1920 AUG 02 CC MINEA 1 3e U-1-1, d o P Cal. 1920.
.-zaetiri-_, of the of t1le
7,_ the
:it-1- 0--E, --'I 11� or,�, er ---- 7 :30 o cloc' on
Ju U_ u u
move "La--le il:., -U-I-La cj=r of the 0 1 _-Lu e e r
e s i -7 an - of file o P_ d
u u
,rustees Preser.-: -inder,
Davis and "u e
e r
llrusoees _x"jSen-: 3r,-, -son and j
_�it'w -'sent tlie SOL-'ir a��)Ooiiazed
.: ip-1111--1 aL w J
as pro tem, .lid he imz_-ediatel.y -proceeded to taj.:e uj the duties
of -L.-',-e _'Ier_.I.
1-1.3ved -dras'uee seconded b,- Irinstlee __)a-vis, 'U--.--a'u
siensed with. Ca:,::i ed .
_e 1- e lar o i a e r 3 f-' s i --,- e s e d-; i
'-e f �- 1-3.3-.7 LIzI* CO. : =I I I C a -V-i t "Ier e 1: e a Q a-i-ia a a. si? o 6 ed of as
u _-,eiief 7ire
i.- ea J-- tie 3 i nd e r s e c ond e a u, -::,.-u s t e e a -6
Ul u1i e
aE; elief _"ire nd th
sa..e is hereoy accepted; said resi.:�natuioia bein- effffecti-T,e from arid
af-u��r the -first dav of _2C. Carried.
1'--r1e ao.,)lications of L. D77er and '11arve:r 3. ".mite for
a'D-Qointinent to the -oositions of ;relief ---'ire La-ine Drivers. :Moved by
14 Davis, - E, Harvey
-fustee Binder, seconded o-,- 2rustee I)_bvis that _J. L. Dyer and h
'hie be anZ. th-e7- are 1-.ere o,-,- aDpointed Helief 2-ire En`ine Drivers
U -o duties irr.aediatel and to
.o. the i f El -�e;ruiado to assa._-�e their dut
receive as compensation in full for their services rendered as svtc . r-
3elief ---'ire :-ine Drivers the sum of Y'5.00 per month��cil the further.
-LO z D A
order of this 3oard, payable monthly as other city salaries are paid.
Carried bi the followin-• vote:
eyes: Trustees 3inder, Davis and Itue�er.
�.roes =Tone.
absent 11rustees _jr son ana Smiley.
...o -ed ov -'rustee :'index, seconded b7 '-'rustee Davis, that the
ffice of *_!relief --?ire En-ine :giver held bv, jyer, lue and the sa.'2e
4 �D _L "" u 9 0 r, r
_L.S, 1--ereo.-7 6eclare6 -vacant as of th'e -first da.v of st, 120. . a ried.
2.zYI-7-- 31TZL.
followii:. em-ands, havin,-,- 1-,F_d the _ajaroval of luj-'e
-,i. .:ice anu _-,ecorus w
were reaa:
-a a - - -r 1
1_.00 V
V for D
D. _.cOarth,-� 1
chard a
a-7, is 1
15.00 '
'.Alata Q
Qurtzwiier 2
2etei,- 3
3inder 1
13.00 C
Clyde '
'-.Yoodviorth 7
15.00 H
H. J. 3
3arber 2
15.00 r
rlar� g
green e en
_vF e
e 2
24.00 -
-Im. 3. U
U n:-,r e r -o r d 7
a I, e
e e n 1
18.00 .
.ohm J
J. 0i11iMan 1
5 �I'j 01 0 1
3r. E
wq qrp
1- dr, e r
,5 e Jn
3 e I d e n th 0 n-�
15.00 G. Oohir,-:,er .-.--,-,sic
60. CIO a e 00.00
.11 N.)
50.00 2 o t a 1 1043.05
175. CC;
C1e::i lids ...oved b-I _'rustuee _-iildex, seconded bt-�- Irustee -,-�_vis, t--at the
c)e allovi-d an� wa]:ral7-Gs -or sa,,e on t-
.,ri ed ov the `lloz;in_ 'Tote:
�.,e s and
S one
sent son and
v-a d b e e
U seconded b,7 _'rustee _-'irde-r, t--a-
u U.Cl e
ad- - ou_rn. married.
e )e, c V'.L Lk
-6 ,.Ii t -ul- e d
Elresident, 0 "fir tees.
u 33 o aal i: d