1920 APR 07 CC MINO..L C=.:1u. �'j eeS 2rcSent: _--s tees _;eS; elH , ndervort c3 i_4 Trustees gib s en t: = rastees :;rile;- and .lard. rife minutes of the regular ..meetirl� held or. the 01st da-- of 1920, were read. i4o errors or omissions a oesrin,, it ,ras mo-ad b - Irustee Vandery ort, seconded b:J ',�rusteE Wessels, that the rnii.__te Oe a- D- oro-'ed as read. Carried. V0., ..'i�ICll �I , n:. The following coimuunications mere read and disposed or as indicated: h letter from. C1,-de :1ooi:= north, being an opinion Sri t h reference to y�e�::;ittil. ; vetera�is or tl e to t �rwr to peddle rriti:in fife Ci+ of -1 ° ; _ �CiO '.7vti: out - Jayiia 11 Ce,15 . -wee as rec aired oy Ordir: t ce V -.'0. lam. It wyc_�earin 7 t ia.t such veterans are got exempt by State ywrr, ti_e letter was ordered filed and the City Attorney instructed to draft ar. r iieiadment to said Ordinance, tirihich mould permit the issuing of an exempt license to every _ honorably discharged soldier, sailor, or marine, wiio is physically unaole to obt_.in a livelihood b;; manual labor. 1 L • peti �i n from _:. o. Joster and others, requesting improve - ment of line 41ve. , from ;hitinT to soma ista Street. ,.oveG b.-;- trustee 74ndervort, seconded by Irustee :vessels, that the followin;; resolution be adopted: It appears that certain residents and property owners of the City of El Segundo are willing to pay certain r�,one-- in the 3uml of N82.80 into the Treasury of the Cut :, - of iJl .�e :_rido, Calilorihia, and into the ;Teneral -'urd thereof, for the �Qurpose of causing certain street improvements within said cityvto be made, and, lit= _ui.nu, said sum has been deposited with the City Cleri. of said City with in- struction to _pay- the same into said seneral rand upon he adopting of the following: i iL.,.: � ,D_ :.�, LE Il r,�:�,�L �.: That the Street Superintendent be and he is hereb - instructed to cause the - portio- of t at certain i.)ublic street within the Cit % oi' 1 6e,-,k -.do , Cz lifornia, known as pine Ave. , l;; in- and being bet,:reen hitin;_ and Loma Vista Street, to be improved by the con - struction therein of the following improve:ent, to -wit: An improve;rent similar to that con- stri =cted in ',,ritinz ;street, betr:een2ine and .:ariposa. Avenues ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: iLessels, 7andervort and ;Tyson. goes: none. Absent: Smile r and '.lard. y +d yl Se ando, Cal. April 7, 1920. A regular raeetin of the 3oard of :i'rastees of the City of t Segundo was calle- to order at 7 :30 o' clocr; 2. i,.. or, the aoove date in the Council Cha::;;er of the Cit-v call by :lilliarr C. 3r-son, 2resident of the 3oard. O..L C=.:1u. �'j eeS 2rcSent: _--s tees _;eS; elH , ndervort c3 i_4 Trustees gib s en t: = rastees :;rile;- and .lard. rife minutes of the regular ..meetirl� held or. the 01st da-- of 1920, were read. i4o errors or omissions a oesrin,, it ,ras mo-ad b - Irustee Vandery ort, seconded b:J ',�rusteE Wessels, that the rnii.__te Oe a- D- oro-'ed as read. Carried. V0., ..'i�ICll �I , n:. The following coimuunications mere read and disposed or as indicated: h letter from. C1,-de :1ooi:= north, being an opinion Sri t h reference to y�e�::;ittil. ; vetera�is or tl e to t �rwr to peddle rriti:in fife Ci+ of -1 ° ; _ �CiO '.7vti: out - Jayiia 11 Ce,15 . -wee as rec aired oy Ordir: t ce V -.'0. lam. It wyc_�earin 7 t ia.t such veterans are got exempt by State ywrr, ti_e letter was ordered filed and the City Attorney instructed to draft ar. r iieiadment to said Ordinance, tirihich mould permit the issuing of an exempt license to every _ honorably discharged soldier, sailor, or marine, wiio is physically unaole to obt_.in a livelihood b;; manual labor. 1 L • peti �i n from _:. o. Joster and others, requesting improve - ment of line 41ve. , from ;hitinT to soma ista Street. ,.oveG b.-;- trustee 74ndervort, seconded by Irustee :vessels, that the followin;; resolution be adopted: It appears that certain residents and property owners of the City of El Segundo are willing to pay certain r�,one-- in the 3uml of N82.80 into the Treasury of the Cut :, - of iJl .