1920 APR 19 CC MINih"✓ - - -
tmf'� r r _�•'i'�•� y ''fi -,4 �i Rs.V ^L a �. , i._ 1. ' -y.yx:
E1 Segundo, Calif. April 19, 1920.
An adjourned regular meetin7 of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of
E1 Segundo was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P. Ir.-. on the above date in
the Council Chamber of the City Hall, by 17illiam C. Bryson, President of
the 3oard.
Trustees Present: Kessels, Smiley and 3ryson.
Trustees Absent: Vandervort and lard.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 14th day of April,
1920, were read. i10 errors or omissions appearing, it was moved oy
Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Kessels, that the minutes be approved
as read. Carried.
'he minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 16th day
of April, 19209 were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was
moved by Trustee aessels, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes
be approved as read. Carried.
It was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Kessels, that
the regular order of business be dispensed with. Carried.
The City Clerk reported that the returns of the Lunicipal Election
held in the City of El Segundo, California, on the 12th day of April,
1920, are now and have been in his possession in the envelopes containing
them in the same condition as when received and the City Clerk presented
said returns to the 3oard of Trustees at this meeting.
T�ioved by Trustee Kessels, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
3oard - proceed to canvass said returns. Carried.
Said motion having carried, the Board of Trustees then proceeded
forthwith to publicly examine and canvass said returns and upon the
completion of said canvass by said Board, it was moved-by Trustee
Kessels, seconded by trustee lard, (Trustee Ward appeared at the meeting
and took his seat durin the said canvass at the hour of 7 :20 o'clock
that the following Resolution be adopted:
111=R-IAS, a general municipal election was held and conducted
in the City of E1 Segundo, California, on Monday, the 12th day
of April, 1920, as required by law, and
71EcH,A3, it appears that n ,)tice of said election has been
duly and regularly given, that a voting precinct was properly
established, consisting of a consolidation of the regular
election precincts established for holding general State and
County elections within said City, which said election
precinct was known and designated as Consolidated Voting
precinct A, comprising State and County Precincts iaos. 1
and 2 and including the whole of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, the exterior boundaries of the said City as the
sa,ue now exist, bein7 fixed and established as the exterior
boundaries of said consolidated voting precinct A, and that
in all respecU-s said election was held and conducted, and the
votes cast thereat received and canvassed, and the returns
thereof made and declared in time, form and manner as re-
quired by the general laws of the State of California
governin elections in cities of the 31ifth and Sixth Classes,
the Board of Trustees of said City of yl Segundo
met at the Council Chamoe-r of the 3oard on 11onday, the 19th
day of Aril, 1920, to canvass the returns of said election
and to install the newly elected officers as a result of which,
the Board finds that the number of votes cast, the na.:es
of the persons voted for, and other matters required by
law, to be as hereinafter stated,
That said regular municipal election was held and con-
ducted in the City of E1 Segundo, California, on I;onday, the
12th day of April, 1920, in time, form and manner as required
by law;
That there was one voting precinct established for the
Purpose of holding said election, consisting of a con-
solidation of the regular election precincts established
for holding general State and County elections as follows:
Consolidated Voting Precinct A. comprising State and County
Precincts Nos. 1 and 2, and all territory included within
the present boundaries of said City of El Segundo;
That the whole number of votes cast at said election in said
City of El Segundo was 615;
That the names of the persons voted for, the offices for
which they were voted, the number of votes
given in said
precinct to each of said persons, together
with the whole
number of votes which they received in the
entire City of
E1 Segundo are as follows:
..a.mes of ?ersons Office Voted For
In Precinct
voted for
Peter E. Binder Trustee - Full Term
Richard F. Davis, " " "
Frank J. Kessels, " " "
Frank T -/. Norton., " " "
Alfred I:. Smiley, " "
Perry Vandervort, " " "
A. L. Smiley, " Short Term
Richard Davis, " TT "
Charley Chin,
Carl E. Rueger, " " "
D. C. Lewis, " TT TT
H. C. Hanna, " " "
Victor D. it:cCarthy, City Clerk
Samuel H. Tainter, " "
Lirs. Uinta Curtzwiler, " Treasurer,
James E. Howell, " "
That at said election the following proposition was voted
upon, and the number of votes given in said
precinct and in
the whole City of E1 Se`-undo both for and against the same
are as follows:
"Shall each member of the Board of In
Urecinct Total
Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, receive the sum of Fifteen
Dollars, (;"15.00) per month hereafter Yes
ldo Yes
as compensation for his services as
such member of the 3oard of Trustees
of said City ?" 362
88 362
That each vote indicated as voting "Yes" upon said proposition
shall be counted in favor of or for said proposition, and that
each vote indicated as vozin_; "ilo" upon said proposition, shall
be considered as a vote not in favor of and against the said
ESOLTED THEREPORE, that at such general municipal election,
Peter E. Binder was elected to the office of iv:ember of the Board
of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, for the full
ter---,s of amour ,years;
That Richard F. Davis was elected -to the office of ::ember of
the Board of Trustees of said City of E1 Segundo for the full
term of four ,years; .
