1919 MAR 17 CC MIN;:e7rando, Cal. , '_.:arch 17th, n soec,-.y r: eeti_'1 cf the 3oard of r_'n stecc was held on the a b- e dote �n the Co��nc_1 Cha:.:ber o_ the "it,T _'wll, y��ss:_eza to cal-' o- the - 'r�side�,t and no tics d`;17 siren ear'r_ Trntstee of Said i'"" o_ t:,e ldinT of s'.id meet- -- -- rmer iJro-'i ded b" lavr, bei,; t 1-der at 1 ..: 0 ClOC_. b-' Cw_l �r_:est _. ?e_ -:�, �r �_de -.y o_ _:o_.rd. ir;:_stee ".:orl, was a-�eoint- rrl11 i4 '- o y U1 1 V JJJ ii�_i• n- steeti -- n -Etees _'e--ed by 1r'ustee 3M�s�n, seconder b77 'lr stee I.- artin, the rezalar order of b siness be dispensed ,_- th. Carried. 'r:-^t Eeco.�7de� b^ r:stee or- , that t],e , i1din- to issue a b or-i or the reo, it of a one �S ?'t_ t L ldin on tie Zast side c-c' �ichmond 3t. bet�:een 1 Sendo d =_ ey=es, as per the W_ >� licatior. for s.-ch oer=..it on file in the cf_iCe of the Ins= e ^tor. Carried b,- the fol10 ;f1n,- Z'ote: in-, ;,e o_., rti-L_, ors, and _.- eke_'• a ri _ ;': - ;e _ b rtii , seconded t- t tl- - ant­n- f— r =. Carried. ?esoectfta s _batted, City Clerk pro tem. - :; uroti ed O_aA president hoard o_ mr,_ste