�e :_rido, Calilorihia, and into the ;Teneral -'urd thereof, for the �Qurpose of causing certain street improvements within said cityvto be made, and, lit= _ui.nu, said sum has been deposited with the City Cleri. of said City with in- struction to _pay- the same into said seneral rand upon he adopting of the following: i iL.,.: � ,D_ :.�, LE Il r,�:�,�L �.: That the Street Superintendent be and he is hereb - instructed to cause the - portio- of t at certain i.)ublic street within the Cit % oi' 1 6e,-,k -.do , Cz lifornia, known as pine Ave. , l;; in- and being bet,:reen hitin;_ and Loma Vista Street, to be improved by the con - struction therein of the following improve:ent, to -wit: An improve;rent similar to that con- stri =cted in ',,ritinz ;street, betr:een2ine and .:ariposa. Avenues ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: iLessels, 7andervort and ;Tyson. goes: none. Absent: Smile r and '.lard. None. None. ORAL COIZ, JATICATIOIrS. 1.i r t... T, ti n -2,I r, c y l l�i. J.% .1 lx �/ �..au— I 1 1 1 J • �03i': 0- S?r:CIIiI, •V°1$__ s The City attorney, having Heretofore been requested to represent the citizens of El Segundo before the Railroad Commission in the matter of the application of the 1 Segundo .rater Company to increase its rates within the City- of E1 Segundo, reported that the hearing was held the 6th day of April, 1920, and that considerable testimony was presented by both the ;Dater Company and the consumers and that he believed the consumers did receive a fair opportunity to present their case. Ee also reported that the City Engineer was present and attended throughout the hearing. 1uestioned as to the time a. decision might be rendered, he stated that the matter was entirely up to the railroad Commission and that a decision might be given in three weeks and -possibly not for three months. UINITINISH1,LD BUSIITESS. I:oved by Trustee V andervort, seconded by `l'rustee Kessels, that the following resolution be adopted: ; SOLVED, That the City ILarshal, Clark S. Green, be and he is hereby appointed Motorcycle Officer for the City of E1 Segundo in addition to his duties as City 1.1arshal, to assume his office as such Motorcycle Officer on or about the 10th day of April, 1920, and until the further order of this Board. As such Motorcycle Officer he is hereby instructed to ride the motorcycle of the City of E1 Segundo on the public streets of the said city for the purpose of intercepting violators of the Motor Vehicle Laws four hours per day and to receive as compensation in full for his services as such motorcycle officer, the sum of 75� per hour." Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Kessels, Vandervort and Bryson, Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and '.'lard. The question of approving the grade on Virginia Street as suggested by the City Engineer was discussed and by general consent action was deferred thereon for one week. PAYIIG BILLS. The following demands, approved b:; the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Southern Cal. Edison Co. John J. Gilligan Victor D. McCarthy Southwest Bldr. c Contractor Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. So. Cal. Edison Co. G. Schirmer 1 -usic Stores C. 2. Burner C. W. Stevens 112.15 So. Cal. Edison Co. 1.13 5100 So. " ►f IT 31.44 13.55 So. " Disinfecting Co. 2.85 5.10 D. C. Lewis 20.00 9153 Union Rock Co. 227.08 13.79 Union Rock Co. 214.69 7.10 Pac. Elec, Ry. Co. 25.72 25.00 if ►► ►► " 27.08 175.00 E. V. Collier 9.40 Total 0926.11 r rt a 7/�r'+F- .._ - 01 . Moved by Trustee Vandervort, seoonded by Trustee Kessels, that the Demands be allowed and Warrants for same drawn on the General Fund. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Kessels, Vandervort and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and Ward. NEU BUSINESS. Trustee Vandervort drew attention to repairs needed on E1 Segundo Avenue, between Arizona Drive and Inglewood - Redondo Blvd., stating that the Street Superintendent had suggested the use of concrete in a portion of the roadway which is giving trouble and will continue to do so. Following discussion engaged in by the members of the Board, the Street Superintendent and the City Zngineer, by -eneral consent the matter was referred to the Public Vlorks Committee for report as to the cost of concreting this particular section and the Street Superintendent was instructed to patch the road so as to make it passable until such