Also that Alfred L:. Smiley was elected to the office of- _..ember
of the Board of Trustees of said City- of ,mil Se2Mundo for the full
term of four years;
Also that Carl E. Rueger was elected to the office of :.iember
of the Board of Trustees of said City of .-1 Segundo for the short
term of two years;
Also that Victor D. -LdcCarthy was elected to the office of Clem
of said City of E1 Segundo, California, for the term of four years;
Also that s s. Linta Curtzwiler was elected to the office of
Treasurer of the City of E1 Segundo, California, for the term of
four ,years, and
BE' 12 3'URTH-1M SOLVED that as a result of said election, the
following proposition was adopted, to -wit:
"Shall each member of the 3oard of
Trustees of the City of El Segundo,
California, receive the sum of 3ifteen
Dollars, (;;15.00) per mionth hereafter
as compensation for his services as
such member of the Board of Trustees
of said City ?"
and that hereafter each member of the Board of Trustees of said City
of E1 Segundo, California, shall receive said suer, of 915.00 per month
as compensation for his services as such member of the 3oard of
Trustees of said City as provided in Section 855 of Act 2348 of the
General Laws of the State of California.
A:'D BE IT 41URTH_-,"_P R�SOLV.::-JD that the City Clerk shall enter on
the records of the Board of Trustees a statement of the result of
the election showing:
(1) The whole number of votes cast in said City of El Segundo.
(2) The navies of the persons voted for;
(3) The office which each person Baas voted for;
(4) The nuiiber of votes given at each -- orecinct to each of
such persons, and
(5) The number of votes -•iven in said city to each of
such persons.
that the Clerk shall im..ediately
:Naze and deliver to each of such persons so elected, .a certificate
of -election signed by hi:o and duly authenticated; he shall also
iujose the constitutional oath of office and have them suoscribe
thereto, whereu -pon the5r small be inducted into the respective
offices to which they have been elected."
The motion to ado ,t the fore -oing resolution was carried
unanimous)-I- by the vote shown in the following certific� -.te of the
Cler_:, to -1 =fit:
I, the undersigned, hereb:- certify that the fore --oin: resolution
',.'as duly and legal);.- introduced and adopted by the Board of Trustees
' i t + ' "-
of the City of El Segundo, California, at a regular meeting of said j
Board held on Kpril 19th, 1920, and that.the same was adopted by-
the following vote, to -wit:
AYES: Trustees, i:essels, Smiley, 'Jard and 3ryson.
idOL3 :
,= 36Ei41 : Nand ervo rt.
In testimony whereof* I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
theofficial seal of said" Cit�,r of -1 Se -undo, California, tLis 19th
day ofril, 1920.
City Clergy, o �� �;.- �rundo.
'-2.rLe oath of office was imnediatelyy ad.Anistered to each of
the newly elected officers; the said memuers elect of the 3oard of
trustees toot' their .)laces and the retiring members retired, and
the -oard of 11rustees as constituted proceeded forthwith to orzanize
b:, electin - its resident. Upon ballot duly had by the said members
of the _�,oa-rd of Trustees, 2rustae Carl = aeger was chosen as
resiae It of the 3oard acid ir::mediatel~v assu;: :ed the duties of his
_ o -further ausi.hess aDoearili__>• to ue transacted at this eetinT,
it w -s : -:ovod oT- 'rustee a: iiey, seconded b,- Trustee 3r,Tsoi, that
the :leeti,� adjourn. Carried.
3es )eetfully submitted,
_�D- proved :
?resident, 3oard of Tru ens.
Ci r%