1919 MAR 19 CC MINRegular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo
was called to order at 7:30 o'clock ?. L:. on the above date, in the Coun-
cil Chamber of the City Hall, by Carl Ernest Rueaer, ?resident of the
Trustees present: Bryson, Ward, '.fork, and Rueter.
Trustees a--sent: Ijartiu.
_3� IOl- l y ill
The minutes of the regular meetin held on the 12th day of - Larch, 1915
viere read without error or o mission being noted, -nd it was moved by Trus-
tee .lard, seconded by Trustee 3ryson, that the La_ie be d_ooroved as read.
The minutes of the Special meetin meld on the 17th day o� yiyarch, 1919,
were read. lio errors or omissions beinM noted, it was :roved by i.'rustee
Bryson, seconded by Trustee '.lard, that the sable be approved as read.
ilRIT2EIL CO_.1:uiilC_y_IOyi .
The follo,.linz co..:munications were -read:
Fron Senator Charles `:;. Lyon annou�icin his o )position to tike passage
of 'sse :, -bl77 -ill 0. 439, and his intention to uo-rk for its defeat.
�ror; xrif=in, who insiected uhe theatre ouilain at the request of
Trk: tee iorr�. stati�h� t:_at in his o) nio the building is none to sale to
withstarid a story.:, and recoiii; endin- cert:�in measures to insure more safety
durin- brief temporary occupancy.
?rou the 3oiler-maker's union requesting _)er .ission to rent the audit -
o riu.m on certain Vlednesday ni �hts .
7rom the ?aciLic _'elephone 'eleg•raph Co. statin�> that the matter of
installation of a public lon_7 distance tele-ohone in the City Lall would
t.::ve i=ediate attention, Loll3,, ed by another a few
from C. y. Rueger, tenderin_; his resignation as a member of the
jo_xd of .'rustees.
:.loved by Trustee 3rpson, seconded by Trustee '.lard, tilat the commun-
ic_otions oe filed. Carrie_.
OR__L 0J_.y�u_ _. IC-11`ilu_iS.
3 reo-resentative of the American La - 'rance -. ,'ire ,n-ine Co a-y address-
ed the .:bard relative to fire a-ijaratus, quoting ; 295G.U0 net or equipyain
the che_ :iic� :l .:a -on with a "Junior'' our:_p, ana a�_in oac_c the tv o present
tan s .
rs. =o,�e recae;ted t_a� i= yoossib -�e, on :e action be �.aen to do array
::ith w do-° Lich rad bitten he_•• c .ild and seve_•:,.1 oti:er Cilildreii. The City
itT,OrY.,e v aQ � is ed t hu he o.. redress rro , 1 De civil aet10i; Oil the `dart
ti.e in j i_re d
ITS; - I� :ISJ 3I� :S.
she -it�T _ tt_�rihe: reported trwt it o,,,. be ciesira�le to have tl_e
Dresent another -)etition regardin3 the aiariel:ation
of cart:u i__ of their .)r0 )ert: to .1 ae ando, and made certain rec0uiaend-
ations as to the desired ch_,n�es.
i'he City Clem reported t -�iat the friction lays had been rec�ived,
and -., ere beil� :_ i_stalled on -L,iha tra :sours in tihe audit oriur.�.
The 'resident a_ pounced that rye and Trastee '.fork had attended the
meeting of the Venice Chamber of Co�:_erce meeting on Saturday, L- -arch 15th
toYether with other citizens of E1 Secnzndo, and that an o-r7anization had
been formed for the purpose of combattinz the efforts of the City of Los
_.n?eles to annex beach cities.
Moved_•by Trustee Work, seconded -by
orium of the City Hall be rented to the'
iVednesday night co=mcncing April second,
of X7.50 per month. The motion carried.
Boilermaker's union every other
1919, on a month to month basis
The letter and recommendations of 1 -r. I:L. sriffin relative to the
Theater 3u ldin., .,ere discussed and the -�Iuildin: Inspector instructed to
request the occupant to have a door cut into the north 'Tall of the build-
ing in front of the stage, with a run -way properly protected, running
into the adjoininz vacant lot.
