t:; elve pork benches, which it was suj ested�miSht be used in connection with the band stand. The Cle_i reported that the street superintendent was in need of fire hundred feet of rose. V general consent he was instructed to obtain prices on that cuar_ti of 1 -1/2” 'nose. the natter of the gractice or the City orderin=" and f].Lar!cins the purchase of rock for individuals in the Wt;i who sell building n.aterial, was discussed; following which it was _.:owed by Trustee smile y, seconded by `rustee Davis, that the practice of b 7inj roe.-: for resale to individuals be discontinued. Carried. _._owed by i r'as na Davis, seconded by 1rustee Umile! , that the _'__blie works Committee be and they are nereoy authorised and instructed to arrange for the extension of the sidewalk in front of the lot ad joinin., the City hall, so as to make t'r_�e same conform to the sideviall: i:irhediately� in ft on t Df the .:i tj :gall, at a cost not to exceed WE EUZWO w.1l ici.::6, ("100.00). Carried by the following vote: "7es: 1rusteqs ligder, aryson, ievis, Wiley and ;Des: :;one. L .. o • ._u:�er1 V 11G. the desirability ..r i _grovin.Z nich"ond atreet from `rand "venue to Al weg-.Ko _: venue Wish w y,er:.f..00OV," substantial pavement, was discuEsed ant the C 1..'rh instructed `;o endeavor to have the ,roper tj owners on suil street yresaLt W the hoard and Jetitioi , askin; for this improve - ..nnt, said _ stition to indicate the c__aruc ter of the improve_.fent preferred. It was moved oy O'-rustee Davis, seconded by Qrustee Wilay, that the M7 2nZ ineer be and he is hereb_ instructed to jrepare estimates for the i_ or ove_ ent of hi ch_ and :street between Brand and 11 6e undo _i.-enues, the construction therein of a concrete or macada.a 2o::,dwa7 , toget_er with the necessary curbs and sidewalks. Carried by the following vote: «; es: ::_ustees finder, Gryson, Davis, Smiley and au=ger. Zoes: hone. :absent: Oone. Trustee DaviS, for the information of the 3oard, announced that at a recent glee ling of a com2ittee from the Chamber of Commerce to consider the acgLisition of a telephone ana lire alarm teiegra2h system, the concens.:_s of opinion was that nothing additional in this line should e ac lr_i-red oy uhe M7 until aftsr there has been a substantial iL"_p-rove- "_:enl in the water supy. l;y . Uitj hginaer 3=7 an o:;_ncel that he z;ouiG like to absent hiaself for he period of . oo: t one weez a4d by general consent such absence was arni`u Ged . :D f _rther ousiness aygenrinj to be transacted a z this weetin ', it as ._ ovV sy _yastee :.::filet', seconded by _'ros the .Davis, that the me: tin_, adjourz. _' roveu : espec tfull- submitted,