time as definite action is taken on the character of permanent improvement desired. - Trustees Vandervort and Kessels stated that they had received complaints that weeds and tall grass in parkings on several streets are an annoyance to pedestrians. By general consent it was decided that the Street Superintendent arrange for the removal of these weeds from the edges of sidewalks where they are most troublesome, pending their being entirely removed or mowed down throughout the city at some future date. Trustee Vandervort reported that he had been informed that the Foundation Company is charging their employees a fee of 25¢ per day for parking automobiles in vacant lots opposite their offices, which have been arranged for parking purposes and suggested that the Idarshal look into the matter with a view to collecting proper license fee if the report is found correct. Trustee Vandervort reported that the alley between Sheldon and Fenn Streets, near L1 Segundo Avenue, was in a condition making it difficult for the passage of vehicles, owing to certain debris having been placed in said alley while El Segundo Avenue was in process of building. The Street Superintendent was instructed to remedy the con- dition. The City Engineer reported that when collecting data for use before the Railroad Commission, he had discovered a number of fire hydrants not in working order and another few of apparently no value to the City of El Segundo. The City Clerk was instructed to communicate with the El Segundo Water Company, requesting that the hydrants not in proper condition be immediately made serviceable. Moved by Trustee Kessels, seconded by 'Trustee Vandervort, that the _Hire Chief be and he is hereby granted permission to procure the necessary fixtures and appliances for electric lights in the A,�usement Room of the El Segundo Volunteer Fire Department at a cost not to exceed X10.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Zessels, Vandervort and Bryson. idoes: None. Absent: Trustees Smiley and ?'lard. 1doved by Trustee Kessels, seconded by Trustee Vandervort, that the following resolution be adopted: n:_,SOLV?,L, That the tenant in the premises at 11o. 205 ichmond Street, in the City of yl Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, owned by the said city of F1 Segundo, be required to yield up poss #scion of the said premises on the 1st day of June, 1920, and that the City Clerk of the City of E1 Segundo be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the 0110W g notice to 'be given 'the Said tenanOF t in writing, forthwith, to -wit: 'To E. 0, Lewis, Tenant in Possession: You will please take notice that the City of E1 Segundo, pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Trustees, of said city, passed on the 7th day of April, 1920, will require you to yield up possession of the premises now occupied by you, belonging to said City, to-wit: The small office building, situated at No. 205 Richmond Street, in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and of which you now hold possession. You are further notified that should you continue to occupy the said premises after the said 1st day of June, 1920, you will be a tenant by sufferance only and the rental after the said 1st day of June, 1920, will be the sum of X75.00 monthly, payable in advance. Possession of said premises may be so y said Cit ielded up to the City Clerk of the City of P.1 Segundo at his office in the City fia11 of City. Dated this 8th day of April, 1920. By order of the Board of Trustees of said City. Signed: Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk." Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Kessels, Vandervort and Bryson. "Toes: None. Absent: Smiley and Ward. The City Clerk reported that one of the globes on the street lights at �l Segundo Avenue and the Inglewood- Redondo Blvd. had been bro %en by boys during the past week and suggested that a galvanized Aire screen of small mesh be placed around these globes. The matter was referred to the Public idorks Committee. No further business appearing, it was moved by Trustee Vandervort, seconded by Trustee Kessels,.that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: `i President, Board of T stees. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.