The 3oard expressed the desire t >wt the ?resideyt wi ti.draz, his res-
ignation, and it was moved by Trustee :fork, seconded by 2ra stee i,iard,
that action on the sa ae be po stpo--.ed for two viee:-L-.s. Carried.
she follocrin_; de;l.nds havin. had the a))roval of the CoLii, -ittee on
",iihance and records, were read:
Burroughs Ad:-ing 1.1achine Co.
?acific Telephone L Tel Co.
Sennett I.lontgoraery Hdw. C;.
I:lrs. C. C. Beard
-:�1 Sexando '. -later Co.
1. J. Lewis
Crimes Stass_'orth Staty. Co.
J. S. Orr
_. Creen
L. _. Smith
J. L. Green
C. Turner
Standard Oil Co.
Standard Oil Co.
Bush L rurlbert
-'ac ifi c oc Cravel Co .
Total 4 598.58
-.roved b T `12n stee '.lard, seconded by l'rustee - ryson, that the demands
be alloiied, wnd warrants for sa_r:e dratirn on the seneral �'and. Carried by
the fo llo�iin vote :
Tes: Trustees rT- `_.+on, ',lard, Flork, and Rue ~er.
_roes. :one.
absent: Trustee laartin.
Trustee Rueger stated that as a result of the recent fire, condier-
able broken glass was strewn over the sidewalks and on the surface of
Richmond Street. The Street Committee authorised the Street Superintend-
ent to notify the contractor making repairs to remove the glass from the
sidewalk., and to have his men clean u -o the street.
The President stated that he had reauested the Automobile Club to
furnish a "Dann -erous Corner" sign ;or use on E1 Se---undo Avenue near Rich -
mond St.
:coved by TrL? stee Work, seconded by Tra stee Ward, that the following
resolution be adopted:
;3J'1By, teat from and after the first day of April, 1919, and until
the further oiler of this 3oard, - . 2. Davis shall receive as compensation
in full for his services as __ealth Officer, the sum of :15.00 per month,
-oaya :le raontl-,ly as other city salwries are payable. Carried by the follow -
in- vote:
Ares: Trustees 3rysoi:, lard, 'dork, and _Rueter.
;Toes: done.
Absent: Trustee
The ?_ esi dent re- ported that -' . ._etcalf of I►laripo sa Avenue had com-
- p1-. :iued about sand in front of his premises, and that L. Borden had cora-
-1_ :i_.ed of the condition of the alley East of Concord Street between Grand
and -,1ran-111in ,'venues. The matter .-ias referred to the Street Committee.
The City Clerk reported ,:h .t ..-r. 'J. -:s. ?hillips had cor:,plained that
storm waters had da..ha =,•ed his property, and he requested some action if
possible to -p re v ent a repi tition of the trouble. The matter was referred
o the Street Co : -=ttee a-_ter the City Attorney advised that the natural
course of storm waters could not be chan ed so as to dam -D-e another ) erson.
The City Clerk reported that the drinking fountain in the Auditorium
lobby was lea in7. The ?resident stated that he mould send a ,mn over to
re-cair the sa_iie on '- Ihursd -:v.
The City Cler7 announced his need of ?lumbin7
Trustee 3ryson, seconded by lruEtee I ork, tunat the
ed to order 250 21umbin7 oe-rn:its indu-alicate, at a
Carried by the follo,� ink vote:
Ayes: Trustees 3ryson, Ward, V7ork, anc u
, lone.
Absent: Tra stee Lartin.
2er:..its. ..oved by
City Clerk be instruct-
cost not to exceed ;5.00.
E) 7er.
i o further business a- ppearinf,, it was moved b,; i�rustee '.Jard, second-
ed by Trustee '.;or_�, that the meetin ad "ourn. Carried.
Respectfull:,T submitted,
,l / /
.Loproved :
?resident 3oard or Trust es.